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Halbertsma, Prof. Tjalling

Tjalling Halbertsma
Tjalling Halbertsma

Tjalling Halbertsma is professor by special appointment of International Studies with a special focus on East Asia, facilitated by the Groningen University Fund. He is also affiliated with the interfaculty Centre for East Asian Studies Groningen. He spent many years working in China and Mongolia, most recently as the first Dutch attaché in Mongolia (based in Ulaanbaatar) for the Dutch Embassy in Beijing. In 2007, Halbertsma completed a PhD at the Sinological Institute of Leiden University on the Nestorian heritage which he rediscovered and documented in Inner Mongolia between 1999 and 2006.

His documentation of the Nestorian heritage was exhibited at the National Museum of Ethnology in Leiden. Much of this heritage has been lost due to looting. Halbertsma has written extensively about Asia for various newspapers, including the South China Morning Post, the Asian Art Newspaper and the Dutch newspaper Trouw, and is also author of a number of books and travelogues on China and Mongolia.

Halbertsma will be appointed dean of RUG/Campus Fryslân effective 1 June, 2024, where he will help grow the campus into a meaningful and powerful faculty.

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Halbertsma, T. (2025). In praise of Arash: a portrait of a local knowledge-holder gained through Western documentation of the material culture of the Church of the East in Inner Mongolia. Manuscript submitted for publication. In Festschrift : in honour of professor Barend ter Haar


Halbertsma, T. (2024). Huang Wenbi at Olon Sume-in Tor in 1929: A story of unsolved questions and further appropriations. Manuscript submitted for publication. In Samarkand Conference Proceedings: Syriac Christianity in China and Central Asia Lit Verlag.


Halbertsma, T. (2023). Missionaries, Scholars, Diplomats and Explorers: Knowledge exchange and the documentation of the "Nestorian" Church of the East in North China. In Proceedings of the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences (2 ed., Vol. 1, pp. 239-249). Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences.
Halbertsma, T. (2022). The Crosses of Shizhuziliang: Tracking Down Eight Christian Gravestones and a Marble Base. In L. Tang, & D. Winkler (Eds.), Silk Road Traces: Studies in Syriac Christianity in China and Central Asia (pp. 69-104). (orientalia - patristica - oecumenica; Vol. 21). Lit Verlag.


Halbertsma, T. (2020). Abolishment of the Death Penalty in Mongolia: Is “Normative Power Europe” at Work? Mongolian Journal of International Affairs, 21, 50-63.


Halbertsma, T., de Jong, A., & ter Haar, B. (2019). De Predikant en de Boeddha: beschouwingen en heruitgave van Joost Halbertsma's "Het buddhisme en zijn stichter" uit 1843. Uitgeverij Noordboek.


Halbertsma, T. H. F., & Dickens, M. (2018). Inner Mongolian Syro-Turcica I: Contextualizing the Syro-Turkic Gravestones from Inner . Monumenta Serica, 66(2), 279-302.


Halbertsma, T. (2017). Bronnen van de Liao: erfgoed en grafroof in Binnen-Mongolië. In V. van Vilsteren (Ed.), The Great Liao: een nomadendynastie uit Binnen-Mongolië (907-1125) (pp. 22-25). WBOOKS.
Halbertsma, T. (2017). De Grote Liao: van herders tot heersers. In V. van Vilsteren (Ed.), The Great Liao: een nomadendynastie uit Binnen-Mongolië (907-1125) (pp. 10-19). (Drents Museum). WBOOKS.
Halbertsma, T. (2017). De Grote Liao: val en ondergang. In V. van Vilsteren (Ed.), The Great Liao: een nomadendynastie uit Binnen-Mongolië (907-1123) (pp. 154-159). WBOOKS.
van der Harst, J., & Halbertsma, T. (2017). Introduction: China, East Asia and the European Union - Strong Economics, Weak Politics? In J. van der Harst, & T. Halbertsma (Eds.), China, East Asia and the European Union: Strong Economics, Weak Politics? (pp. 1-11). ( International Comparative Social Studies; Vol. 35). Brill.
Halbertsma, T. (2017). Luchtgraven en Graftombes. In V. van Vilsteren (Ed.), The Great Liao: een nomadendynastie uit Binnen-Mongolië (907-1125) (pp. 46-49). WBOOKS.
Meerts, P., Halbertsma, T., & Bayasakh, J. K. (2017). Negotiating on Horseback: Mongolia in Eurasian Security Negotiations. In F. O. Hampson, & M. Troitskiy (Eds.), Tug of War: Negotiating Security in Eurasia McGill-Queen’s University Press/Centre for International Governance Innovation Press.
Halbertsma, T. (2017). Nomaden toen en nu. In V. van Vilsteren (Ed.), The Great Liao: een nomadendynastie uit Binnen-Mongolië (907-1125) (pp. 40-45). WBOOKS.


Halbertsma, T., & van der Harst, J. (Eds.) (2016). China, East Asia and the European Union: Strong Economics, Weak Politics? (International Comparative Social Studies; Vol. 35). Brill.


Halbertsma, T. (2015). Domestic Challenges and International Opportunities: Meandering through Mongolia's Past and Present. (GSG/CEASG Inaugural Lectures Series ; Vol. 3). University of Groningen.
Halbertsma, T. (2015). Early Christian Remains of Inner Mongolia: Second Edition - Revised, updated and expanded . Brill Academic Publisher.


Halbertsma, T. (2014). Mongolia and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea at Sixty-five: Ulaanbaatar’s changing relations with Pyongyang. North Korean Review, 10(2), 23-38.
Halbertsma, T. (2014). Review: Change in Democratic Mongolia, Social Relations, Health, Mobile Pastoralism, and Mining by Julian Dierkes (ed). Journal of Asian History, 48(2), 322-324.


Halbertsma, T. (2013). Review of Lieu, Samuel N. C., Lance Eccles, Majella Franzmann, Iain Gardner, and Ken Parry: Medieval Christian and Manichaean Remains from Quanzhou (Zayton). Frontiers of History in China, 8(3).
Halbertsma, T. (2013). Review of Michael Keevak: Becoming Yellow, a short history of racial thinking. Asian Studies Review, 37(1).
Halbertsma, T. (2013). "Winner Takes All": terugblik op de presidentsverkiezingen in Mongolië. Internationale Spectator.


Halbertsma, T. (2012). Homo Sapiens Almas: Een kleine zoektocht met Redmond O'Hanlon naar de Wilde mens van West Mongolië . Boudewijn Büch Gezelschap Büchmania.
Halbertsma, T. (2012). Review of Alan K. Sanders: Historical Dictionary of Mongolia. Journal of Asian History, 46(1).
Halbertsma, T. (2012). Review of Timothy May: The Mongol Conquests in World History. Journal of Asian History, 46(2).


Halbertsma, T. (2011). Critique of Gregory Forth: Images of the Wildman in Southeast Asia. Kraken, 3.
Halbertsma, T., & Omirbek, B. (2011). Discoveries: Petroglyphes of Kholtsootiin Gol Valley (Mongolia). Inora, 60.
Halbertsma, T. (2011). Review of David Sneath and Christopher Kaplonski (eds.): The History of Mongolia. Asian Studies Review, 35(4).
Halbertsma, T. (2011). Review of Timothy Brook: The Troubled Empire. China in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties. Journal of Asian History, 45.


Halbertsma, T. (2009). Mongolia’s "Homo sapiens Almas": A tale of two skulls, two hairs and two reconstructions. Kraken, 2.
Halbertsma, T. (2009). Some field notes and images of stone sculptures found at Nestorian sites in Inner Mongolia, China. In D. Winkler, & L. Tang (Eds.), Hidden Treasures and Intercultural Encounters: Studies on East Syriac Christianity in China and Central Asia (Vol. 1). Orientalia-Patristica-Oecumenica.


Halbertsma, T. (2008). 'De steppe heeft maar één leven': Jiang Rong's Wolven Totem. Het Trage Vuur, 41.
Halbertsma, T. (2008). Early Christian Remains of Inner Mongolia: Discovery, Reconstruction, Appropriation. (Sinica Leidensia; Vol. 88). Brill Academic Publisher.
Halbertsma, T. (2008). The Great Wall Revisited: A tale of two photographs. The Asian Art Newspaper.
Halbertsma, T. (2008). Yeti jagers: Het verborgen onderzoek naar de Wilde Mens. (1 ed.) Hollandia.


Halbertsma, T. (2006). Some notes on past and present field research on gravestones and related stone material of the Church of the East in Inner Mongolia, China. In R. Malek (Ed.), Jingjiao: The Church of the East in China and Central Asia Collectanea Serica.


Halbertsma, T. (2005). Facing East: stone sculpture and petroglyphs of Central Asia. The Asian Art Newspaper.
Halbertsma, T. (2005). Ikh Burkhait: Mongolia’s largest stone Buddha. The Asian Art Newspaper.
Halbertsma, T. (2005). Mongolië. (Landenreeks). KIT Publishers.
Halbertsma, T. (2005). Some field notes and images of stone material from graves of the Church of the East in Inner Mongolia, China: (with additional rubbings of seven stones by Wei Jian). Monumenta Serica, 53.
Halbertsma, T. (2005). Sprong naar het Westen: In het spoor van de Chinese ontdekker van Europa. Hollandia.


Halbertsma, T. (2004). Mongolia’s Century: revolution and reforms in a country of nomads, townspeople and outsiders. In Mongolia Cypres.
Halbertsma, T. (2004). Reinventing Karakoram: towards an ancient capital. The Asian Art Newspaper.
Halbertsma, T. (2004). The road to Pearl Harbour: Revolutionary art and war memorials from Mongolia. The Asian Art Newspaper.


Halbertsma, T. (2003). Steppeland: berichten uit Mongolië. Hollandia.
Halbertsma, T. (2003). Tracing the Gobi: Hulsewe-Wazniewski Project in Inner-Mongolia. The Asian Art Newspaper.


Halbertsma, T. (2002). De verloren lotuskruisen: een zoektocht naar de steden, graven en kerken van vroege christenen in China. Gottmer & Brecht; Bloemendaal.
Halbertsma, T. (2002). Fading Images: early photography from Mongolia. The Asian Art Newspaper.
Halbertsma, T. (2002). Journey West: Zheng He. The Asian Art Newspaper.
Halbertsma, T. (2002). Lost Cities Hidden Treasures: Olon Sume In Tor. The Asian Art Newspaper.
Halbertsma, T. (2002). The Heart of the Mountain I: Hua Shan. The Asian Art Newspaper.
Halbertsma, T. (2002). The Heart of the Mountain II: Putuo Shan. The Asian Art Newspaper.


Halbertsma, T. (2001). Conservation Work in Mongolia. The Asian Art Newspaper.
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