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Een studie naar de ontwikkeling van het redzaamheidslezen bij kinderen in groep 3 t/m 6 van het basisonderwijs
PhD ceremony:Mr L.J. (Luc) Koning
When:November 07, 2024
Supervisors:prof. dr. W.M. (Wander) Lowie, prof. dr. B.A.M. (Ben) Maassen
Co-supervisor:dr. H.I. (Hilde) Hacquebord
Where:Academy building RUG

In education, it is common practice to encourage children to read as quickly as possible. For example, children have to read rows of words, and an hourglass is used to keep track of how many words they read in half a minute. They are then encouraged to repeat this and to read faster and faster. There are doubts about the function of being able to read as quickly as possible. The research looked at what happens to children if you do not encourage them to read as quickly as possible. This educational practice is referred to as resourceful reading.The research shows that children who are not encouraged to read quickly can read just as quickly as children who are encouraged to read as quickly as possible. This means that all these encouragements are not functional. It was also examined what the minimum reading speed should be, so that reading comprehension is not hindered. This is approximately 1 word per second. This is considerably slower than the standard of the average that is currently used. Less encouragement to read quickly also means less pressure on the children. However, this does not affect performance in the areas of text comprehension and reading motivation. The consequences of this approach for determining dyslexia were also examined. A suspicion of dyslexia is now determined if children have belonged to the 10% weakest readers three times. Within the vision of resourceful reading, the main question is whether reading performance can hinder reading comprehension.