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Differences in Affective Domain Development Music Learning between Indonesia, The Netherlands, and France

From awareness to action: multicultural attitudes and differentiated instruction of teachers in Chinese teacher education programmes

Concluding thoughts

Differentiated Instruction in Teaching from the International Perspective: Methodological and empirical insights

Dutch secondary school students’ perceptions of good teaching

Editorial: Effective teaching: Measurements, antecedents, correlates, characteristics, and links with outcomes

Effective teaching around the world: Theoretical, empirical, methodological and practical insights

Exploring how teachers' personal characteristics, teaching behaviors and contextual factors are related to differentiated instruction in the classroom: A cross-national perspective

Machine and expert judgments of student perceptions of teaching behavior in secondary education: Added value of topic modeling with big data

Observing secondary school teachers’ effective teaching behavior in the Netherlands, England, and the United States using the ICALT observation instrument


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