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Meijering, Prof. Louise

Louise Meijering
Louise Meijering

Prof. Louise Meijering studied regional geography at the University of Groningen, where she also obtained her PhD. Currently, she holds a chair in Health Geography and is leading a research programme on the wellbeing of older people in relation to mobility and place-bound identification. She is researching the mobility of older people and experiences of place and identity in cases of acquired brain damage, as well as the multiple dimensions of wellbeing in older people. Her work is interdisciplinary, at the interface of geography, gerontology, and public heath, as our environment influences people's wellbeing. Meijering is mainly focused on exploring what this relationship exactly entails, and how we can arrange our (semi-)public spaces so that they contribute to the general wellbeing of their users.

As from April 2019, Meijering has been working together with her research team on the prestigious European project Meaningful Mobility. The aim of the project is to develop and use a new approach to explain the relationship between mobility and wellbeing in elderly people. Furthermore, she is leading the Dutch part of the COORDINATES project on the living environment of elderly people with memory issues.

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Meijering, L., Osborne, T., Lowe, T. A., Sattari, Z., de Haas, B., Schreuder, L., Weitkamp, G., & Maeckelberghe, E. L. M. (2024). Challenges and opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic: A layered vulnerabilities perspective. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 5, Article 100419.
Yip, M. K. F., Ramezani, S., Meijering, L., Tillema, T., & Arts, J. (2024). Conceptualising justice in transit-oriented development (TOD): towards an analytical framework. Transport Reviews, 44(5), 944-971.
Meijering, L., & Weitkamp, G. (2024). ‘I choose the quiet roads’: Everyday mobility in later life on the urban–rural continuum of the Northern Netherlands. Journal of Transport Geography, 114, Article 103762.
Tiemensma, M. D., Andersen, P. T., Meijering, L., & Sturge, J. (2024). “If you just sit at home and look out of the window, then there is no life.” an ethnographic study of how home-dwelling people with dementia use the cityscape's life in practice. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 5, Article 100448.
Meijering, L. B., & Vogt, T. C. (2024). Population ageing and care arrangements in later life in the Netherlands. In M. Kapur Shankardass (Ed.), Care of Older Persons: Emerging International Perspectives (pp. 140-156). Routledge.
Elf, M., Norin, L., Meijering, L., Pessah-Rasmussen, H., Suhonen, R., Zingmark, M., & Kylén, M. (2024). Rehabilitation at Home With the Development of a Sustainable Model Placing the Person's Needs and Environment at Heart: Protocol for a Multimethod Project. JMIR research protocols, 13, Article e56996.


Meijering, L., Osborne, T., van Doorne, M., & Weitkamp, G. (2024). Seasonal differences in mobility and activity space in later life: a case study of older adults in the Northern Netherlands. Mobilities, 19(4), 736-755.
Nordin, S., Sturge, J., Meijering, L., & Elf, M. (2023). A 5-day codesign sprint to improve housing decisions of older adults: lessons learned from Sweden and the Netherlands. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. Advance online publication.
Fakhfah, M., Blanchette, V., Plourde, K., Gadio, S., Elf, M., Jones, A., Meijering, L., Giguère, A., & Légaré, F. (2023). Canadian Older Adults’ Intention to Use an Electronic Decision Aid for Housing Decisions: Cross-sectional Web-Based Survey. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 6, e43106.
Osborne, T., Lowe, T. A., & Meijering, L. (2023). Care and rhythmanalysis: Using metastability to understand the routines of dementia care. Social Science & Medicine, 331, Article 116099.
Meijering, L., & Bailey, A. (2023). Homemaking and cohousing by postcolonial migrants in later life. In P. Boccagni (Ed.), Handbook on Home and Migration (pp. 426-437). (Elgar Handbooks in Migration). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Zhang, Y., You, C., Pundir, P., & Meijering, L. (2023). Migrants' community participation and social integration in urban areas: A scoping review. Cities, 141, Article 104447.
Parsekar, S. S., Meijering, L., Bailey, A., & Nair, S. (2023). Perceptions and Experiences of Informal Caregivers of Breast Cancer Patients in South India: A Qualitative Study. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP, 24(5), 1651-1658.
Meijering, L. (2023). Ruimte voor gezondheid: het belang van de leefomgeving en mobiliteit voor het welbevinden van ouderen. (Inaugural Lectures). University of Groningen Press.
Brink, J., van Lanen, S., & Meijering, L. (2023). Sociale infrastructuur tegen eenzaamheid. AGORA Magazine, 39(2), 28-29.
Lowe, T., Meijering, L., & de Haas, B. (2023). The role of performativity in informal dementia carers' capability to be mobile. Social Science & Medicine, 329, Article 116030.
Sattari, Z., Meijering, L., & Weitkamp, G. (2023). What happens behind doors? Exploring everyday indoor activities when ageing in place. Journal of Aging Studies, 64, Article 101109.


Lowe, T. A., de Haas, B., Osborne, T., & Meijering, L. (2024). Older adults' adaptations to life events: a mobility perspective. Ageing and Society, 44(10), 2200-2218.
van Offenbeek, M., Slagter, M., Venema, J., Meijering, L., de Haas, B., Broekhuis, M., & Buskens, E. (2022). Eindverslag Actieonderzoek 'Baanbrekende professionals' (ZonMw 744220108): eenvoud en samenhang door grenzenwerk binnen wijkgericht werken.
Meijering, L. (2022). Walking interview with an older adult on the market. Exhibition


Bunt, S., Steverink, N., Douma, L., van der Schans, C., Hobbelen, H., & Meijering, L. (2023). Experiences of social frailty among rural community-dwelling and assisted-living older adults: A qualitative study. Ageing and Society, 43(4), 857-877.
Osborne, T., & Meijering, L. (2023). ‘We may be long in the tooth, but it makes us tough’: Exploring stillness for older adults during the COVID-19 lockdowns. Social & Cultural Geography, 24(3-4), 447-466.
Meijering, L., & Lettinga, A. (2022). Hopeful adaptation after acquired brain injury: The case of late referrals in the Netherlands. Social Science & Medicine, 293, 114651.
Klaassens, M., & Meijering, L. (2021). ‘Even een rondje wezen wandelen, want dan kom ik weer mensen tegen’: Kwalitatief onderzoek naar de participatie van ouderen met geheugenproblemen. Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie, 52(1).
Sturge, J., Klaassens, M., Jones, A., Légaré, F., Elf, M., Weitkamp, G., & Meijering, L. (2021). Exploring assets of people with memory problems and dementia in public space: A qualitative study. Wellbeing, Space and Society, 2, Article 100063.
Osborne, T., Dul, A., & Meijering, L. (2021). Exploring Older Adults' Experiences of Urban Space in the COVID-19 Lockdowns: Dutch and British Perspectives. In R. van Melik, P. Filion, & B. Doucet (Eds.), Public Space and Mobility (pp. 109-117). (Global Reflections on COVID-19 and Urban Inequalities; Vol. 3). Bristol University Press.
Douma, L., Steverink, N., & Meijering, L. (2021). Geographical life-space and subjective wellbeing in later life. Health & Place, 70, Article 102608.
Meijering, L., Dul, A., & Osborne, T. (2021). Ouderen tijdens de eerste lockdown in Nederland en Engeland. Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving, 37(4), 5-7.
Meijering, L. (2021). Seasonal differences in mobility in later life in the Northern Netherlands. Paper presented at Dutch Demography Day.
Sturge, J., Meijering, L., Jones, C. A., Garvelink, M., Caron, D., Nordin, S., Elf, M., & Légaré, F. (2021). Technology to Improve Autonomy and Inform Housing Decisions for Older Adults With Memory Problems Who Live at Home in Canada, Sweden, and the Netherlands: Protocol for a Multipronged Mixed Methods Study. JMIR research protocols, 10(1), Article e19244.
Nordin, S., Sturge, J., Ayoub, M., Jones, A., McKee, K., Dahlberg, L., Meijering, L., & Elf, M. (2021). The Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Older Adults’ Decision-Making Related to Health, and Health and Social Care Services in Daily Life—A Scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1), Article 151.
Meij, E., Haartsen, T., & Meijering, L. (2021). The time and place of social mixing: Everyday rhythms of long-term residents and newcomers in a Dutch neighborhood. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 39(8), 1809-1826.
Briones, S., & Meijering, L. (2021). Using Everyday Technology Independently When Living with Forgetfulness: Experiences of Older Adults in Barcelona. Gerontology & geriatric medicine, 7.
Dul, A., & Meijering, L. (2021). Veerkrachtig omgaan met verandering tijdens corona. Gerōn: tijdschrift over ouder worden & samenleving, 23(1).


Meijering, L., Osborne, T., & Dul, A. (2021). Exploring older adult's experiences of urban space in the COVID-19 lockdowns: Dutch and British perspectives. Paper presented at Dutch Demography Week 2020.
Sturge, J., Nordin, S., Sussana Patil, D., Jones, A., Légaré, F., Elf, M., & Meijering, L. (2021). Features of the social and built environment that contribute to the well-being of people with dementia who live at home: A scoping review. Health & Place, 67, Article 102483.
Sturge, J., Klaassens, M., Lager, D., Weitkamp, G., Vegter, D., & Meijering, L. (2021). Using the concept of activity space to understand the social health of older adults living with memory problems and dementia at home. Social Science & Medicine, 288, Article 113208.
Meij, E., Haartsen, T., & Meijering, L. (2020). Enduring rural poverty: Stigma, class practices and social networks in a town in the Groninger Veenkoloniën. Journal of Rural Studies, 79, 226-234.
Meij, E., Haartsen, T., & Meijering, L. (2020). ‘Everywhere they are trying to hide poverty. I hate it!’: Spatial practices of the urban poor in Calgary, Canada. Geoforum, 117, 206-215.
de Wit, L., Karnaki, P., Dalma, A., Csizmadia, P., Salter, C., de Winter, A., & Meijering, L. (2020). Health Literacy in the Everyday Lives of Older Adults in Greece, Hungary, and the Netherlands. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7), Article 2411.
Meijering, L., Osborne, T., Hoorn, E., & Montagner, C. (2020). How the GDPR can contribute to improving geographical research. Geoforum, 117, 291-295.
Meijering, L. (2020). Naar betekenisvolle beweging. Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie, 51(3), 1-4.
Lettinga, A. T., Slagter, M., Merkelijn, E., & Meijering, L. (2020). Werken vanuit plekken in het echte leven: Een kansrijk sociaal-ruimtelijk raamwerk. TSG: Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen, 99, 30-35. Article 571.


Meijering, L. (2021). Towards meaningful mobility: a research agenda for movement within and between places in later life. Ageing and Society, 41(4), 711-723.
Meijering, L., & Briones Barrales, S. (2019). Everyday technology and capabilities in later life: experiences of older adults living with cognitive impairment in Barcelona. Paper presented at Dutch Demography Day 2019, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Kaper, M., Sixsmith, J., Meijering, L., Vervoordeldonk, J., Doyle, P., Barry, M. M., de Winter, A. F., & Reijneveld, S. A. (2019). Implementation and Long-Term Outcomes of Organisational Health Literacy Interventions in Ireland and The Netherlands: A Longitudinal Mixed-Methods Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(23), Article 4812.
Meijering, L., van Hoven, B., & Yousefzadeh, S. (2019). "I Think I'm Better at it Myself": The Capability Approach and Being Independent in Later Life. Research on Ageing and Social Policy, 7(1), 229-259.
Meijering, L., & Lettinga, A. T. (2019). Levens na hersenletsel in sociaal-ruimtelijk perspectief: Wat biedt het de neurorevalidatie? Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Revalidatiegeneeskunde, 2019(5), 41-43.
van Hoven, B., & Meijering, L. (2019). Mundane mobilities in later life - Exploring experiences of everyday trip-making by older adults in a Dutch urban neighbourhood. Research in Transportation Business and Management, 30, Article 100375.


Meijering, L., Theunissen, N., & Lettinga, A. T. (2019). Re-engaging with places: Understanding bio-geo-graphical disruption and flow in adult brain injury survivors. Social Science and Medicine, 231, 22-30.
Meijering, L. (2018). Caroline Lodge, Eileen Carnell and Marianne Coleman, The New Age of Ageing: How Society Needs to Change, Policy Press, Bristol, UK, 2016, ISBN 13: 978 1 4473 2683 0. Ageing & Society, 38(5), 1085-1086.
Meijering, L. (2018). Migration and the search for home. Mapping domestic space in migrants' everyday lives. Housing Studies, 33(6), 989-991.
van den Bemt, V., Doornbos, J., Meijering, L., Plegt, M., & Theunissen, N. (2018). Teaching ethics when working with geocoded data: a novel experiential learning approach. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 42(2), 293-310.


Kaper, M. S., Sixsmith, J., Koot, J. A. R., Meijering, L. B., van Twillert, S., Giammarchi, C., Bevilacqua, R., Barry, M. M., Doyle, P., Reijneveld, S. A., & de Winter, A. F. (2018). Developing and pilot testing a comprehensive health literacy communication training for health professionals in three European countries. Patient Education and Counseling, 101(1), 152-158.
Nanninga, C. S., Meijering, L., Postema, K., Schonherr, M. C., & Lettinga, A. T. (2018). Unpacking community mobility: a preliminary study into the embodied experiences of stroke survivors. Disability and Rehabilitation, 40(17), 2015-2024.
Meijering, L. (2017). A video on participatory research, InSight: With examples from participatory research projects carried out at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen. Digital or Visual Products
de Wit, L., Fenenga, C., Giammarchi, C., di Furia, L., Hutter, I., de Winter, A., & Meijering, L. (2017). Community-based initiatives improving critical health literacy: a systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative evidence. BMC Public Health, 18(1), Article 40.
Meijering, L., & Weitkamp, G. (2017). Connecting the dots: piloting a mixed-methods approach to explore mobility practices of stroke survivors. Abstract from RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2017 (Royal Geographical Society), London, United Kingdom.
Hemsteede, M., & Meijering, L. (2017). InSight. Een video over participatief onderzoek: Voorbeelden van participatieve onderzoeksprojecten van onderzoekers aan de Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Digital or Visual Products
Meijering, L., Lettinga, A. T., Nanninga, C. S., & Milligan, C. (2017). Interpreting therapeutic landscape experiences through rural stroke survivors' biographies of disruption and flow. Journal of Rural Studies, 51, 275-283.
Douma, L., Bouwman, R., Hutter, I., & Meijering, L. (2017). Lokale burgerparticipatie van 65-plussers in de steigers: Een participatief project. Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie, 48(1), 4-13.
van den Bemt, V., Doornbos, J., Meijering, L., Plegt, M., & Theunissen, N. (2017). Vertrouwelijke informatie op straat: Ethische lessen door werken met GPS-tracking in het universitaire geografieonderwijs. Geografie, 26(2), 16-18.


van Hoven, B., Meijering, L., & Huigen, P. P. P. (2016). Escaping times and places: An artist community in Germany. In Senses of Place: Senses of Time (pp. 155-164). Routledge.
Meijering, L., Nanninga, C. S., & Lettinga, A. T. (2016). Home-making after stroke. A qualitative study among Dutch stroke survivors. Health & Place, 37(1), 35-42.
Huigen, P. P. P., & Meijering, L. (2016). Making places: A story of De Venen. In Senses of Place: Senses of Time (pp. 19-30). Routledge.
Meijering, L., & Weitkamp, G. (2016). Numbers and narratives: Developing a mixed-methods approach to understand mobility in later life. Social Science & Medicine, 168, 200-206.
Meijering, L., Douma, L., Hutter, I., Oude Vrielink, W., & Steverink, B. (2016). Welbevinden: wat vinden ouderen er zelf van? Demos, 32(5).


Douma, L., Steverink, N., Hutter, I., & Meijering, L. (2017). Exploring Subjective Well-being in Older Age by Using Participant-generated Word Clouds. Gerontologist, 57(2), 229-239.
Fenenga, C., de Wit, L., ter Veen, S., Hutter, I., & Meijering, L. (2015). Changing the Healthcare landscape in Groningen, the Netherlands: A participatory study. European Journal of Public Health, 25(suppl. 3), 421. Article ckv176.129.
Klaassens, M., & Meijering, L. (2015). Experiences of home and institution in a secured nursing home ward in the Netherlands: A participatory intervention study. Journal of Aging Studies, 34(3), 92-102.
Visser, S. S., Bailey, A., & Meijering, L. (2015). Food, faith and community: social well-being of Ghanaian migrants in the Netherlands. Gender Place and Culture, 22(5), 608-625.
Herbers, D. J., & Meijering, L. (2015). Interpersonal Relationships and Subjective Well-being among Older Adults in Sheltered Housing. Research on Ageing and Social Policy, 3(1), 14-44.
Weitkamp, G., & Meijering, L. (2015). Mobility and social connectedness of older adults in the Netherlands: exploring the use of mixed methods. Abstract from Medical Geography Symposium, Vancouver, Canada.
Nanninga, C. S., Meijering, L., Schonherr, M. C., Postema, K., & Lettinga, A. T. (2015). Place attachment in stroke rehabilitation: A transdisciplinary encounter between cultural geography, environmental psychology and rehabilitation medicine. Disability and Rehabilitation, 37(13), 1125-1134.
Meijering, L., Douma, L., Steverink, B., & Hutter, I. (2015). Subjectief welbevinden van ouderen onderzocht met behulp van woordwebben. Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie, 46(4), 228.


Meijering, L., Nanninga, C., & Lettinga, A. T. (2014). Home after stroke: A qualitative study of Dutch older stroke survivors making themselves at home again. Abstract from Demografiedag, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Meijering, L., Klaassens, M., Nanninga, C., & Lettinga, A. T. (2014). Home after stroke: A qualitative study of Dutch older stroke survivors making themselves at home again. Abstract from International Conference on Cultural Gerontology, Galway, Ireland.


Douma, L., & Meijering, L. (2013). Aal goud? Agora, 29(3), 27-29.
van Hoven, B., & Meijering, L. (2013). Experiences of mobility and well-being in old age. Paper presented at RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2013, London, United Kingdom.
Meijering, L. (2013). Ouder worden in De Bouwen. Geografie, 6 - 6.
The IROHLA consortium (2013). Understanding Health Literacy and the Development of an Intervention Model. Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen.
Lager, D., & Meijering, L. (2013). Woongemeenschap voor Caribische ouderen. Agora, 29(3), 20 - 22.


Meijering, L., & Lager, D. (2014). Home-making of older Antillean migrants in the Netherlands. Ageing & Society, 34(5), 859-875.
Meijering, L. (2012). Ageing in urban neighbourhoods (book review). European Spatial Research and Policy, 19(1), 161-163.
Van Hoven, B., Brouwer, A., Meijering, L., & McCann, P. (2012). Demographic change, ageing and societal challenges in europe. European Spatial Research and Policy, 19(1), 5-8.
Klaassens, M., Meijering, L., & Hutter, I. (2012). De participatieve benadering in de ouderenzorg: Zorg Zonder Regels in De Hoven. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen.
Douma, L. E., & Meijering, L. (2012). Geografie van de beroerte. Geografie, 21(1), 30 - 31.
Meijering, L. (2012). “I am looking forward to leaving here”: Stroke patients’ place attachment to the rehabilitation clinic. Abstract from Demografiedag, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Meijering, L. (2012). Ideals and Practices of European Ecovillages. In M. Andreas, & F. Wagner (Eds.), Realizing Utopia: Ecovillage Endeavors and Academic Approaches Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society.
Meijering, L., & van Hoven, B. (2012). Imagining difference: the experiences of ‘transnational’ Indian IT professionals in Germany. In A. K. Sahoo (Ed.), Indian Transnationalism Rawat Publications.
van Hoven, B., Brouwer, A. E., & Meijering, L. (2012). Introduction: ageing and well-being - where and how do older adults live? European Spatial Research & Policy, 19(1).
van Hoven, B., Brouwer, A. E., & Meijering, L. (2012). Introduction: geographies of ageing and well-being. European Spatial Research and Policy, 19(1), 9 - 15.
Meijering, L. (2012). “I prefer to stay in bed all day”: Everyday geographies of stroke patients. Abstract from ENRGHI Conference, London, United Kingdom.
Lager, D., van Hoven, B., & Meijering, L. (2012). Places that matter: Place attachment and wellbeing of older Antillean migrants in the Netherlands. European Spatial Research and Policy, 19(1), 81 - 94.


Meijering, L. (2011). Goloka Dhama: a translocal Hare Krishna community. In C. Hedberg, & R. M. do Carmo (Eds.), Translocal ruralism. Mobility and connectivity in European rural space (pp. 185 - 201). Springer.
van Hoven, B., & Meijering, L. (2011, Nov 9). I don't want to depend on other people. Older people and their perception of declining capabilities and queality of life.
van Hoven, B., & Meijering, L. (2011). On the ground. Thinking about people, elements and relations involved in the production of knowledge. In V. J. I. del Casino, M. E. Thomas, P. Cloke, & R. Panelli (Eds.), A companion to social gegraphy (pp. 161 - 180). Blackwell Publishing.


Meijering, L. (2007). Agrarisch natuur- en landschapsbeheer en economische ontwikkelingen in de Noordelijke Friese Wouden. RUG - Faculty of Spatial Sciences.
Meijering, L., van Hoven, B., & Huigen, P. (2007). Constructing ruralities: The case of the Hobbitstee, Netherlands. Journal of Rural Studies, 23(3), 357-366.
Meijering, L. (2007). De sociale pop-pilots: verder met integrale planvorming en -uitvoering. Provincie Drenthe.
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