Professors, student associations, and UG colleagues and others interested in participating can register here. Select the appropriate group to start the registration.
A limited number of seats is available. Registration will close as soon as the maximum capacity in the Martini Church is reached, or 28 August the latest. Please register as soon as possible using the correct application form. The invitation card will serve as your entry ticket.
Togati are requested to gather in the hall of the Academy Building at 3.30 p.m. the latest. The cortege will depart from the Academy Building at 3.40 pm.
Registration for Study or Student associations
Would you like to participate in the Opening of the Academic Year as the board of a study or student association? Then you need to register below. Note: only one person of your board has to sign you up. In the registration form you can indicate how many invitation cards you would like to receive (maximum of seven. After registration, your invitation cards will be available at the reception desk of the Building of the Board, Muurstraat 14, Groningen. You can pick it up from Monday 22 August through Friday 2 September between 9 a.m. and 12.30 p.m., and between 1 and 5 p.m.
Study and student associations may participate in the cortege with flags and banners. They should gather on the square in front of the Harmonie Building at 3:15 p.m. the latest. The cortege will depart at 3.30 p.m. from the square in front of the Harmonie Building. Registered associations will receive further information.
Participation in the cortege is not an obligation. You can also register for the ceremony in the Martini Church without participating in the cortege.
Registration for UG colleagues and others interested
Would you like to participate in the Opening of the Academic Year as a UG colleague or other interested person? After registration, your invitation card will be available at the reception desk of the Building of the Board, Muurstraat 14, Groningen. You can pick it up from Monday 22 August through Friday 2 September between 9 a.m. and 12.30 p.m., and between 1 and 5 p.m.
Are you not able to pick it up in person? You can indicate that you would like your invitation card to be send to your home in the registration form below. You will then receive it in the days leading up to 5 September.
Registration forms: