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Shelter City documentary: Kruispunt: Schouder aan Schouder (Side by Side)

16 September 2019

Watch Kruispunt: Schouder aan Schouder (Side by Side). This documentary is about the strengths and risks of three brave human rights activists and the special friendships that arise from their stay in the Netherlands.

Their stay is organised by Shelter City: an international project devoted to support human rights defenders in one of the 12 participating Dutch cities. One of these cities is Groningen: where UCG students Nienke and Olle guide the young teacher Aristênio (27).

Aristênio comes from the favelas of Rio de Janeiro and must always be on guard at home, especially since a fellow activist was murdered last year. Just like this activist, Aristênio stands up for the poor and human rights of people in Brazil. "Every 15 minutes the police shoots someone," says Aristênio. Nienke and Olle are inspired by his courage, creating a lasting friendship between them.

Kruispunt, Sunday 22 september at 23.10 on NPO 2

Last modified:21 January 2021 12.58 p.m.

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