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Gaufman, Prof. Lisa

Picture Lisa Gaufman
Lisa Gaufman

Lisa Gaufman is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Arts, where she focuses on Russian Discourse and Politics. She previously worked for three years as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Intercultural and International Studies. Her research interests are in nationalism, sexuality issues, and verbal and visual enemy images. Her research forms an intersection between political theory, international relations, media and cultural studies, taking an interdisciplinary approach.

In 'The Trump Carnival' Gaufman and Bharath Ganesh draw a comparison between Trump and the medieval carnival. During carnival, 'the people' seized power, but for many minorities it was a cruel celebration, they argue.

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Gaufman, E., & Ganesh, B. (2024). Chapter 1: Introduction. In The Trump Carnival: Populism, Transgression and the Far Right (pp. 1-4). (De Gruyter Contemporary Social Sciences; Vol. 35). De Gruyter.
Gaufman, E., & Ganesh, B. (2024). Chapter 2: Populism and Transgression. In E. Gaufman, & B. Ganesh (Eds.), The Trump Carnival: Populism, Transgression and the Far Right (pp. 5-17). (De Gruyter Contemporary Social Sciences; Vol. 35). De Gruyter.
Gaufman, E., & Ganesh, B. (2024). Chapter 3: Carnival as Theory and Methodology. In The Trump Carnival: Populism, Transgression and the Far Right (pp. 18-32). (De Gruyter Contemporary Social Sciences; Vol. 35). De Gruyter.
Gaufman, E., & Ganesh, B. (2024). Chapter 4: Trump’s Digital Carnival: Media and Multidirectional Discourse. In The Trump Carnival: Populism, Transgression and the Far Right (pp. 33-50). (De Gruyter Contemporary Social Sciences; Vol. 35). De Gruyter.
Gaufman, E., & Ganesh, B. (2024). Chapter 5: Displaced Abjection. In The Trump Carnival: Populism, Transgression and the Far Right (pp. 51-64). (De Gruyter Contemporary Social Sciences; Vol. 35). De Gruyter.
Gaufman, E., & Ganesh, B. (2024). Chapter 6: Laughing Culture. In The Trump Carnival: Populism, Transgression and the Far Right (pp. 65-72). (De Gruyter Contemporary Social Sciences; Vol. 35). De Gruyter.
Gaufman, E., & Ganesh, B. (2024). Chapter 7: Misogyny. In The Trump Carnival: Populism, Transgression and the Far Right (pp. 73-83). (De Gruyter Contemporary Social Sciences; Vol. 35). De Gruyter.
Gaufman, E., & Ganesh, B. (2024). Chapter 8: Sex and Materiality. In The Trump Carnival: Populism, Transgression and the Far Right (pp. 84-93). (De Gruyter Contemporary Social Sciences; Vol. 35). De Gruyter.
Gaufman, E., & Ganesh, B. (2024). Chapter 9: Conclusion. In The Trump Carnival: Populism, Transgression and the Far Right (pp. 94-97). (De Gruyter Contemporary Social Sciences; Vol. 35). De Gruyter.
Gaufman, E. (2024). Sanction me this. In E. Gaufman (Ed.), Everyday foreign policy: Performing and consuming the Russian nation after Crimea (pp. 57-70). Manchester University Press.
Gaufman, E. (2024). Theory and methodology of everyday foreign policy. In E. Gaufman (Ed.), Everyday foreign policy: Performing and consuming the Russian nation after Crimea (pp. 8-22). Manchester University Press.
Gaufman, E., & Ganesh, B. (2024). The Trump carnival: Populism, transgression and the far right. (De Gruyter Contemporary Social Sciences; Vol. 35). De Gruyter.
Gaufman, E., & Kurylo, B. (2024). Ukraine in Popular Culture: Editorial for a Special Issue. Czech Journal of International Relations, 59(1), 7-22.


Gaufman, E., Abel, N., Andela, E., Adema, C., Kok, I., Schuitemaker, M., Klok, M., Turkstra, F., Bey, J. K., & Oltmann, Z. P. (2023). Electoral Politics in the Classroom: Reflections on the Sociology of Simulated Characters. Journal of Political Science Education, 19(4), 715-729.
Gaufman, E. (2023). Everyday foreign policy: Performing and consuming the Russian nation after Crimea. Manchester University Press.
Gaufman, E. (2023). The Militainment of World War II Memory in Post-Soviet Russia. In P. Srodecki, & D. Kozlova (Eds.), War and Remembrance: World War II and the Holocaust in the Memory Politics of Post-Socialist Europe (pp. 65-80). (War (Hi) Stories; Vol. 12). Brill | Schöningh.


Morozov, V., Reshetnikov, A., & Gaufman, L. (2024). “F*** tha police!” à la Russe: Rancière and the Metamodernist Turn in Contemporary Russian Music. Nationalities Papers, 52(1), 178-204.
Gaufman, L. (2023). Damsels in distress: Fragile masculinity in digital war. Media, War & Conflict, 16(4), 516-533.
Gaufman, E., & Möller, S. (2022). More Than a YouTube Channel: Engaging Students in an Online Classroom. In A. A. Szarejko (Ed.), Pandemic Pedagogy: Teaching International Relations Amid COVID-19 (pp. 39-58). (Political Pedagogies). Palgrave MacMillan.
de Jonge, L., & Gaufman, L. (2022). The normalisation of the far right in the Dutch media in the run-up to the 2021 general elections. Discourse and Society, 33(6), 773-787.


Gaufman, E. (2021). Contemporary Russian Conservatism. Problems, Paradoxes, and Perspectives. Europe-Asia Studies, 73(2), 413-415.
Gaufman, E. (2021). Eating Identity: Theorizing the Everyday Foreign Policy Assemblage. Global Studies Quarterly, 1(3), Article ksab019.
Gaufman, E. (2021). The gendered iconography of the Belarus protest. New Perspectives, 29(1), 80-89.


Goode, J. P., Stroup, D. R., & Gaufman, E. (2022). Everyday Nationalism in Unsettled Times: In Search of Normality during Pandemic. Nationalities Papers, 50(1), 61-85.
Gaufman, E. (2021). Cybercrime and Punishment: Security, Information War, and the Future of Runet. In D. Gritsenko, M. Wijermars, & M. Kopotev (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Digital Russia Studies (pp. 115-134). Palgrave MacMillan.
Gaufman, E. (2020). Between a liberal and a hard place: Russia and global ideological competition. New Perspectives, 28(4), 481-485.
Schlichte, K., & Gaufman, E. (2020). State, Power and Security. In D. Berg-Schlosser, B. Badie, & L. Morlino (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Political Science (pp. 1366-1381). (The SAGE Handbook of Political Science). SAGE Publishing.


Gaufman, E. (2019). Book Review: Vera Slavtcheva-Petkova Russia’s Liberal Media: Handcuffed but Free. Journalism, 20(9), 1280-1282.
Gaufman, E. (2019). Come all ye faithful to the Russian world: Governmental and grass-roots spiritual discourse in the battle over Ukraine. In E. A. Clark, & D. Vovk (Eds.), Religion During the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict (1 ed., pp. 54-68). (Religion During the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict). Routledge.
Gaufman, E. (2019). Digitaler Nationalismus. Russland-Analysen, (365), 6-10.
Gaufman, E. (2019). Money can't buy it? Everyday Geopolitics in Post-Soviet Russia. In A. Polese, O. Seliverstova, E. Pawłusz, & J. Morris (Eds.), Informal Nationalism after Communism: The Everyday Construction of Post-Socialist Identities (pp. 104-122). (Informal Nationalism after Communism). Hart Publishing / Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.


Gaufman, E. (2018). Television news and public opinion: Commentary on toal & o’loughlin and hale, shevel, & onuch. Geopolitics, 23(4), 917-922.
Gaufman, E. (2018). The Trump carnival: Popular appeal in the age of misinformation. International Relations, 32(4), 410-429.


Gaufman, E. (2017). Blasphemy: Threats to Russia’s ‘Spiritual Bonds’. In E. Gaufman (Ed.), Security Threats and Public Perception: Digital Russia and the Ukraine Crisis (pp. 125-144). (New Security Challenges). Palgrave MacMillan.
Gaufman, E. (2017). Fascism and the Ukraine Crisis. In E. Gaufman (Ed.), New Security Challenges: Digital Russia and the Ukraine Crisis (pp. 103-123). (New Security Challenges). Palgrave MacMillan.
Gaufman, E. (2017). Identifying Threat Narratives. In E. Gaufman (Ed.), Security Threats and Public Perception: Digital Russia and the Ukraine Crisis (pp. 51-76). (New Security Challenges). Palgrave MacMillan.
Gaufman, E. (2017). Lesser Threats. In E. Gaufman (Ed.), Security Threats and Public Perception: Digital Russia and the Ukraine Crisis (pp. 189-200). (New Security Challenges). Palgrave MacMillan.
Gaufman, E. (2017). Putin's Pastorate: Post-structuralism in Post-Soviet Russia. Alternaives: Global, Local, Political , 42(2), 74-90.
Gaufman, E. (2017). Security Threats and Public Perception. Springer.
Gaufman, E. (2017). Sexuality Must Be Defended. In E. Gaufman (Ed.), Security Threats and Public Perception: Digital Russia and the Ukraine Crisis (pp. 145-165). (New Security Challenges). Palgrave MacMillan.
Gaufman, E. (2017). The post-trauma of the great patriotic war in Russia. Digital Icons, (18), 33-44.
Gaufman, E. (2017). The USA as the Primary Threat to Russia. In E. Gaufman (Ed.), Security Threats and Public Perception: Digital Russia and the Ukraine Crisis (pp. 77-102). (New Security Challenges). Palgrave MacMillan.


Gaufman, E. (2017). (Re)drawing Boundaries: Russia and the Baltic States. In A. Makarychev, & A. Yatsyk (Eds.), Borders in the Baltic Sea Region (pp. 249-268). (Borders in the Baltic Sea Region). Palgrave Macmillan UK.


Gaufman, E. (2015). World war II 2.0: Digital memory of fascism in Russia in the aftermath of euromaidan in Ukraine. Journal of Regional Security, 10(1), 17-36.
Last modified:15 October 2024 2.03 p.m.
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