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UCG alumna Tjitske Schokker new student assessor of the University Board

08 July 2019

UCG is very proud that Tjitske Schokker (23) will be the new student assessor of the University Board (CvB). The student assessor is an advisor of the board and has influence on policies in the university. Last year (2018/2019) Kathelijne de Vrijer filled this position.

After completing our bachelor in Liberal Arts & Sciences, Tjitske now continues her studies in International Relations. Next to her studies, she is an active member of multiple student organisations, plays Floorball and Lacrosse and she is a sailing instructor. Last year she has committed herself to the interests of international students as chairwoman of the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Groningen.

The position

A student assessor gives advice to the Board during policymaking and focuses on Education, Students and Internationalization and Inclusion. The student assessor is present during all meetings of the Board. Considering the different tasks the student assessor has, he/she will be in close contact with the Rector Magnificus.

Tjitske Schokker
Tjitske Schokker
Last modified:08 July 2019 11.25 a.m.

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