prof. dr. R. (Ridwan) Maulana
Professor of educational sciences, chair: Comparative learning environments

1. Differentiation from the international perspectives (ICALT3/Differentiation, 2015 - 2021)
2. Teacher preparation route (OIDS, 2012 - 2014)
3. National teacher induction (LONIE 2014 - 2019)
4. Preservice teacher reflective dialogues (iPEERS, 2018 - 2020)
5. PhD projects: Xiangyuan Feng (2019 - 2023), Bilge Gencoglu (2019 - 2024), Ruth Harmsen (Graduated in 2019), Petra Flens (until 2018), Zainun Misbach (Graduated in 2019), Ine Noben (2017 - 2021)
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 2.27 p.m. |