Van Yperen, Prof. Nico
Prof. Nico van Yperen is Professor of Sport & Performance Psychology at the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences. In this position, he is the first professor of sports psychology in the Netherlands. In addition, he is involved in the MSc degree programme in Talent Development and Creativity and is a member of the general board of the Sport Science Institute Groningen. His expertise lies in the mental aspects of sport and performance and in performance motivation.
In general terms, he is interested in the mental aspects of sport and performance, talent development, and achievement motivation in particular. He also has a blog, in which he writes about these topics. Every now and then, he offers advice to athletes, coaches, sporting organizations and consultancy firms, mainly on topics such as motivation and performance, talent development, stress and wellbeing, coaching, supervision and mentoring.
Research questions that he is focusing on include: What is decisive for success or failure in performance situations (in sport, but also in education and work)? What are the effects of strength-based versus deficit-based self-regulating learning strategies on the motivation and performance of talented individuals? Are coaching and mentoring effective instruments to develop talent?
As a modest sportsperson himself, he has always been very active and has played judo, football, water polo, volleyball, tennis and, in the last few years, golf, at a competitive level.
Previously in the news
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Kan de terugkeer van publiek op de tribunes een negatief effect hebben? [Could the return of public to the stands have a negative effect?]
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Last modified: | 02 December 2024 1.37 p.m. |