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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. S.H. (Sanne) Booij


Senior researcher


Daily-life stress reactivity and recovery following virtual-reality-based cognitive behavioral therapy in patients with a psychotic disorder

Individual-specific change points in circadian rest-activity rhythm and sleep in individuals tapering their antidepressant medication: an actigraphy study

Predicting Psychiatric Care Intensity with Pre-Intake Data

The associations between daily reports of loneliness and psychotic experiences in the early risk stages for psychosis

The temporal dynamics of daily stress, affect, and several affect regulation processes, in patients with chronic mood and anxiety disorders before and after a mindful yoga intervention

Mental health, risk and protective factors at micro- and macro-levels across early at-risk stages for psychosis: The Mirorr study

Relating stability of individual dynamical networks to change in psychopathology

Temporal associations between salivary cortisol and emotions in clinically depressed individuals and matched controls: A dynamic time warp analysis

Testing the mood brightening hypothesis: Hedonic benefits of physical, outdoor, and social activities in people with anxiety, depression or both

The added value of daily diary data in 1- and 3-year prediction of psychopathology and psychotic experiences in individuals at risk for psychosis

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