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Morijn, Prof. John

John Morijn

John Morijn is professor by special appointment of Law and Politics in international relations, and assistant professor of European human rights law at the University of Groningen. He studied law at Erasmus University Rotterdam, European law at the College of Europe in Bruges, and human rights as part of the European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratization in Venice. He obtained a PhD in international law from the European University Institute in Florence in 2009.

Morijn worked as a senior adviser on EU affairs and human rights law at the Ministries of Justice and Interior and Kingdom Relations, mainly in the areas of EU human rights and rule of law and privacy- related issues. He currently holds the position of Chair of the Scientific Committee at the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights and is also a Fellow in Law and Public Policy at the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs.

Morijn’s teaching and research focus on general international law, international and European human rights law, EU law, the relationship between the EU and member states and, more recently, populism. Together with students, Morijn organized the conference ‘Our rule of law’, which focused on developments in justice, free press, human rights, and the rule of law in Poland and Hungary.


Morijn, J. (2022). The Law and Politics of Protecting Liberal Democracy. (Inaugural Lectures). University of Groningen Press.


Morijn, J. (2021). EU moet Poolse regering isoleren én EU-burgers koesteren. NRC Handelsblad, 2021.
Morijn, J. (2021, Nov 11). EU must isolate Polish government and cherish EU citizens.
Bodnar, A., & Morijn, J. (2021, May 21). How Europe can protect independent media in Hungary and Poland.
Morijn, J. (2021, Mar 3). Misjudging Judges: The EU Commission’s non-reply to a letter about judicial independence.
Kochenov, D., & Morijn, J. (2021). Strengthening the Charter’s Role in the Fight for the Rule of Law in the EU: The Cases of JudicialIndependence and Party Financing. European Public Law, 27(4), 759-780.


Morijn, J. (2020, Dec 2). A momentous day for the rule of law: The ECJ Hearing about the Disciplinary Regime for the Polish Judiciary.
Morijn, J. (2020, Jan 28). A trial that wasn't, an impact that was: #WithWoj in Warsaw, take 2.
Morijn, J., & Kochenov, D. (2020). Augmenting the Charter’s Role in the Fight for the Rule of Law in the European Union: The Cases of Judicial Independence and Party Financing. (Reconnect Working Paper; No. 11). Reconnect.
Morijn, J. (2020). Case note: ECLI:EU:C:2020:792 en ECLI:EU:C:2020:476. Case note on: Hof van Justitie Europese Unie, 06/10/2020, ECLI:EU:C:2020:792, ECLI:EU:C:2020:476 EHRC Updates, 2020.
Morijn, J. (2020, Mar 10). Commission v Poland: What Happened, What it Means, What it will take.
Morijn, J. (2020, Feb 3). Dear Vera, I'm a fan.
Morijn, J. (2020). De Poolse rechtsstaat is ook onze rechtsstaat. NRC, 2020.
Morijn, J. (2020, Oct 13). Discussing imploding Polish judicial independence, European Arrest Warrants and fair trial in Luxembourg: silver linings to a grim day?
Morijn, J., & Bard, P. (2020, Apr 19). Domestic Courts Pushing for a Workable Test to Protect the Rule of Law in the EU: Decoding the Amsterdam and Karlsruhe Courts’ post-LM Rulings (Part II).
Morijn, J., & Sterk, K. (2020). Europese Commissie moet rechtsstaat assertiever beschermen. Het Financieele dagblad.
Beijer, M., van Bockel, B., Morijn, J., & Pahladsingh, A. (2020). Kroniek EU en mensenrechten: EU-bubbel babbels. NJCM Bulletin. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten, 45(3), 406-420. Article NTM/NJCM-bull. 2020/34.
Beijer, M., van Bockel, B., Morijn, J., & Pahladsingh, A. (2020). Kroniek EU en mensenrechten: EU-bubbel babbels. NJCM Bulletin. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten, 45(4), 533-541. Article NTM/NJCM-bull. 2020/42.
Morijn, J., & Kochenov, D. (2020). Le rôle de la Charte dans la Lutte pour l'état de droit au sein de l'Union Européenne. In A. Iliopoulou Penot, & L. Xenou (Eds.), La Charte des droits fondamentaux, source de renouveau constitutionnel européen? (pp. 173-198). (Collection droit de l'Union européenne - Colloques; Vol. 51). Bruylant.
Morijn, J., & Bard, P. (2020, Apr 18). Luxembourg's Unworkable test to protect the rule of law in the EU: Decoding the Amsterdam and Karlsruhe Courts’ post-LM Rulings (Part I).
Morijn, J. (2020). Op-Ed: “The July 2020 Special European Council, the EU budget(s) and the rule of law: Reading the European Council Conclusions in their legal and policy context” . EU Law Live.
De Burca, G., & Morijn, J. (2020, Jun 3). Repression of Freedom of Expression in Poland: Renewing support for Wojciech Sadurski.
Morijn, J. (2020). Rule of law protection and the July 2020 European Council on the MFF. In L. A. Campo , T. Beukers, M. Bulterman, M. Gijzen, J. Langer, & L. van Spronsen (Eds.), Loyale samenwerking binnen de EU: Liber Amicorum voor Ivo van der Steen (pp. 39-48). Boom Juridisch.
Morijn, J. (2020). Stel bij Europese budgetonderhandelingen de rechtsstaat voorop. De Volkskrant, 2020.
Morijn, J. (2020, Oct 6). The plaintiff who turned into a prosecutor.
Morijn, J., & GliszczyƄska, A. (2020, Oct 1). Today Tuleya, Tomorrow the EU: Igor Tuleya is (Y)Our Judge: Help us Build a Wall Behind Him.
Morijn, J. (2020, Sept 24). What's in the words: Learning from the Hearings in Cases C-487/19 and C-508/19: Four Avenues for (Tr)Action.


Morijn, J. (2019, Dec 1). Building on #WithWoj.
Morijn, J., & Butler, I. (2019, Mar 12). EPP more likely to expel Fidesz if rival groups also ditch troublemakers.
Morijn, J., & Butler, I. (2019, Apr 3). European elections - can the centre hold?
Morijn, J. (2019). Formation and funding of European Parliament political groups, political parties and political foundations v. EU-level political rights. In A. Pahladsingh, & R. Grimbergen (Eds.), The Charter and the Court of Justice of the European Union: Notable Cases from 2016-2018 (pp. 257-272). (Fundamental rights protection in Europe). Wolf Legal Publishers.
Morijn, J. (2019). Kiezer zou op de hoogte moeten worden gebracht van samenwerking tussen EU-partijen. De Volkskrant. http://kiezer zou op de hoogte moeten worden gebracht van samenwerking tussen EU-partijen
de Búrca, G., & Morijn, J. (2019, May 6). Open Letter in Support of Professor Wojciech Sadurksi.
Morijn, J. (2019). Responding to "populist" politics at EU level: Regulation 1141/2014 and beyond. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 17(2), 617-640.
Morijn, J., de Búrca, G., & Steinbeis, M. (2019, Nov 18). Stand with Wojciech Sadurski: his freedom of expression is (y)ours.
Morijn, J., & de Búrca, G. (2019, May 20). Strengthening EU rule of law protection: start with freedom of expression.
Morijn, J., & Grabowska-Moroz, B. (2019, Nov 28). Supporting Wojciech Sadurski in a Warsaw courtroom.
Morijn, J., & Butler, I. (2019, Feb 20). Tracking Anti-Values MEPs: EP Seat Projections and Rule of Law Protection.


Morijn, J. (2018). Betrek mannen meer bij de emancipatiediscussie. De Volkskrant.
Morijn, J. (2018). It's not them, it's me (and I don't like what I see): Populisme en introspectie. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten, 43(2), 231-242.
Morijn, J. (2018). Post-Lisbon civil rights protection by the EU's political institutions. In S. de Vries, H. de Waele, & M.-P. Granger (Eds.), Civil rights and EU Citizenship: Challenges at the Crossroads of the European, National and Private Spheres (pp. 14-42). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Morijn, J. (2018, Nov 20). Rule of law in the EU: some recent “less bad” news and why it matters.
Morijn, J. (2018). Waarom is de EU juist in de economisch presterende landen de pispaal? De Volkskrant.


Morijn, J. (2017). Personal conviction and strategic litigation in Wijsenbeek. In F. Nicola, & B. Davies (Eds.), EU Law Stories: Contextual and Critical Histories of European Jurisprudence (pp. 178-200). (Law in Context). Cambridge University Press.


Morijn, J. (2016). De Siragusa-criteria over het toepassingsbereik van het EU-Handvest: constructieve ambiguïteit? In A. Pahladsingh, & S. de Vries (Eds.), JHG: EU-Handvest Selecties (pp. 45-62). Sdu Uitgevers.
Morijn, J. (2016). Human Rights Law in Europe: The Influence, Overlaps and Contradictions of the EU and the ECHR edited by Konstantsin Dzehtsiarou, Theodore Konstadinides, Tobias Lock and Noreen O'Meara. Routledge, 2014, Abingdon, 226pp, ISBN 978-0-415-82599-3. International & comparative law quarterly, 65(1), 271-272.


Morijn, J. (2015). After Opinion 2/13 [on EU accession to the ECHR]: how to move on in Strasbourg and Brussels?
Morijn, J., Pahladsingh, A., & Palm, H. (2015). Doorwerking van het handvest in beleidsvorming en wetgeving. In J. H. Gerards, H. de Waele, & K. M. Zwaan (Eds.), Vijf jaar bindend EU-Grondrechtenhandvest: Doorwerking, consequenties, perspectieven (pp. 45-62). (Serie staat en recht; Vol. 26). Wolters Kluwer.
Morijn, J. (2015). The EU Charter of fundamental rights and cultural diversity in the EU. In E. Psychogiopoulou (Ed.), Cultural governance and the European Union: Protecting and promoting cultural diversity in Europe (pp. 151-164). (Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics). Palgrave MacMillan.
Morijn, J., Pahladsingh, A., & Palm, H. (2015). Vijf jaar bindend handvest van de grondrechten: wat heeft het de rechtzoekende opgeleverd? Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Europees Recht, 2015(4), 123-132.


Morijn, J. (2014). Cae note: C-206/13 (Siragusa): EHRC 2014/135. Sdu European Human Rights Cases.
Morijn, J. (2014). Case note: C-276/12 (Sabou): EHRC 2014/7. Sdu European Human Rights Cases.
Morijn, J. (2014). Het PIA toetsmodel Rijksdienst: inbedding, inhoud en eerste ervaringen. Privacy & Compliance : tijdschrift voor de praktijk, (1), 14-21.
Morijn, J. (2014). Kissing awake a sleeping beauty? The charter of fundamental rights in EU and member states' policy practice. In V. Kosta, N. Skoutaris , & V. Tzevelekos (Eds.), EU accession to the ECHR (pp. 123-139). (Modern Studies in European Law). Hart Publishing Ltd.


Morijn, J. (2013). Akerberg: een verduidelijking van de reikwijdte van het EU-Handvest ten aanzien van lidstaten? In A. Pahladsingh, & M. van Roosmalen (Eds.), Jurisprudentie Handvest Grondrechten: EU-Handvest Selecties (pp. 204-212). Sdu Uitgevers.
Morijn, J. (2013). Akerberg and Melloni: what the Court said, did and may have left open - part 2. Web publication/site, EUtopiaLAW blog.
Morijn, J. (2013). Akerberg and Melloni: what the Court said, did and may have left open - part 1. Web publication/site, EUtopiaLAW blog.
Morijn, J. (2013). Case note 2013. European Human Rights Cases, 2013(2).


Morijn, J. (2012). De EU als amicus? Hoe en onder welke voorwaarden de EHRM-hervorming kan profiteren van het versterkte systeem van EU-grondrechtenbescherming. In J. Gerards, & A. Terlouw (Eds.), Amici Curiae: Adviezen aan het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens (pp. 193-206). Wolf Legal Publishers.
Morijn, J. (2012). Gueye and Salmerón Sánchez: The ECJ side-stepping the Stockholm syndrome in domestic violence cases, and its implications. Web publication/site, .
Morijn, J. (2012). New discussions on UN human rights treaty monitoring reform: Using the Momentum while acknnowledging financial and political realities. Web publication/site, .
Morijn, J., & Sasse van Ysselt, P. B. C. D. F. (2012). Niet-rechterlijke handhaving van het EU-Grondrechtenhandvest: een analyse van de eerste stappen. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten, 37(3), 295-310.
van Sasse van IJsselt, P., & Morijn, J. (2012). Niet-rechterlijke handhaving van het EU-Handvest van de grondrechten: een analyse van de eerste stappen. NTM/NJCM-Bulletin, 37(3), 295-310.
Morijn, J. (2012). UN human rights treaty monitoring reform update: promising OHCHR proposals now to be acted upon by the General Assembly (and the EU). Web publication/site, .
Morijn, J. (2012). Unlocking and advancing the protection of religious beliefs in Strasbourg: towards sub-dividing "the public sphere". In The Italian Yearbook of International Law (Vol. XXI, pp. 193-209)
Morijn, J. (2012). zaak C-571/12, Kamberaj. European Human Rights Cases, 2012.


Morijn, J. (2011). Bijdrage aan rapport voor Fide-congres 2012, topic 1 (antwoord op vraag 4). NVER.
Morijn, J. (2011). Case note (14737/09). European Human Rights Cases, 2011(12(11)).
Morijn, J. (2011). Case note (C-483/09). European Human Rights Cases, 2011(12).
Morijn, J. (2011). Het Juridisch bindende handvest van de grondrechten van de Europese Unie: Eerste ervaringen en openstaande vragen. NJCM Bulletin, 36 (1), 45 - 62.
Morijn, J. (2011). Reforming United Nations Human Rights Treaty Monitoring Reform. Netherlands International Law Review, 3, 295 - 333.
Morijn, J. (2011). The EU Fundamental Rights Charter, the European Commission and the Council of Ministers: checking the 'Charter checklists' - part 1 + 2. Eutopia.


Morijn, J. (2010). Conflicts between fundamental rights or conflicting fundamental rights vocubularies? An analysis of diverging uses of 'fundamental rights' in the context of international and European trade law. In J. Ramakistaiah (Ed.), Trade and Human Rights Icfai University Press.
Morijn, J. (2010). Reframing Human Rights and Trade: Potential and Limits of a Human Rights Perspective of WTO law on cultural and educational goods and services. Intersentia, International Law Series.


Morijn, J. (2009). Backgroud Study: Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms within the scope of EU judicial cooperation in criminal matters. In M. Dane, & A. Klip (Eds.), An additional evaluation mechanism in the field of EU judicial cooperation in criminal matters to strengthen mutual trust Celsus Juridische uitgeverij.
Morijn, J., & Krommendijk, J. (2009). "Proportional" by what measure(s)? Balancing Investor Interests and Human Rights by Way of Applying the Proportionality Principle in Investor-State Arbitration. In P.-M. Dupuy, F. Francioni, & E.-U. Petersmann (Eds.), Human Rights in International Investment Law and Arbitration Oxford University Press.


Morijn, J. (2008). Conflicts Between Fundamental Rights or Conflicting Fundamental Rights Vocabularies? An Analysis of Diverging Uses of 'Fundamental Rights' in the Context of International and European Trade Law. In E. Brems (Ed.), Conflict Between Fundamental Rights Intersentia, International Law Series.
Morijn, J. (2008). Handelsliberalisering, hoger onderwijs en mensenrechtenbescherming. In C. Lourenz (Ed.), If you are so smart, why aren't you rich? Universiteit, markt en management Boom.
Morijn, J. (2008). Onderwijs als sociaal-cultureel beleidsterrein en als economisch te verlenen of ontvangen dienst: anatomie van een juridisch spanningsveld. Nederlands tijdschrift voor onderwijsrecht en onderwijsbeleid, 5-6, 451 - 463.
Morijn, J. (2008). The Place of Cultural Rights in the WTO system. In F. Francioni, & M. Scheinin (Eds.), Cultural Human Rights (International Studies in Human Rights). Martinus Nijhoff.
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