Support the university
If you want to keep providing high quality education and innovative research, you have to invest. The University of Groningen invests in buildings, laboratories, equipment, and above all in people: students, teachers and researchers from all parts of the world. Over the centuries, we have always been able to count on the support of our alumni and friends that are concerned with our university.
Thanks to their support, the University has been able to raise many talents during the past four centuries. Groningen has seen many firsts: the first liver transplant in the Netherlands, Aletta Jacobs - the first female student attending a university- was trained here, Ben Feringa and -half a century before him- Frits Zernike conducted their Nobel Prize-winning research with us, Willem Kolff started his research for the artificial kidney and artificial heart, and Sibrandus Stratingh designed the first ‘electric car’ in the early 19th century.
Over the next 400 years, our University wishes to continue playing this significant role in the world. You can help us and support us through one of the funds below.

The Ubbo Emmius Fund
The Ubbo Emmius Fund was established by the RUG to improve relations between the university and society and to raise funds for special university initiatives for which no regular funding is available.
The Groningen University Fund
The Groningen University Fund aims to promote studying at the RUG and everything that may help the university’s prosperity. The Fund is financed by benefactors and has an income from bequeaths and legacies.

The Eric Bleumink Fund
The Eric Bleumink Fund was established to extend existing alliances with universities in Third World countries. The Fund provides scholarships to talented students and young researchers from Third World countries. The funds come from different sources, including RUG alumni, students, personnel and business contacts.
The Representation Fund
The Representation Fund supports and develops initiatives that improve the university’s national and international reputation and respectability.

The Nicolaas Mulerius Foundation
The Nicolaas Mulerius Foundation promotes the flourishing of the University of Groningen as a classical, internationally operating, academic teaching and research institution with a broad, cultural image.
Last modified: | 05 November 2020 08.49 a.m. |