Diversity Week 2024
From 30 September to 4 October, the UG will be holding Diversity Week 2024. Students and staff are invited to attend our many events happening this week.
The purpose of Diversity Week is to raise awareness about diversity and inclusion at the UG, build student and staff skills related to diversity and inclusion, and celebrate diversity!

Programme of activities
Below is our programme of activities.
Several events require registration in advance. Some events have a maximum capacity, so reserve your spot today!
We try to ensure our events are accessible to all. If you have any questions related to accessibility, please feel free to send us an email at diversity rug.nl. For the addresses and accessibility information of UG buildings, please see this website.
Monday 30 September
9:30-12:30 Opening Event: Rector Magnificus, Storytelling, and Breakout Sessions
Opening Event: Rector Magnificus, Storytelling, and Breakout Sessions
Join us for an Opening Event to start Diversity Week! Attend this event to hear moving stories from members of the UG community, hear our Rector’s perspective on D&I, connect over coffee, and be inspired to make our University a more inclusive place.
Event Highlights:
9:30-10:00: Warm welcome by the D&I Office and a speech by Rector Magnificus Jacquelien Scherpen
10:00-10:45: Inspiring storytelling session featuring members of the UG community sharing personal experiences of inclusion and exclusion at the University + presentations of student projects on diversity and inclusion
10:45-11:00: Informal discussion over coffee, tea, and snacks—perfect for networking and deepening the conversation
11:00-12:30 / 13:00 (Optional) Breakout sessions to deepen the discussion. The breakout sessions are optional. You will have the opportunity to join one of two enriching parallel activities:
Panel Discussion on Accessibility (11:00-12:30): Dive into important discussions on making our campus more accessible for everyone.
Diversity & Inclusion Workshop (11:00-13:00): Learn more diversity and inclusion through case studies about discrimination and micro-agressions
More details about the two breakout sessions are available below.
Are you curious about the experiences of fellow members of the UG community? Do you want to understand the challenges and support systems at the UG? Do you want to connect with people outside your usual circles and foster a more inclusive community? Join us at the opening event to gain insights and be inspired!
Come for the stories, stay for the connections. We look forward to seeing you there!
Date and time: 30 September 9:30 - 12:30 / 13:00 (Breakout sessions from 11:00-12:30 / 13:00 - see more information below)
Location: Rolinggebouw (Oude Boteringestraat 18, 9712 GH Groningen), room: Lokinzaal room (basement floor)
Language: English
Registration required: Yes
Deadline for registration: 23 September 2024
Register here - In the form, you can choose which part(s) of the event you would like to sign up for
This event is open to: All UG staff and students
This event is organized by: The central D&I Office of the UG
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: Diversity & Inclusion Office (diversity@rug.nl)
Accessibility-related information: The event is wheel-chair accessible.
11:00-12:30 Accessible Work and Study Place: Panel Discussion
Accessible Work and Study Place: Panel Discussion
What do we mean by an ‘accessible work & study place’? What do you need as an employee or student to create this? And what do you expect from the UG in this? Can you be yourself and be successful, when a work or study place is not accessible? In this session, we will explore these questions and more. This session will start with a panel discussion. The panel members are experts by experience, both students and staff members, as well as staff members who are working on these themes. The second part will be interactive, so you can join the discussion! This discussion is part of the Diversity Week (theme 2024: Being yourself) and Accessibility Week (theme 2024: Accessible workplace).
This session is being held as part of the Diversity Week Opening. However, it is not necessary to attend other parts of the opening in order to attend this discussion.
Date and time: Monday 30 September, 11:00-12:30
Location: Rolinggebouw (Oude Boteringestraat 18, 9712 GH Groningen), room: Lokinzaal room (basement floor)
Language: Event will be in English, but participants are welcome to contribute in Dutch
Registration required: Yes
Deadline for registration: 23 September
This event is open to: UG students and staff
This event is organized by: Aletta Westra - project manager studying with a functional impairment
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: Aletta Westra (a.c.westra-hofstee@rug.nl)
Accessibility-related information: Location is wheelchair-accessible.
11:00-13:00 Diversity and Inclusion (Dutch)
Diversity & Inclusion: Searching for differences and similarities
Many organizations recognize the importance of diversity and want to promote and discuss it. While diversity is very measurable, inclusion is a bit more difficult to define. However, one cannot exist without the other to create a good working environment. Different things play a role in every organization, yet the process of achieving an inclusive organization is often the same. The workshop focusses on the following aspects:
Discussing diversity and inclusion, why do you want to do something with it?
Address undesirable behavior that may arise from diversity.
Working with case studies about discrimination and micro-agressions.
Thinking and reflecting on your own actions in specific situations.
This workshop is run by WAARD kenniscentrum voor inclusie.
Date and time: Monday 30 September, 11:00-13:00
Location: Rolinggebouw (Oude Boteringestraat 18, 9712 GH Groningen), room: Bakker-Nortzaal (ground floor)
Language: Dutch
Registration required: Yes
Deadline for registration: 23 September 2024
This event is open to: All UG staff and students
This event is organized by: Faculty of Law
Accessibility-related information: The event is wheel-chair accessible.
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: Wellbeing, Diversity, and Inclusion at Law Faculty (wdi-law@rug.nl)
13:00-14:30 Active Bystander Training (English)
Active Bystander Training
Imagine you witness unacceptable behaviour, for example bullying, sexual or other harassment, insults, belittlement, or discrimination. Would you know what to do? It’s not easy to speak up against these things. Unacceptable behaviour makes the work environment socially unsafe. How can you avoid freezing, looking away, or feeling powerless? What can you do if doing nothing is not an option? How can you combat unacceptable behaviour? Follow this training session and become an active bystander within 90 minutes.
Date and time: Monday 30 September, 13:00-14:30
Location: Norman Building, Lutkenieuwstraat 5, 9712 AW Groningen, Room: 't Atelier
Language: English
Registration required: Yes
Register here
This event is open to: UG staff
This event is organized by: Corporate Academy
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: Corporate Academy (hr-experts@rug.nl)
13:30-14:30 Student projects on accessibility, decoloniality and queerness
Student projects on accessibility, decoloniality and queerness
As part of UCG`s liberal arts and sciences philosophy, project-based learning is an essential educational tool where students collaborate with each other researching current social problematics and designing possible solutions. Students’ produce an academic research report and a “non-academic deliverable”, a creative product that illustrate an element or insight from their research, for instance, short videoclips, boardgames, comics etc. This session aims to showcase three great examples of students’ final outputs on three different topics: accessibility, decolonizing education and LGBTQIA/Queer identities. Among the many issues explored in UCG projects, these three topics were chosen to be presented during this week due to their relevance to Diversity and Inclusion, within and beyond academia.
Date and time: Monday 30 September, 13:30-14:30
Location: Classroom 0004 at UCG, Hoendiepskade 23/24, 9718 BG, Groningen
Language: English
Registration required: No
This event is open to: Everyone
This event is organized by: University College Groningen (UCG)
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: Rodrigo Gonzalez Alvarez (v.r.gonzalez.alvarez@rug.nl)
14:00-16:00 Diversity and Inclusion (English)
Diversity & Inclusion: Searching for differences and similarities
Many organizations recognize the importance of diversity and want to promote and discuss it. While diversity is very measurable, inclusion is a bit more difficult to define. However, one cannot exist without the other to create a good working environment. Different things play a role in every organization, yet the process of achieving an inclusive organization is often the same. The workshop focusses on the following aspects:
Discussing diversity and inclusion, why do you want to do something with it?
Address undesirable behavior that may arise from diversity.
Working with case studies about discrimination and micro-agressions.
Thinking and reflecting on your own actions in specific situations.
This workshop is run by WAARD kenniscentrum voor inclusie.
Date and time: Monday 30 September, 14:00-16:00
Location: University Library (Broerstraat 4), room: Bladergroenzaal
Language: English
Registration required: Yes
Deadline for registration: 23 September 2024
This event is open to: All UG staff and students
This event is organized by: Faculty of Law
Accessibility-related information: The event is wheel-chair accessible
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: Wellbeing, Diversity, and Inclusion at Law Faculty (wdi-law@rug.nl)
15:00-16:30 Active Bystander Training (Dutch)
Active Bystander Training
Imagine you witness unacceptable behaviour, for example bullying, sexual or other harassment, insults, belittlement, or discrimination. Would you know what to do? It’s not easy to speak up against these things. Unacceptable behaviour makes the work environment socially unsafe. How can you avoid freezing, looking away, or feeling powerless? What can you do if doing nothing is not an option? How can you combat unacceptable behaviour? Follow this training session and become an active bystander within 90 minutes.
Date and time: Maandag 30 september, 15:00-16:30
Location: Norman Building, Lutkenieuwstraat 5, 9712 AW Groningen, Room: 't Atelier
Language: Dutch
Registration required: Yes
Register here
This event is open to: UG staff
This event is organized by: Corporate Academy
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: Corporate Academy (hr-experts@rug.nl)
16:00-17:00 Diversity Line
Diversity Line
Join this interactive activity to better understand the life experiences of others. During the Diversity Line, there is a line drawn on the ground and participants are asked to cross the line if a statement or experience applies to them. These statements are often focused on personal themes, like family background, experiences with bullying or discrimination.
This workshop is run by WAARD kenniscentrum voor inclusie.
Date and time: Monday 30 September, 16:00-17:00
Location: University Library (Broerstraat 4), room: Bladergroenzaal
Language: English and Dutch
Registration required: Yes
Deadline for registration: 23 September 2024
This event is open to: All UG staff and students
This event is organized by: Faculty of Law
Accessibility-related information: The event is wheel-chair accessible
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: Wellbeing, Diversity, and Inclusion at Law Faculty (wdi-law@rug.nl)
Tuesday 1 October
13:00-14:00 Opening We@FSE Diversity Week 2024
Opening We@FSE Diversity Week 2024
The FSE dean, Prof. dr. Joost W.M. Frenken, will briefly launch the event and will be followed by talks from fellow FSE community members, Prof. dr. Lucy Avraamidou & Dagmar Heeg, and Dr. Veronica Allen.
Date and time: Tuesday 1 October, 13:00-14:00
Location: Energy Academy Atrium (5159.0077)
Language: English
Registration required: Yes
Deadline for registration: 27 September 2024
This event is open to: Everyone
This event is organized by: Faculty of Science and Engineering
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: DEI FSE (dei-clt-fse@rug.nl)
13:00-15:00 Interacting with LGBTQ+ Individuals in the Professional Environment
Interacting with LGBTQ+ Individuals in the professional environment
Regardless of what your occupation is or will be: office-, academia-, or service-related, you will interact with LGBTQ+ individuals. This session will address common subconscious biases and assumptions, guide you on how to comfortably and appropriately respond when someone shares that they are not straight and the importance of asking and correctly using pronouns. The purpose is for you to feel comfortable and informed with people of all sexualities and identities. Whether you’re new to the topic or seeking to deepen your understanding, this workshop offers a safe space to learn and ask any questions, promoting inclusivity and mutual respect in all interactions.
Date and time: Tuesday 1 October, 13:00-15:00
Location: 5412-0028 (Nettelbosje 2)
Language: English
Registration required: No
This event is open to: Everyone
This event is organized by: Faculty of Economics and Business - Gender and Sexuality Alliance
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: Gender and Sexuality Alliance at FEB (gsa.of.feb gmail.com)
Accessibility-related information: Accessible by wheelchair
14:30-15:30 Embracing Diversity and Inclusion: Learnings from the Software Industry
Embracing Diversity and Inclusion: Learnings from the Software Industry
The diversity gap in the software industry, including gender, is alarming and varies across regions. Are there different factors influencing these disparities worldwide? Do we need unique solutions to address diversity challenges regionally? This talk explores how various aspects of diversity have evolved in the software industry, with insights from open-source software. There is a silver lining with small yet significant improvements in diversity representation. The talk further presents the challenges and opportunities in promoting inclusion across multiple dimensions of diversity worldwide.
About the speaker: Dr. Ayushi Rastogi is an assistant professor of software engineering at the University of Groningen. Over the years, she has analysed signals from software development activities to understand and improve developer productivity and promote diversity and inclusion. Several of her works have been in collaboration with software companies, including Microsoft and Meta, and academic partners worldwide. She continues to solve problems relevant to the software industry and society. She is a member of the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion working groups in the IPN - the Dutch ICT community, and Informatics Europe.
Date and time: Tuesday 1 October, 14:30-15:30
Location: Lokaal 16, Hanzeplein 1, Groningen, UMCG Centraal Medisch Complex 44.2.40
Language: English
Registration required: Yes
For UMCG staff, please register here.
For all others, please email d-i@umcg.nl to register.
This event is open to: All UMCG and UG staff and students
This event is organized by: the UMCG D&I Team
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: the UMCG D&I Team (d-i@umcg.nl)
14:30-16:30 Workshop: Beyond Barriers: Experience Zernike from a different perspective
Workshop: Beyond Barriers: Experience Zernike from a different perspective
Have you ever wondered what life is like for someone using a wheelchair, navigating with partial or total blindness, or living with autism? Join us for an eye-opening workshop where you'll experience firsthand the challenges and triumphs faced by people with these disabilities. Embark on an immersive tour through Zernike, led by experts who will share their personal journeys and invaluable insights.
This workshop will be co-led by Visio and Wiel&Deal. The minimum number of participants for this workshop is 5, and the maximum is 20.
Date and time: Tuesday 1 October, 14:30-16:30
Location: Energy Academy Greenhouse (5159.0090)
Language: English
Registration required: Yes
Deadline for registration: 27 September 2024
This event is open to: Everyone
This event is organized by: Faculty of Science and Engineering
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: DEI FSE (dei-clt-fse@rug.nl)
14:30-16:30 Escape Game
Escape Game
The Escape Game is a team-building exercise developed to help first-year bachelor’s land at FSE. Help us to solve the puzzles left by diverse FSE staff to find Ben Feringa’s missing Nobel Prize in time! The game is to be played by teams of 8-15 people and doesn’t require any discipline-specific knowledge. A diverse team will make the assignment easier. Each game takes 1 hour maximum.
Date and time: Tuesday 1 October, 14:30-16:30
Location: Energy Academy Atrium (5159.0077) and/or room 5159.0192
Language: English
Registration required: Yes
Deadline for registration: 27 September 2024
This event is open to: Everyone
This event is organized by: Faculty of Science and Engineering
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: DEI FSE (dei-clt-fse@rug.nl)
14:30-17:30 FSE Information Market
FSE Information Market
Come and get inspiration or support from some FSE community members who work towards more belonging, inclusion and safety at our faculty.
Date and time: Tuesday 1 October, 14:30-17:30
Location: Energy Academy Atrium (5159.0077)
Language: English
Registration required: No
This event is open to: Everyone
This event is organized by: Faculty of Science and Engineering
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: DEI FSE (dei-clt-fse@rug.nl)
17:00-19:00 Workshop: Tools to increase representation within learning materials
Workshop: Tools to increase representation within learning materials
Have you ever wondered how to make the learning materials used for teaching more welcoming to a diverse class? Diversifying learning materials can seem daunting and difficult. Yet, there are various strategies to do so with little effort and even engage students in the process. In this hands-on workshop, we will explore different means to increase representation within the classroom. We will also provide resources for creating short portraits of possible diverse role models for different fields and offer an opportunity to explore own role models and experiences. The minimum number of participants for this workshop is 5, and the maximum is 20.
Presenter: Dr. Michael Lerch & Laura Mourelo Sole
Date and time: Tuesday 1 October, 17:00-19:00
Location: Energy Academy Greenhouse (5159.0090)
Language: English
Registration required: Yes
Deadline for registration: 27 September 2024
Register here
This event is open to: Everyone
This event is organized by: Faculty of Science and Engineering
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: DEI FSE (dei-clt-fse@rug.nl)
17:00-19:00 Documentary Film: Human Forever (with Director attendance)
Documentary Film: Human Forever (with Director attendance)
Human Forever is a film directed by University of Groningen alum Jonathan de Jong. The film follows 24-year-old humanitarian activist Tuen Tobbes who follows a three-year journey across 4 continents and 11 countries to investigate how to improve the quality of life of people living with dementia. Together they explore how dementia is dealt with in other countries and what we can learn from each other to make the future more inclusive.
The director, Jonathan de Jong, will join us at the Slieker cinema to introduce the film as well as answer questions. This is a beautiful film that has touched many audiences and inspires us to care for one another.
Date and time: Tuesday 1 October, 17:00-19:00
Location: Slieker movie theatre (Wilhelminaplein 92, Leeuwarden)
Language: English
Registration required: Yes
Deadline for registration: 30 September 2024
This event is open to: University of Groningen students and staff
This event is organized by: Slieker Film together with Campus Fryslân Diversity, Equity, Inclusion committee and the Diversity Week Working Group
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: Pelin Gul (p.gul@rug.nl)
19:00-20:00 Movie: Mind my Mind
Movie: Mind My Mind
The movie “Mind My Mind” tells the story of Chris, a boy with autism, and Hans, the little man in his head. Together they face life's social and emotional challenges. What happens in your head when you are autistic? Hans has a library full of folders with scenarios for all kinds of complex social situations and is always diligently looking for a suitable script for Chris. But how do you deal with it when the girl you are in love with suddenly shows up on your doorstep and the man in your head doesn't know what to do anymore? In a beautiful hand-drawn animation, director Floor Adams gives an original insight into this, for many, abstract world with Mind My Mind. A must-see to better understand how autism processes information and converts it into behaviour. The maximum number of participants for this movie is 65.
Date and time: Tuesday 1 October, 19:00-20:00
Location: Linnaeusborg OOG (5171.0415)
Language: English
Registration required: Yes
Deadline for registration: 27 September 2024
This event is open to: Everyone
This event is organized by: Faculty of Science and Engineering
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: DEI FSE (dei-clt-fse@rug.nl)
Wednesday 2 October
9:00-17:00 Inclusive Leadership Training
Inclusive Leadership Training
We are all different from each other. As manager, you want to create a team that achieves the best results. A team in which the input of each member is acknowledged and valued. A team that is creative and innovative. You can achieve this by ensuring that team members complement each other in terms of characteristics and skills. This is because diverse teams perform better. But how do you bring together such an inclusive team? The one-day training course in inclusive leadership will provide you with insights that will show you how to do it.
Cost: 550 EUR
Date and time: Wednesday 2 October, 9:00-17:00
Location: De Lichtkoepel, Oude Kijk in ’t Jatstraat 42
Language: English
Registration required: Yes
This event is open to: Managers of academic and support staff
This event is organized by: Corporate Academy
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: Ruth van der Walle (r.k.van.der.walle@rug.nl)
10:00-11:00 D&I in action: perspectives from the Aletta Jacobs Chairs
D&I in Action: Perspectives from the Aletta Jacobs Chairs
A group of Aletta Jacobs Chairs will give a pitch on how D&I is reflected in their work, broadly interpreted to include research, education, and administration. At the end, there will be time for discussion.
Date and time: Wednesday 2 October, 10:00-11:00
Location: Room A902 at the Broerstraat 9, 9712 CP, Groningen. This building is next to the Academic Building.
Language: English
Registration required: Yes
Deadline for registration: Monday (30 September) at 17:00
This event is open to: Everyone
This event is organized by: Aletta Jacobs Chairs
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: Viola Angelini (v.angelini@rug.nl) or Jutta Bolt (j.bolt@rug.nl)
12:30-13:30 Boardgame LGBTQ+ and Refugee Awareness
LGBTQI+ Refugees Boardgame
Mirjam Kingma (alumni of GRL Campus Fryslan and PhD researcher at RUG) will demonstrate the boardgame that she has designed to raise awareness about the experiences of LGBTQ+ refugees in the Netherlands. The boardgame takes the players on a journey that a LGBTQ+ refugee takes when arriving in the Netherlands, in which they face obstacles, big decisions and challenges. At the end of the game, not all players get to reach the end goal, which displays the reality of many LGBTQ+ refugees who will be sent back to their country of origin. The game is based on qualitative interviews with LGBTQ+ refugees who were in the asylum seeking process at the time.
Date and time: Wednesday 2 October 12:30-13:30
Location: Campus Fryslan, Wirdumerdijk 34, Leeuwarden (Living Lab room)
Language: English
Registration required: No
This event is open to: All UG staff and students and external visitors
This event is organized by: Campus Fryslân Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee
Accessibility-related information: Campus Fryslân Living Lab room is accessible by wheelchair. The board game will be demonstrated and played in English.
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: Pelin Gul (p.gul@rug.nl)
19:30-21:00 The Equality Paradox: On the History of the Female Body
The Equality Paradox: On the History of the Female Body
Almost every week there are media reports about the "gender health gap", the difference between men and women in medical treatments. For example, we now know that the female heart functions differently than the male heart, that the family doctor refers men to the specialist more often, and that endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women, but takes an average of 7 to 10 years to be diagnosed. Cancer in women is also treated differently. Very often health researchers argue that they do not fully understand where these differences come from and why the problem is so persistent.
Historians Rina Knoeff and Karen Hollewand discuss this issue during this public lecture, with many historical examples. They argue that we can solve the gender health gap only if we also pay attention to the cultural and historical roots of the problem. Paradoxically, it appears that activist calls for equal treatment have in many cases led to neglect of women's bodies.
19:30 walk-in
20:00 - 21:00 discussion style lecture with Q&A
Date and time: Wednesday 2 October, 19:30-21:00
Location: Campus Fryslân, Wirdumerdijk 34, Leeuwarden (Auditorium)
Language: Dutch
Registration required: Yes
This event is open to: Everyone
This event is organized by: Campus Fryslân Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee and Stadium Generale Leeuwarden
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: Susanne Wolbersen (s.wolbersen rug.nl) and Pelin Gul (p.gul@rug.nl)
Thursday 3 October
9:15-11:00 Workshop: Supporting Employees with Disabilities
Workshop: Supporting Employees with Disabilities
You are a manager and have just hired someone in a supported employment position (in Dutch: afspraakbaan). This new employee mentions that they have autism, and you wonder how best to support them and engage in a meaningful conversation. Or someone has PTSD, and you're unsure what you can or cannot ask. Or maybe you see opportunities in your department for someone with a disability to help alleviate your current staff's workload, but you're not sure what to consider and what this may mean for you and your staff members. These and other questions will be addressed during this workshop. In addition to general information, there will be ample space for your questions and case studies, and UG professionals with a disability will share their experiences with you.
Brief Overview of the Content:
- General tips and conversation techniques
- Practical experiences
- Space for your questions and cases
- Further resources and potential support for supervisors and colleagues
Target Audience:
- Supervisors who manage employees with disabilities, such as in a supported employment position
- Colleagues who assist employees with disabilities in the workplace, such as in a supported employment position
- Supervisors or colleagues who see opportunities within their department for individuals with disabilities and want more information on working with this group
Number of Participants: Maximum 16
Date and time: Thursday 3 October, 9:15-11:00
Location: Harmony Building (Oude Kijk in Het Jatstraat 26, 9712 EK Groningen). Participants will receive a Google invitation with the exact location after they fill out the registration form.
Language: Dutch (but please indicate in the registration form if you prefer English and we will see if this can be accomodated)
Registration required: Yes
Deadline for registration: 1 October 2024
Register here: English registration form / Dutch registration form
This event is open to: UG staff
This event is organized by: Supported Employment Program
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: Juliette Kars (j.kars@rug.nl)
12:00-13:30 (Too) much ado about Diversity?
(Too) much ado about Diversity?
In this session, we want to have an honest conversation with those who think that “diversity” initiatives have gone too far, but who may not dare say so openly. How can we encourage meaningful debate, while also keeping up a respectful relationship? We will try out different techniques and methodologies that can help to lead constructive debates about difficult and contentious questions, whether it’s about diversity or anything else. Come prepared to engage thoughtfully and openly as we seek to understand diverse perspectives, learn and find common ground.
Date and time: Thursday 3 October, 12:00-13:30
Location: room: BL.0108-0110-0112. Bloemstraat 36,36a, 9712 LE, Groningen
Language: English as a working language, with accomodation for Dutch speakers
Registration required: Yes
Deadline for registration: 22 September 2024
This event is open to: All UG students and staff
This event is organized by: Faculty of Economics and Business, in collaboration with the Faculty of Philosophy and Faculty of Arts
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: Ervin Kondakciu (e.kondakciu@rug.nl)
12:00-14:00 Young Academy Groningen Early Career Researcher Lunch: Diversity, Inclusion and Early-Career Researchers
Young Academy Groningen Early Career Researcher Lunch: Diversity, Inclusion and Early-Career Researchers
Facilitated by Sean Desjardins (YAG Diversity and Inclusion Working Group Chair), this ECR Lunch will serve as a forum for young researchers and teachers to share their experiences relating to diversity, inclusion and acceptance at the RUG, as well as to generate ideas and priorities for further advocacy on the topic by organizations such as ours. Potential discussion topics may include accommodation for physical disability, neurodiversity, and Queer/LGBTQ2SIA+ issues, among others.
Date and time: Thursday 3 October, 12:00-14:00
Location: English room, Academy Building
Language: English
Registration: Sign up using this form until Monday, September 30th!
Participation in this event is free and a vegan lunch is included.
This event is open to: All UG staff members
This event is organized by: Diversity and Inclusion Working Group, Young Academy Groningen
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: Sean Desjardins (s.p.a.desjardins@rug.nl)
Accessibility-related information: This event will take place in a physically accessible location, and will be catered with common dietary restrictions in mind. Please inform us of any food allergies and/or sensitivities we should be aware of.
12:30-13:30 Biodiversity Walk in Leeuwarden
Biodiversity Walk with Carol
The biodiversity walk provides an opportunity to rediscover the cultural, social and ecological diversity that emerges from the biological diversity found at Rengerspark, a park where trees from all over the world are found. The participants can later further explore the park visiting https://carolxgl.github.io/TreeLibrary/. The walk guided by the Environmental Scientist Carol Garzon-Lopez.
Date and time: Thursday 3 October, 12:30-13:30
Location: Around Leeuwarden (Prinsentuin). We are meeting in front of the Front Desk of Campus Fryslân between 12:15 - 12:30.
Language: English
Registration required: No
This event is open to: All UG staff and students and external visitors
This event is organized by: Campus Fryslân Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee and Carol Garzon Lopez
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: Pelin Gul (p.gul rug.nl) and Carol Garzon Lopez (c.x.garzon.lopez rug.nl)
Accessibility-related information: Campus Fryslân Living Lab room is accessible by wheelchair, and the board game will be demonstrated and played in English.
13:00-15:00 Workshop: Empowering Allies: Understanding and Leveraging Social Advantages
Workshop: Empowering Allies: Understanding and Leveraging Social Advantages
In this dynamic and engaging workshop, we'll explore the intricate landscape of social advantages and how they shape our experiences and interactions. Participants will learn to identify areas where they hold social advantages and discover practical ways to use these advantages to support and uplift others. Additionally, we'll delve into recognizing and understanding the areas where we might lack certain advantages, fostering empathy and promoting inclusive behaviours. Through interactive discussions, personal reflections, and collaborative activities, this workshop aims to equip attendees with the tools to become effective allies and advocates in their communities. Join us to build a more understanding and supportive environment for all.
Presenter: Dr. Veronica Allen. The minimum number of participants for this workshop is 5, and the maximum is 65.
Date and time: Thursday 3 October, 13:00-15:00
Location: Linnaeusborg OOG (5171.0415)
Language: English
Registration required: Yes
Deadline for registration: 27 September 2024
This event is open to: Everyone
This event is organized by: Faculty of Science and Engineering
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: DEI FSE (dei-clt-fse@rug.nl)
13:00-17:00 Escape Game
Escape Game
The Escape Game is a team-building exercise developed to help first-year bachelor’s land at FSE. Help us to solve the puzzles left by diverse FSE staff to find Ben Feringa’s missing Nobel Prize in time! The game is to be played by teams of 8-15 people and doesn’t require any discipline-specific knowledge. A diverse team will make the assignment easier. Each game takes 1 hour maximum.
Date and time: Thursday 3 October, 13:00-17:00
Location: Energy Academy Atrium (5159.0077) and/or room 5159.0196
Language: English
Registration required: Yes
Deadline for registration: 27 September 2024
This event is open to: Everyone
This event is organized by: Faculty of Science and Engineering
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: DEI FSE (dei-clt-fse@rug.nl)
13:00-17:30 FSE Information Market
FSE Information Market
Come and get inspiration or support from some FSE community members who work towards more belonging, inclusion and safety at our faculty.
Date and time: Thursday 3 October, 13:00-17:30
Location: Energy Academy Atrium (5159.0077)
Language: English
Registration required: No
This event is open to: Everyone
This event is organized by: Faculty of Science and Engineering
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: DEI FSE (dei-clt-fse@rug.nl)
15:00-17:00 This is what a philosopher looks like - Discussion
This is what a philosopher looks like - Discussion
On Thursday 3rd October there will be a small event at the faculty exploring the issue of diversity in philosophy: why it’s important, how far we’ve come and how far is still left to go. We will also discuss what diversity means for the discipline as a whole, for example, how might a more diverse philosophical community change the questions we ask and the ways we do philosophy? The event will include a diverse and inclusive borrel, encouraging people to come together and talk about something *other* than philosophy, so we can see the diversity of interests of our staff and students and expand our idea of what it is to be a philosopher.
Date and time: Thursday 3 October, 15:00-17:00
Location: Event room cantine, Faculty of Philosophy (Oude Boteringestraat 52)
Language: English
Registration required: No
This event is open to: UG students and staff
This event is organized by: Faculty of Philosophy
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: Charlotte Knowles (c.e.knowles@rug.nl)
Accessibility-related information: Wheelchair accessible
15:15-17:15 Workshop: Beyond Barriers: Experience Zernike from a different perspective
Workshop: Beyond Barriers: Experience Zernike from a different perspective
Have you ever wondered what life is like for someone using a wheelchair, navigating with partial or total blindness, or living with autism? Join us for an eye-opening workshop where you'll experience firsthand the challenges and triumphs faced by people with these disabilities. Embark on an immersive tour through Zernike, led by experts who will share their personal journeys and invaluable insights.
This workshop will be co-led by Visio and Wiel&Deal. The minimum number of participants for this workshop is 5, and the maximum is 20.
Date and time: Thursday 3 October, 15:15-17:15
Location: Linnaeusborg OOG (5171.0415)
Language: English
Registration required: Yes
Deadline for registration: 27 September 2024
This event is open to: Everyone
This event is organized by: Faculty of Science and Engineering
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: DEI FSE (dei-clt-fse@rug.nl)
17:30-18:30 Closing- We@FSE Diversity Week 2024
Closing- We@FSE Diversity Week 2024
Closing words from our FSE community members Dr. Michael Lerch & Laura Mourelo Soler, who will talk about the diverse portraits they have created and how they tackle diversity in service teaching (including also students in the process). Afterwards, let’s enjoy and exchange about the week over drinks.
Date and time: Thursday 3 October, 17:30-18:30
Location: Energy Academy Atrium (5159.0077)
Language: English
Registration required: Yes
Deadline for registration: 27 September 2024
This event is open to: Everyone
This event is organized by: Faculty of Science and Engineering
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: DEI FSE (dei-clt-fse@rug.nl)
Friday 4 October
9:30-11:00 Workshop: Dilemma Game (Dutch)
Workshop: Dilemma Game
How do you engage in fruitful discussions about issues related to diversity and inclusion? How can you find and practice solutions together?
The dilemma game uses dilemmas from everyday life that you use as conversation starters. Dilemmas to reflect on, respond to, discuss, and perhaps rethink in an environment without judgment or criticism, but where space is created to understand other opinions. In this workshop, we will discuss some of these dilemmas together.
Date and time: Friday 4 October, 9:30-11:00
Location: Harmony building (Oude Kijk in Het Jatstraat 26, 9712 EK Groningen), room 1312.0019
Language: Dutch
Registration required: Yes
Deadline for registration: 27 September 2024
This event is open to: Everyone
This event is organized by: Diversity & Inclusion Office
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: D&I Office (diversity@rug.nl)
10:00-12:00: Empathy and Inclusion Workshop: Opening Hearts and Minds
Empathy and Inclusion: Opening Hearts and Minds
In this workshop, we will investigate the power of empathy as an indispensable tool and skill for inclusion. Beginning with an exploration of the multiple manifestations of empathy and their relationship to inclusion, participants will actively engage in discussions and share experiences to deepen their understanding. The workshop strikes a balance between analytical discussions and hands-on experiences, allowing participants to experience the positive impact of empathy in fostering inclusion through real-world scenarios. By delving into non-violent communication models, we will offer practical tools for empathetic connections with others, which, in turn, enhance inclusivity. Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be invited to join the empathy subgroup of the Community of Practice in Well-being in order for them to continue developing their (self) empathy skills.
This event has a minimum number of 7 participants, and a maximum of 30 participants.
Workshop facilitators: Eloise Daumerie and Angelos Konstantinidis
Date and time: Friday 4 October, 10:00-12:00
Location: Marie Loke Zaal (room 1313.0034), Harmony Building (Oude Kijk in Het Jatstraat 26, 9712 EK Groningen)
Language: English
Registration required: Yes
This event is open to: Everyone
This event is organized by: Faculty of Science and Engineering
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: DEI FSE (dei-clt-fse@rug.nl)
12:30-13:30 The Frisian language, the Frisians and Fryslân
The Frisian language, the Frisians and Fryslân
Campus Fryslân is located in the beautiful province of Fryslân. But who are those Frisians, and what about their language and culture? In this talk Jelske Dijkstra from the Mercator Research Centre/Fryske Akademy will give you some basic information about the Frisian language, culture, the Frisian people and their history and show you some interesting sites in Leeuwarden and the rest of the province. Of course we will provide you with some basic sentences in Frisian as well.
Date and time: Friday 4 October 12:30 - 13:30
Location: Campus Fryslan, Wirdumerdijk 34, Leeuwarden (Living Lab room)
Language: English
Registration required: No
This event is open to: All UG staff and students and external visitors
This event is organized by: Campus Fryslân Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee
Accessibility-related information: Campus Fryslân classrooms are accessible by wheelchair. The lecture will be in Frisian.
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: Pelin Gul (p.gul@rug.nl)
13:30-15:00 Workshop: Dilemma Game (English)
Workshop: Dilemma Game
How do you engage in fruitful discussions about issues related to diversity and inclusion? How can you find and practice solutions together?
The dilemma game uses dilemmas from everyday life that you use as conversation starters. Dilemmas to reflect on, respond to, discuss, and perhaps rethink in an environment without judgment or criticism, but where space is created to understand other opinions. In this workshop, we will discuss some of these dilemmas together.
Date and time: Friday 4 October, 13:30-15:00
Location: Harmony building (Oude Kijk in Het Jatstraat 26, 9712 EK Groningen), room 1312.0030
Language: English
Registration required: Yes
Deadline for registration: 27 September 2024
This event is open to: Everyone
This event is organized by: Diversity & Inclusion Office
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: D&I Office (diversity@rug.nl)
Whole Week
The following events are happening during the entire week of 30 September - 4 October.
This is what a philosopher looks like - Photo Exhibit
This is what a philosopher looks like - Photo Exhibit
During diversity week, the faculty of philosophy will host a poster photo-exhibition entitled 'this is what a philosopher looks like', the posters will show photos of the diverse groups of people working in contemporary philosophy (and often doing things that you don't usually associate with philosophers!)
Date and time: 30 September - 4 October
Location: Ground floor, Faculty of philosophy (Oude Boteringestraat 52)
Language: English
Registration required: No
This event is open to: UG students and staff
This event is organized by: Faculty of Philosophy
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: Charlotte Knowles (c.e.knowles@rug.nl)
Accessibility-related information: Wheel-chair accessible
WE@FSE Photo Exhibit
We@FSE- Photo Exhibition
Have a walk through our photo exhibition, showcasing various members of FSE’s community. In an accompanying quote, they share their personal views and experiences regarding diversity & inclusion.
Date and time: Monday 30 September 13:00 - Friday 4 October 17:00
Location: Energy Academy Atrium (5159.0077)
Language: English
Registration required: No
This event is open to: Everyone
This event is organized by: Faculty of Science and Engineering
If you have any questions about this event, please contact: DEI FSE (dei-clt-fse@rug.nl)
Last modified: | 13 January 2025 3.33 p.m. |