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Metting, Dr Esther

Esther Metting
Esther Metting

Esther Metting works as an Assistant Professor eHealth at the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) and at the Faculty of Economics and Business. Metting has a background is in psychology and epidemiology. Her main research focus is the exciting field of health and technology (eHealth). "Unfortunately, not everyone can benefit from the benefits of eHealth due to poor health and digital literacy. This is a problem because these vulnerable groups have a poorer health status on average and would benefit most from eHealth programmes." In her daily work, she uses knowledge from epidemiology, behavioural and implementation sciences to improve the uptake of eHealth schemes. The overall aim of her research is to make eHealth accessible for everyone.

Metting has worked as project leader eHealth in a large health care organization and is active as board member or advisor in several patient organisations. Her unique experience in clinical, behavioural and implementation science have led to a solid and multidisciplinary basis for health research. Her goal is to use her talent, experience and passion for science to improve scientific knowledge in the field of eHealth.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Metting has been involved in several COVID-19 projects including the evaluation of the CoronaMelder for the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, the evaluation of the COVID-19 rapid-testing centre for teaching-related activities in Groningen and research into the CoronaCheck app.

Previously in the news (mostly in Dutch)



Ferreira, V. R., Brayne, C., Ragonese, P., Ketzoian, C., Piccioli, M., Tinti, L., Casali, C., di Lorenzo, C., Ramos, C., Azevedo, J., Gomes, A., Stewart, R., Haas, H., Hoppenbrouwer, S., Metting, E., & Gallo, V. (2024). A Delphi consensus to identify the key screening tests/questions for a digital neurological examination for epidemiological research. Journal of Neurology, 271, 2694–2703.
Ferreira, V. R., Metting, E., Schauble, J., Seddighi, H., Beumeler, L., & Gallo, V. (2024). Correction to: eHealth tools to assess the neurological function for research, in absence of the neurologist – a systematic review, part I (software) (Journal of Neurology, (2024), 271, 1, (211-230), 10.1007/s00415-023-12012-6). Journal of Neurology, 271(11), 7376.
Leung, K. Y., Metting, E., Ebbers, W., Veldhuijzen, I., Andeweg, S. P., Luijben, G., de Bruin, M., Wallinga, J., & Klinkenberg, D. (2024). Effectiveness of a COVID-19 contact tracing app in a simulation model with indirect and informal contact tracing. Epidemics, 46, Article 100735.
Metting, E., & Hage, E. (2024). Outside the digital bubble: digital illiteracy is common and deserves more attention when implementing eHealth. (Social Sciences & Humanities Open). SSRN.
Metting, E. I., & Hage, E. (2024). Outside the digital bubble: Digital illiteracy is common and deserves more attention when implementing eHealth. Social Sciences and Humanities Open, 10, Article 101001.


Ferreira, V. R., Metting, E., Schauble, J., Seddighi, H., Beumeler, L., & Gallo, V. (2024). eHealth tools to assess the neurological function for research, in absence of the neurologist: a systematic review, part I (software). Journal of Neurology, 271, 211-230.
Wessels, N. J., Ruiter, E. J., Hulshof, L., Loohuis, A. M. M., van Gemert-Pijnen, J. E. W. C., Metting, E. I., Worp, H. V. D., & Blanker, M. H. (2023). Care provider views on app-based treatment for female urinary incontinence: A mixed-methods study. Continence, 6, Article 100584.
Noort, B. A. C., Vaart, T. V. D., Maten, J. V. D., Metting, E., & Ahaus, K. C. T. B. (2023). Intensive out-of-hospital coaching for frequently hospitalized COPD patients: a before-after feasibility study. Frontiers in Medicine, 10, Article 1195481.
Metting, E., Van Luenen, S., Baron, A. J., Tran, A., Duinhoven, van, S., Chavannes, N. H., Hevink, M., Luers, J., & Kocks, J. W. H. (2023). Overcoming the Digital Divide for Older Patients With Respiratory Disease: Focus Group Study. JMIR Formative Research, 7, Article e44028 .
van Boxtel, J., Wessels, N. J., Ruiter, E. J., Loohuis, A. M. M., Metting, E. I., van der Worp, H., & Blanker, M. H. (2023). Perspective of Dutch healthcare professionals on care for female urinary incontinence: A mixed-methods study. Continence, 6, Article 100585.
Hengst, T. M., Lechner, L., Van der Laan, L. N., Hommersom, A., Dohmen , D., Hooft, L., Metting, E., Ebbers, W., & Bolman , C. A. W. (2023). The Adoption of a COVID-19 Contact-Tracing App: Cluster Analysis. JMIR Formative Research, 7, Article e41479 .
The Citrien 2 Project Leaders and Steering Group, Gijsbers, H., Nurmohamed, A., van de Belt, T. H., & Schijven, M. (2023). The National Coordinated Citrien eHealth Program to Scale Up Telemonitoring: Protocol for a Before-and-After Evaluation Study. JMIR research protocols, 12, Article e4520.
Citrien 2 Project Leaders/Steering Group, Gijsbers, H. J. H., Kleiss, J., Nurmohamed, S. A., van de Belt, T. H., & Schijven, M. P. (2023). Upscaling telemonitoring in Dutch University Medical Centres: A baseline measurement. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 175, Article 105085.


Ribeiro Ferreira, V., Seddighi, H., Beumeler, L., Metting, E., & Gallo, V. (2022). eHealth tools to assess neurological function: a systematic review protocol for a mapping exercise. BMJ Open, 12(9), Article e062691.
van de Vijver, S., Hummel, D., van Dijk, A. H., Cox, J., van Dijk, O., Van den Broek, N., & Metting, E. (2022). Evaluation of a Digital Self-management Platform for Patients With Chronic Illness in Primary Care: Qualitative Study of Stakeholders' Perspectives. JMIR Formative Research, 6(8), Article e38424.
Metting, E. (2022, Jun 1). Maak digitale zorg voor iedereen toegankelijk. ICT&Health.
Rollema, C., van Roon, E. N., van Boven, J. F. M., Hagedoorn, P., Klemmeier, T., Kocks, J. W. H., Metting, E. I., Elberink, J. N. G. O., Peters, T. T. A., Giorgi, M. R. M. S., & de Vries, T. W. (2022). Pharmacology, particle deposition and drug administration techniques of intranasal corticosteroids for treating allergic rhinitis. Clinical and Experimental Allergy, 52(11), 1247-1263.
van der Waal, N. E., de Wit, J., Bol, N., Ebbers, W., Hooft, L., Metting, E., & Van der Laan, L. N. (2022). Predictors of contact tracing app adoption: Integrating the UTAUT, HBM and contextual factors. Technology in Society, 71, Article 102101.
Abdel-Aal, A., Lisspers, K., Williams, S., Adab, P., Adams, R., Agarwal, D., Barnard, A., Bouloukaki, I., van Boven, J. F. M., Chavannes, N., Dickens, A. P., van Gemert, F., Escarrer, M., Haroon, S., Kayongo, A., Kirenga, B., Kocks, J. W. H., Kotz, D., Newby, C., ... Jordan, R. E. (2022). Prioritising primary care respiratory research needs: results from the 2020 International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) global e-Delphi exercise. npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, 32(1), 6. Article 6.
Verpaalen , I. A. M., Holland, R. W., Ritter, S., van Hooff, M., Ebbers, W., 't Hooft, L., Metting, E., & van der Laan, L. N. (2022). Resistance to contact tracing applications: The implementation process in a social context. Computers in Human Behavior, 134, Article 107299.


Schipper, N., Baron, A. J., Flokstra-De Blok, B. M. J., Wouters, H., Metting, E. I., Van Heijst, E., Riemersma, R. A., Kerstjens, H. A. M., & Kocks, J. W. H. (2021). Adherence to medication advice through a remote electronic asthma and COPD service. European Respiratory Journal, 58(Suppl 65).
Bins, J., Metting, E., Muilwijk-Kroes, J., Kocks, J., & Veen, J. I. (2021). De histamineprovocatietest voor astma kan ook in de eerste lijn. Huisarts en Wetenschap, 64(10), 18-20.
Mariani, S., Metting, E., Lahr, M. M. H., Vargiu, E., & Zambonelli, F. (2021). Developing an ML pipeline for asthma and COPD: The case of a Dutch primary care service. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 36(11), 6763-6790.
Metting, E. (2021, Jun 1). Doorlopende evaluatie CoronaCheck.
Metting, E. (2021). Doorlopende evaluatie CoronaCheck: Tussenrapportage juli 2021 opgesteld door het onderzoeksteam onder leiding van Prof. dr. Wolfgang Ebbers. (Rapportage CoronaCheck). Augeo / Rijksoverheid.
Metting, E., Dassen, L., Aardoom, J., Versluis, A., & Chavannes, N. (2021). Effectiveness of Telemonitoring for Respiratory and Systemic Symptoms of Asthma and COPD: A Narrative Review. Life, 11(11), Article 1215.
Ebbers, W., Hooft, L., van der Laan , N., & Metting, E. (2021). Evaluatie CoronaMelder: een overzicht na 9 maanden. Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport.
Schreuder, M. C., van der Worp, H., Metting, E. I., & Blanker, M. H. (2021). Expectations and Perceptions of Dutch Pharmacy Staff Regarding a New Framework for Continence Care: A Focus Group Study. Health Services Insights, 14.
Scheenhart, N., Azdahic, A., & Metting, E. (2021). Preventie: een taak van de huisarts? Huisarts en Wetenschap, 64(2), 19-24.
Kooistra, J., Metting, E., Dekhuijzen, R., Leendertse, A., Hagedoorn, P., & Janknegt, R. (2021). Rational selection of inhalation devices in the treatment of asthma by means of the system of objectified judgement analysis. ACTA Scientific Pharmacology, 2(7).
Janknegt, R., Kooistra, J., Metting, E., & Dekhuijzen, R. (2021). Rational selection of inhalation devices in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease by means of the System of Objectified Judgement Analysis (SOJA). European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy: Science and Practice, 28(2), Article e4.


Hoekstra, J., Leeflang, P. S. H., & Metting, E. (2020). How COVID-19 changes human behaviour and marketing decision-making: Connecting authentic brands with people in times of crisis. Customer Insights Center.
Abdel-Aal, A., Jordan, R., Adab, P., Adam, R., Barnard, A., Bouloukaki, I., Van Boven, J. F. M., Chavannes, N., Dickens, A., Van Gemert, F., Escarrer, M., Haroon, S., Kayongo, A., Kirenga, B., Kocks, J., Kotz, D., Lisspers, K., Newby, C., Mcnulty, C., ... Williams, S. (2020). Identification of important respiratory research themes relevant to primary care: qualitative analysis of round 1 of the 2020 International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) Research Prioritisation Exercise. European Respiratory Journal, 56.
Metting, E., Peters, M., Rollema, C., Van Boven, J. F. M., & Sanderman, R. (2020). Lack of knowledge regarding nasal inhaler technique in allergic rhinitis: results from a mixed methods study. European Respiratory Journal, 56.
Baron, A. J., Flokstra-De Blok, B. M. J., Van Heijst, E., Meijer, J. M., Metting, E. E., Riemersma, R. A., Kerstjens, H. A. M., & Kocks, J. W. H. (2020). Patient characteristics that guide medication advice for primary care COPD patients in an electronic service: preliminary results. European Respiratory Journal, 56(suppl 64).
Baron, A. J., Flokstra-de Blok, B. M. J., van Heijst, E., Riemersma, R. A., Sonnenschein-van der Voort, A. M. M., Metting, E., & Kocks, J. W. H. (2020). Prevalence of Asthma Characteristics in COPD Patients in a Dutch Well-Established Asthma/COPD Service for Primary Care. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 15, 1601-1611.
Peters-Geven, M. M., Rollema, C., Metting, E. I., van Roon, E. N., & de Vries, T. W. (2020). The Quality of Instructional YouTube Videos for the Administration of Intranasal Spray: Observational Study. JMR Medical Education, 6(2), Article e23668.
Bins, J. E., Metting, E. I., Muilwijk-Kroes, J. B., Kocks, J. W. H., & In 't Veen, J. C. C. M. (2020). The use of a direct bronchial challenge test in primary care to diagnose asthma. Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, 30(1), Article 45.


Metting, E. I., Verhallen, L., & De Jong, C. (2019). Barriers and facilitators of developing and implementing eHealth applications: a questionnaire study with eHealth professionals. European Respiratory Journal, 54.
Metting, E., Baron, A.-J., Chavannes, N. H., Tran, A., Van Luenen, S., & De Jong, C. (2019). Evaluation of a pharmacy based personal health record by elderly respiratory patients. European Respiratory Journal, 54.
Baron, A. J., Flokstra-De Blok, B. M. J., Heijst, V. E., Riemersma, R. A., Sonnenschein-Van der Voort, A. M. M., Metting, E. I., & Kocks, J. W. H. (2019). Prevalence of asthma characteristics in COPD patients in a Dutch well-established asthma/COPD service for primary care. European Respiratory Journal, 54.
Román-Rodríguez, M., Metting, E., Gacía-Pardo, M., Kocks, J., & van der Molen, T. (2019). Wrong inhalation technique is associated to poor asthma clinical outcomes. Is there room for improvement? Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine, 25(1), 18-26.


Metting, E., Schrage, A. J., Kocks, J. W., Sanderman, R., & van der Molen, T. (2018). Assessing the Needs and Perspectives of Patients With Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease on Patient Web Portals: Focus Group Study. JMIR Formative Research, 2(2), Article e22.
Metting, E. I. (2018). Development of patient centered management of asthma and COPD in primary care. [Thesis fully internal (DIV), University of Groningen]. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Kocks, J., Van Dijk, L., Luers, J., Messlaki, H. E., Jaarsveld, X. V., & Metting, E. (2018). Inhaler preferences and satisfaction of asthma and COPD patients. Poster session presented at 28th International Congress of the European-Respiratory-Society (ERS), Paris, France.
Metting, E. I., Hagedoorn, P., Schokker, S., Van Heijst, E., Klemmeier, T., Steurs, M., Ettema, R., Burger, K., Rodriguez, M. R., Tsiligianni, I., Van der Molen, T., & Kocks, J. (2018). Towards a new inhaler instruction method based on based findings from the Inhaler Research Workgroup study. European Respiratory Journal, 52.


Westerik, J. A. M., Metting, E. I., van Boven, J. F. M., Tiersma, W., Kocks, J. W. H., & Schermer, T. R. J. (2017). Associations between chronic comorbidity and exacerbation risk in primary care patients with COPD. Respiratory Research, 18(31).
Metting, E., Lieshout, M., Hagedoorn, P., Schokker, S., van Heijst, E., Klemmeier, T., Roman-Rodriguez, M., Tsilligianni, I., van der Molen, T., & Kocks, J. (2017). Asthma and COPD patient characteristics and illness perceptions related to inhaler technique. European Respiratory Journal, 50(Suppl. 61).
Metting, E., Kocks, J. W. H., & Schrage, A. (2017, Dec 1). Social problemen bij astma en COPD.
Metting, E., Hagedoorn, P., Schokker, S., Van Heijst, E., Klemmeier, T., Lieshout, M., Hoving, H., Otermann, V., Tameling, M., Postma, W., Ettema, R., Roman-Rodriguez, M., Tsilligiani, I., Van der Molen, T., Kocks, J., & Burger, K. (2017). The curious incident of the inhaler using dog and other remarkable inhaler technique stories from real-life clinical practice. An IRW study. European Respiratory Journal, 50(Suppl. 61).


Metting, E. I., In 't Veen, J. C. C. M., Dekhuijzen, P. N. R., van Heijst, E., Kocks, J. W. H., Muilwijk-Kroes, J. B., Chavannes, N. H., & van der Molen, T. (2016). Development of a diagnostic decision tree for obstructive pulmonary diseases based on real-life data. ERJ Open Research, 2(1), Article 00077-2015.
Metting, E. I., Riemersma, R. A., Kocks, J.-W. H., Piersma-Wichers, M. G., Sanderman, R., & van der Molen, T. (2016). Een astma/COPD-dienst voor de huisartsenpraktijk. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 160(27), Article D281.
Westerik, J. A. M., Metting, E., van Boven, J. FM., Tiersma, W., Kocks, J. W. H., & Schermer, T. R. J. (2016). Impact of chronic comorbidity on the occurrence of exacerbations in primary care patients with COPD: preliminary results from a real-life cohort database study. European Respiratory Journal, 48(S60), Article PA871.
Metting, E., Van Der Molen, T., & Kocks, J. (2016). Loneliness and lack of social support severely influences patients' quality of life. Secondary findings from our focusgroup study in asthma and COPD patients. European Respiratory Journal, 48(Supplement 60), Article PA729.
Tsiligianni, I., Metting, E., van der Molen, T., Chavannes, N., & Kocks, J. (2016). Morning and night symptoms in primary care COPD patients: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study. An UNLOCK study from the IPCRG. Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, 26, Article 16040.
Metting, E., Van Den Berg, J., Van Heijst, E., Kocks, J., & Van Der Molen, T. (2016). We provided patients with patients oriented diagnosis and treatment advice from their lung assessments using an algorithm. It was feasible and in general well appreciated by our patients. European Respiratory Journal, 48(Supplement 60), Article PA3934.


Metting, E. I., Kocks, J. W. H., & Van Der Molen, T. (2015). Combination therapy versus separate therapy in real-life primary care asthma patients. European Respiratory Journal, 46, Article PA1244.
Metting, E. I., Riemersma, R. A., Kocks, J. H., Piersma-Wichers, M. G., Sanderman, R., & van der Molen, T. (2015). Feasibility and effectiveness of an Asthma/COPD service for primary care: A cross-sectional baseline description and longitudinal results. Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, 25, Article 14101.


Metting, E., Schrage, T., Wennemars, J. W., Riemersma, R., Kocks, J., Sanderman, R., & Van Der Molen, T. (2014). How do asthma and COPD patients think about a patient web portal? Results from a focusgroup study. P3031. Abstract from European-Respiratory-Society (ERS) International Congress, Milan, Italy.
Kocks, J. W. H., Weatherall, M., Metting, E. I., Riemersma, R. A., Fingleton, J., Van Der Molen, T., & Beasley, R. (2014). Phenotyping airways disease by cluster analysis in primary care: 6 distinct clusters identified. European Respiratory Journal, 44(suppl 58), Article 1977.


Metting, E., Riemersma, R., Sanderman, R., Van Der Molen, T., & Kocks, J. (2013). Favorable results from a Dutch asthma/COPD service for primary care. P277. Abstract from European Respiratory Society Annual Congress 2013, Barcelona, Spain.


Metting, E. (2010). Pilotonderzoek behandeltraject constitutioneel eczeem. s.n.
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