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Online and offline playtime are important for children’s digital literacy development

28 January 2025
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Denise Mensonides

Children between the ages of 8 and 12 are best able to develop their digital literacy through play, which includes both offline and online interactions. Although some children’s digital media activities, such as watching online videos or gaming, may at first appear as simple entertainment or be perceived as superficial by adults, these seemingly playful pursuits serve an important purpose.

They can contribute to digital literacy, enabling children to use digital and social media critically and consciously, according to research carried out by Denise Mensonides, who will obtain her PhD from the University of Groningen on 6 February.

Critical and aware

In the media-rich society that children are growing up in, they are exposed to both the opportunities that digital media can offer and the challenges it can present. For instance, digital media can help children keep in touch with friends or family and look up information, but they can also be faced with unwanted content, hate speech, and misinformation. It is therefore crucial that children acquire the digital literacy skills that enable them to handle digital media critically and confidently.

Assessing risks

Through playful experiences and activities, children explore digital media and develop essential digital literacy skills. An example from her research is the development of resilience through what she calls ‘digital risky play’. Mensonides: ‘By taking risks during play, they learn to better assess risks and deal with them. For instance, when you climb trees outside as a child, you also learn a lot about risk and develop tactics to get back down safely as well. These processes also occur in a digital environment. By playing online with friends in a way that is 'scary but fun' for children, they can develop tactics that help them navigate the risks of the digital world.’

Children’s perspective

‘For children, the real world and online world are much more intertwined than for adults. That is why it is important to take children’s daily experiences and digital media activities seriously and acknowledge the different, complex ways in which children interact with digital media, Mensonides points out. ‘In doing that, it is very important to listen carefully to children’s perspectives, for example by involving them in setting rules around digital media use.’
Open conversations between parents, teachers, pedagogical workers and children can ensure that these measures match children’s experiences and perceptions. Moreover, this can contribute to a safe atmosphere where children feel free to approach adults if something does go wrong, so adults can intervene in time.

Involve children in teaching programmes

Based on her research, Mensonides recommends involving children in the development of teaching and learning programmes. Mensonides: 'This will provide a better understanding of the content, learning styles, and activities that appeal to them, and it will strengthen their confidence in using digital media. It will also create opportunities for them to be supported in the activities they are already doing with digital media.' This will allow children to develop knowledge and skills that are not only important at school but also when they use digital media at home or at after-school care centres.

Last modified:31 January 2025 1.49 p.m.
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