prof. dr. R.J.C. (Rafaele) Huntjens

Doctorate: Utrecht University, 26-09-2003
Title of thesis:
Apparent amnesia: Interidentity memory functioning in dissociative identity disorder
Nov 2020 - present
Professor, Dept. of Clinical Psychology, University of Groningen
March 2016 - nov 2020
Associate professor, Dept. of Clinical Psychology, University of Groningen
June 2006 - March 2016
Assistant professor, Dept. of Clinical Psychology, University of Groningen
Assistant professor, Dept. of Clinical Psychology, Utrecht University
Post-doctorate researcher, Dept. of Clinical Psychology, Utrecht University
PhD-student, Utrecht University
Lecturer at the Dept. of Methodology and Statistics, Utrecht University
Other activities (selection)
Senior member of the Dutch-Flemish research school Experimental Psychopathology (EPP; 2006-present)
Editor-in-chief Journal of Behavioral Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry (2020- 2023)
Associate editor Journal of Behavioral Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry (2017-2019)
member of the GGZ Zorgstandaard Dissociatieve Stoornissen, Netwerk Kwaliteitsontwikkeling (2016 - 2021).
member of the GGZ Zorgstandaard Trauma- en stressorgerelateerde stoornissen, werkgroep complexe PTSS, Netwerk Kwaliteitsontwikkeling (2015 - 2018).
Deputy for submissions to the Clinical/Intervention Research track (2015, 2016), 31th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS).
Board member, Nederlandstalige Vereniging voor Psychotrauma (NtVP; 2014-2018).
Expert advise, Landelijke Expertisegroep Bijzondere Zedenzaken (LEBZ; 2014-2019); the LEBZ is a national multidisciplinary group of scientists and members of the detective force advising the Public Prosecutor in complex sexual abuse cases.
Co-chair, David Caul Graduate Research Grant committee (International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISST-D; 2012-2017).
Last modified: | 30 September 2024 1.16 p.m. |