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Bezemer, Prof. Dirk

Dirk Bezemer
Dirk Bezemer

Dirk Bezemer is Professor of Economics of International Financial Development. He holds a PhD in economics (Amsterdam, 20001) and two MSc degrees (Wageningen, 1995). He was a researcher at Imperial College (Univ. London) and worked on development economics issues in policy advice and in the UK civil service before joining the University of Groningen, where he is a Professor.

Dirk Bezemer leads a research team working on financial fragility, economic models and the causes and consequences of the financial crisis. In addition to academic publications, Dirk Bezemer co-wrote OECD, World Bank and UNCTAD policy reports. He is a frequent contributor to international and Dutch newspapers and television. In 2011-2013 he obtained three research grants and he coordinates the Economics of Credit and Debt research work within the New York based Institute for New Economic Thinking. Dirk Bezemer is a member of the Dutch Sustainable Finance Lab.

Previously in the news (mostly in Dutch)

News article de Volkskrant
News article de Volkskrant

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Last modified:01 November 2024 10.54 a.m.
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