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Smeulers, Prof. Alette

Alette Smeulers
Alette Smeulers

Alette Smeulers is a Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology of International Crimes at the Faculty of Law and the University College Groningen. Her research focuses on international crimes including war crimes, genocide, human rights violations, and terrorism. In-depth research into extreme forms and displays of mass violence—in particular the causes of such crimes and the perpetrators thereof—is crucial to effectively combat and prevent such crimes, she says. Her research has focused on apartheid in South Africa, the genocide in Rwanda, the war in former Yugoslavia, the Islamic State and the people behind these atrocities as well as the international criminal justice system.

Smeulers obtained her PhD in International Criminal Law from Maastricht University in 2003 with her dissertation on extradition and human rights. From 2006 to 2011, she worked at VU Amsterdam where she set up the Master’s degree programme in International Crimes and Criminology, which has since been renamed International Crimes, Conflict and Criminology. Since 2018, she has been working full-time at the University of Groningen.

Smeulers has published many articles and books on international crime and its perpetrators, and often holds presentations and guest lectures on the subject. Smeulers hosts the podcast Terribly and Terrifyingly Normal? together with Nicola Quaedvliegm, where they discuss the perpetrators of large-scale international crimes.

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Molenkamp, A., Weerdesteijn, M., & Smeulers, A. (2024). A Playstation Mentality to Killing? Adverse Psychological Consequences in Drone Pilots and the Stigmatization thereof in the Military. Armed Forces & Society. Advance online publication.
Smeulers, A. (2024). Book review Ilse Koch on Trial: making the Bitch of Buchenwald - Tomaz Jardim. Holocaust and Genocide Studies. Advance online publication.
Smeulers, A. (2024). Book review: Perpetrators: Encountering Humanity’s Dark Side, written by Antonius C. G. M. Robben and Alexander Laban Hinton. Global Responsibility to Protect. Advance online publication.
Janssen, J., Janmaat, W., Rijken, C., Smeulers, A., de Zwart, J., & Bottger, A. (2024). De invloed van oorlogen en conflicten op het werk van veiligheidsprofessionals in Nederland. PROCES, 103(5), 295-304.


Smeulers, A. (2023). Perpetrators of mass atrocities: terribly and terrifyingly normal? Routledge, Taylor and Francis group.


Smeulers, A. (2022, May 1). Fireside chat with prof. Alette Smeulers and Dr. Thijs Bouwknegt.
Smeulers, A. (2022). Individuals as Perpetrators of Atrocity Crimes. In B. Hola, H. Nyseth Nzitatira, & M. Weerdesteijn (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook on Atrocity Crimes (pp. 281-307). (Oxford Handbooks). Oxford University Press.


Smeulers, A. (2020). A criminological approach to the ICC Control Theory. In K. J. Heller, F. Mégret, S. MH. Nouwen, J. D. Ohlin, & D. Robinson (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Criminal Law (pp. 379-399). Oxford University Press.
Smeulers, A. (2020). Milgram revisited: Can we still use Milgram’s ‘Obedience to Authority’ Experiments to Explain Mass Atrocities after the Opening of the Archives? Review essay. Journal of Perpetrator Research, 3(1), 216-244.


Smeulers, A. (2019). Concluding thoughts. In A. Smeulers, M. Weerdesteijn, & B. Hola (Eds.), Perpetrators of international crimes: Theories, methods and evidence (pp. 315-322). Oxford University Press.
Smeulers, A., & Simic, O. (2019). Female war crime perpetrators in Bosnia Herzegovina. In S. Mouthaan, & O. Jurasz (Eds.), Gender and war: international and transitional justice perspectives (pp. 65-91). Intersentia.
Smeulers, A. (2019). Historical overview of perpetrator studies. In A. Smeulers, M. Weerdesteijn, & B. Hola (Eds.), Perpetrators of international crimes: Theories, methodes and evidence (pp. 11-28). Oxford University Press.
Smeulers, A., Weerdesteijn, M., & Hola, B. (2019). Introduction. In A. Smeulers, M. Weerdesteijn, & B. Hola (Eds.), Perpetrators of international crimes: theories, methods, and evidence (pp. 1-8). Oxford University Press.
Smeulers, A., Weerdesteijn, M., & Hola, B. (Eds.) (2019). Perpetrators of international crimes: Theories, methods and evidence. Oxford University Press.
Smeulers, A., Hola, B., & Weerdesteijn, M. (2019). Theories, methods and evidence. In A. Smeulers, M. Weerdesteijn, & B. Holá (Eds.), Perpetrators of international crimes: Theories, methods and evidence (pp. 29-53). Oxford University Press.
Smeulers, A. (2019). Why Serious International Crimes Might Not Seem ‘Manifestly Unlawful’ to Low-level Perpetrators: A Social–Psychological Approach to Superior Orders . Journal of International Criminal Justice, 17(1), 105-123.


Smeulers, A., & van wijk, J. (2017). Criminologie van de internationale misdrijven. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, 59(1-2), 194-205. Article TVC 2017/1-2.


de Brouwer, A.-M., & Smeulers, A. (2016). Introduction. In A.-M. de Brouwer, & A. Smeulers (Eds.), The Elgar Companion to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (pp. 1-12). (Elgar Companions to the International Courts and Tribunals). Edward Elgar.
Hola, B., & Smeulers, A. (2016). Rwanda and the ICTR: facts and figures. In A.-M. de Brouwer, & A. Smeulers (Eds.), The Elgar Companion to the international criminal tribunal of Rwanda (pp. 44-75). (Elgar Companions to the International Courts and Tribunals). Edward Elgar.
Smeulers, A. (2016). Terrorisme en zijn achtergronden. Strafblad, 14(4), 303-311.
de Brouwer, A.-M., & Smeulers, A. (Eds.) (2016). The Elgar Companion to the International Criminal Tribunal of Rwanda. (Elgar Companions to the International Courts and Tribunals). Edward Elgar.


Smeulers, A. (2015). Een steekje los? Over de geestesgesteldheid van daders van internationale misdrijven: van Neurenberg tot Den Haag. Ontmoetingen : Voordrachtenreeks van het Lutje Psychiatrisch-Juridisch Gezelschap, 1-15.
Smeulers, A. (2015). Female perpetrators: ordinary and extra-ordinary women. International Criminal Law Review, 15(2), 207-253.
Smeulers, A., & Weerdesteijn, M. (2015). Internationaal Strafhof ten onrechte onder vuur. Ars Aequi, 2015(11), 883-887. Article AA20150883.
Smeulers, A. L., Weerdesteijn, M., & Hola, B. (2015). The selection of situations by the ICC: an empirically based evaluation of the OTP's performance. International Criminal Law Review, 15(1), 1.


Smeulers, A. (2014). Betrouwbaarheid van getuigenbewijs in WIM-zaken. Strafblad, 12(5), 354-364.
Smeulers, A. (2014). Genocidale daders: toch geen doodgewone mannen? : Boekbespreking van Abram de Swaan - compartimenten van vernietiging. Sociologie, 10(2), 202.
Smeulers, A. (2014). Het ultieme kwaad: de daders. Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit, 4(3), 36-52.
Smeulers, A. (2014). Preventing international crimes: Criminal Justice in International Society. In W. de Lint, M. Marmo, & N. Chazal (Eds.), Criminal Justice in Internationl Society (pp. 267-281). (Routledge Advances in Criminology). Routledge.
Lawry, L., de Brouwer, A. L. M., Smeulers, A., Rosa, J. C., Kisielewski, M., Johnson, K., Scott, J., & Wieczorek, J. (2014). The Use of Population-Based Surveys for Prosecutions at the International Criminal Court: A Case Study of Democratic Republic of Congo. International Criminal Justice Review, 24(1), 5-21.
Smeulers, A. (2014). Tien jaar wet internationale misdrijven: een evaluatie. Delikt en Delinkwent, 44(4), 267-290.


Smeulers, A., & Quaedvlieg, H. M. J. (2013). Internationale misdrijven. In M. Groenhuijsen, & T. Kooijmans (Eds.), Roosachtig strafrecht : liber amicorum Theo de Roos (pp. 579-594). Wolters Kluwer.
Smeulers, A., Hola, B., & van den Berg, T. (2013). Sixty-five years of international criminal justice: the facts and figures. International Criminal Law Review, 13(1), 7-41.
Smeulers, A., Hola, B., & van den Berg, T. (2013). Sixty-Five years of international criminal justice. In D. L. Rothe, J. Meernik, & J. Ingadóttir (Eds.), The realities of international criminal justice (pp. 7-41). Martinus Nijhoff.


Hola, B., Bijleveld, C., & Smeulers, A. (2012). Consistency of international sentencing: ICTY and ICTR case study. European Journal of Criminology, 9(5), 539-552.
Smeulers, A. (2012). Crimes against humanity. In J. Ciment (Ed.), Global Social Issues : an encyclopedia (pp. 970-975). Sharpe Reference.
Smeulers, A. (2012). Het beleid van de aanklager onder de loep. [Review van het boek De aanklager - Het Joegoslavië-tribunaal en de selectie van verdachten, F. de Vlaming, 2010]. Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis, 173, 33-38.
Smeulers, A. (2012). In opdracht van de staat: Gezagsgetrouwe criminelen en internationale misdrijven. Tilburg University.
Smeulers, A. (2012). War Crimes. In J. Ciment (Ed.), Global Social Issues: an encyclopedia (pp. 970-975). Sharpe Reference.


Haveman, R. H., Smeulers, A., Parmentier, S., & de Poot, C. (2011). De staat van de criminologie van internationale misdrijven. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, 53(4), 287-309.
Smeulers, A. (2011). Eroding the myth of pure evil. In R. Letschert, & A. Pemberton (Eds.), Victimological approaches to international crimes: Africa (pp. 65-88). (Series Supranational Criminal Law: Capita selecta; Vol. 13). Intersentia.
Smeulers, A., & Grünfeld, F. (2011). International crimes and other gross human rights violations: A multi- and interdisciplinary textbook. (International and comparative criminal law series; Vol. 32). Martinus Nijhoff.
Hola, B., Smeulers, A., & Bijleveld, C. (2011). International sentencing facts and figures: Sentencing practice at the ICTY and ICTR. Journal of International Criminal Justice, 9(2), 411-439.
Weerdesteijn, M., & Smeulers, A. (2011). Propaganda en paramilitairen: De normalisatie van geweld in het Servië van de jaren negentig. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, 53(4), 287-309.
Hola, B., Bijleveld, C., & Smeulers, A. (2011). Punishment for genocide: Exploratory analysis of ICTR sentencing. International Criminal Law Review, 11(4), 745-773.
Smeulers, A. L. (2011). Standard operating procedure. In F. Koenraadt, & R. Wolleswinkel (Eds.), Homo Ludens en humaan strafrecht: funderen, vergelijken, onderwijzen : gedenkbundel dr. Peter Bal (pp. 257-270). (Pompe reeks; Vol. 67). Boom Lemma.


Smeulers, A. (Ed.) (2010). Collective violence and international criminal justice: an interdisciplinary approach. (Supranational Criminal Law: Capita Selecta; Vol. 8). Intersentia.
Smeulers, A. (2010). Collective violence and international criminal justice: towards an interdisciplinary approach. In A. Smeulers (Ed.), Collective violence and international criminal justice: an interdisciplinary approach (pp. 13-18). (Supranational Criminal Law: Capita Selecta; Vol. 8). Intersentia.
Smeulers, A., & Hola, B. (2010). ICTY and the culpability of different types of perpetrators of international crimes. In A. Smeulers (Ed.), Collective violence and international criminal justice: an interdisciplinary approach (pp. 175-206). (Supranational Criminal Law: Capita Selecta; Vol. 8). Intersentia.
Smeulers, A., & Hoex, L. (2010). Studying the Microdynamics of the Rwandan Genocide. British Journal of Criminology, 50(3), 435-454.
Smeulers, A., & Werner, W. (2010). The banality of evil on trial. In C. Stahn, & L. van den Herik (Eds.), Future perspectives on international criminal justice (pp. 24-43). T.M.C. Asser Press.


Smeulers, A., & van Niekerk, S. (2009). Abu Ghraib and the War on Terror-a case against Donald Rumsfeld? Crime, Law and Social Change, 51(3-4), 327-349.
Bijleveld, C., Morssinkhof, A., & Smeulers, A. (2009). Counting the countless: Rape victimization during the rwandan genocide. International Criminal Justice Review, 19(2), 208-224.
Smeulers, A. (2009). De meerwaarde van de criminologie van de internationale misdrijven. Strafblad : tijdschrift voor wetenschap en praktijk, 2009(4), 421-430.
Hola, B., Smeulers, A., & Bijleveld, C. (2009). Is ICTY Sentencing Predictable? An Empirical Analysis of ICTY Sentencing Practice. Leiden Journal of International Law, 22(1), 79-97.


Haveman, R., & Smeulers, A. (2008). Criminology in a state of denial: towards a criminology of international crimes: supranational criminology. In A. Smeulers, & R. Haveman (Eds.), Supranational Criminology: towards a criminology of international crimes (pp. 3-26). (Supranational Criminal Law: Capita Selecta; Vol. 6). Intersentia.
Smeulers, A. (2008). In hun eigen woorden: Genocide, foltering en andere internationale misdrijven door de ogen van de daders. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, 50(4), 361-371.
Smeulers, A. (2008). International crimes and criminology: an agenda for future research. In A. Smeulers, & R. Haveman (Eds.), Supranational Criminology: towards a criminology of international crimes (pp. 487-512). (Supranational Criminal Law: Capita Selecta; Vol. 6). Intersentia.
Smeulers, A. (2008). Perpetrators of international crimes: towards a typology. In A. Smeulers, & R. Haveman (Eds.), Supranational Criminology: towards a criminology of international crimes (pp. 233-265). (Supranational Criminal Law: Capita Selecta; Vol. 6). Intersentia.
Smeulers, A. (2008). Punishing the Enemies of All Mankind. Leiden Journal of International Law, 21(4), 971-993.
Smeulers, A., & Haveman, R. (Eds.) (2008). Supranational Criminology: towards a criminology of international crimes. (Supranational Criminal Law: Capita Selecta; Vol. 6). Intersentia.


Smeulers, A. (2007). Note to the Nikolic-case ICTY. In A. Klip, & G. Sluiter (Eds.), Annotated leading cases of international criminal tribunals / Vol. XI, The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 2002-2003 (pp. 106-112). Intersentia.


Smeulers, A. (2006). Criminologie in een 'state of denial'? Ook nternationale misdrijven vergen criminologische benadering. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, 48(3), 275-289.


Smeulers, A. (2005). The position of the individual in international criminal co-operation. In J. A. E. Vervaele (Ed.), European evidence warrant : transnational judicial inquiries in the EU (pp. 79-102). Intersentia.


Klip, A. H., & Smeulers, A. (2004). Afrekenen met het verleden: de afdoening van internationale misdrijven. In A. H. Klip, A. Smeulers, & M. W. Wolleswinkel (Eds.), KriTies: liber amicorum et amicarum voor prof. mr. E. Prakken (pp. 313-330). Kluwer.
Smeulers, A. (2004). Europees Aanhoudingsbevel: consequenties voor de rechtspraktijk en mensenrechtelijke aspecten. Justitiële Verkenningen, 2004, 66-84.
Klip, A. H., Smeulers, A., & Wolleswinkel, M. W. (Eds.) (2004). KriTies: liber amicorum et amicarum voor prof. mr. E. Prakken. Kluwer.
Smeulers, A. (2004). What transforms ordinary people into gross human rights violators. In S. C. Carey, & S. C. Poe (Eds.), Understanding Human Rights Violations: New Systematic Studies (pp. 239-256). Ashgate Publishing.


Smeulers, A., & de Vries, J. (2003). Het Europees aanhoudingsbevel: gerechtvaardigd vertrouwen? NJCM Bulletin. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten, 28(4), 428-460.
Smeulers, A. (2003). Het Europees Aanhoudingsbevel. Militair Rechtelijk Tijdschrift, 2003, 237-252.
Smeulers, A. (2003). Nederlands gestuntel in Krekarzaak. Nederlands Juristenblad NJB, 2003(18), 920-923.
Grünfeld, F., & Smeulers, A. (2003). NGO's als informatieverschaffers in vergelijking met statelijke actoren. In C. Flinterman, & W. van Genugten (Eds.), Niet-statelijke actoren en de rechten van de mens: gevestigde waarden, nieuwe wegen (pp. 93-118). Boom Juridische uitgevers.
Smeulers, A. (2003). Zie voor een andere mening…. In Tien jaar Maastrichts Centrum voor de Rechten van de Mens 1993-2003: Een 'proefschriftondervindelijke' terugblik (pp. 73-77). Universiteit Maastricht.


Smeulers, A. (2002). In staat van uitlevering: "houden uitleveringsrechters in Nederland, Duitsland en de Verenigde Staten voldoende rekening met het proces en de behandeling die de opgeeĢˆiste persoon in de verzoekende staat na uitlevering te wachten staan?". [Thesis fully external, Maastricht University]. Intersentia.


Ingelse, C., & Smeulers, A. (1997). Fundamentele rechten, uitlevering en de Nederlandse rechter. Nederlands Juristenblad NJB, 1997(1), 16-18.
Smeulers, A. (1997). Geeft de Nederlandse uitleveringsprocedure voldoende waarborgen op het recht gevrijwaard te blijven van foltering? NJCM Bulletin. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten, 124-138.


Smeulers, A. (1996). Auschwitz and the Holocaust through the eyes of the perpetrators. Driemaandelijks Tijdschrift van de Stichting Auschwitz, 1996(50), 23-55.


Smeulers, A. (1995). Lost innocence. Torture: journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture, 50(2), 11-13.
Smeulers, A. (1995). The echo of the 2 o' clock knock on the door. Torture: journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture, 5(3), 64.
Flinterman, C., Lofton, R. M., & Smeulers, A. L. (1995). The need for a special United Nations rapporteur on health professionals and human rights. Medisch Contact, 51(45), 1473-1475.
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