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Alumni Support research and education Groningen University Fund Prijzen en penningen GUF-100 prizes

Tabio Romanski

Campus Fryslân

Tabio Romanski is a third-year Bachelor's student of the degree programme in Global Responsibility and Leadership. During his studies, he has developed into an excellent student who feels completely at home at the intersection of two scientific disciplines, namely public administration and data science. He is rightly convinced that good administrative decisions should be based on adequately applied underlying data and that complex societal problems should be approached from different disciplinary angles. He intends to apply what he has learned in his studies to tackle the major societal problem of social inequality. Tabio has achieved solid academic results, but is also very active outside his studies. He has taken on several student assistantships and volunteers in various societally relevant committees and organizations. What he has learned in his studies in the field of data science, he also applies outside his studies. Tabio delivered a convincing pitch and the jury was particularly impressed by the ease with which he was able to further express his ideas in the debate.

Tabio Romanski
Tabio Romanski
Last modified:25 August 2022 11.17 a.m.
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