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About us University College Groningen

Message from our Dean

Our Dean shares her thoughts before the end of the academic year
01 July 2021

*** update on the UCG building construction below ***

"Dear all,

The end of the Academic Year is in sight. A curious year that started in September 2020.

A curious year. Not because of the news about the coronavirus - since we had been familiar with that for months. But perhaps because of the second and then the third wave and the lockdown that followed in the Netherlands and the rest of the world. That lockdown controlled our whole lives: study, work, home, hobbies and social life.

Within those limitations, we all made the best of it, working very hard!

I would like to express my great appreciation and thanks to all our students and staff members, who have all contributed to this to the best of their ability. Some were in the spotlight, others stayed more in the background.

Together, we got through this year.

Now that 2020-2021 is finally behind our backs, we look forward to the new year, where hopefully more and more will be possible.

Where we will welcome a new cohort of students in September 2021, class of 2024. And where we say goodbye to our graduates, class of 2021, and wish them all the best with their next steps in their future.

However, before we do that, there is time for a vacation break. Time to relax, distance yourself from work and study, rest, laze around, enjoy the beautiful things in life, experience beauty, meet family and friends again (hopefully in person).

I wish all of you a very good summer. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, and we will meet again after the summer."

While we thank our dean Hanny Elzinga for this lovely message for the end of the Academic Year, we would like to share an exciting update.

Last week, she was present at the ceremony to officially lay the first bricks of the new student residential building (pictured here). The construction of the new student accommodation with space for 270 students has started and the first residents are expected to move in by September 2023.

Would you like to know more about the new student accommodation and the new building for UCG?

Read our update at the bottom of this page!

Our dean at the construction site
Our dean at the construction site
Last modified:22 January 2024 4.41 p.m.

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