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Decarbonizing surgical care: a qualitative systematic review guided by the Congruence Model

Outsourcing the Management of Reusable Medical Devices in a Chain-Wide Care Setting: Mixed Methods Feasibility Study

Unveiling the Impact of Lean Leadership on Continuous Improvement Maturity: A Scoping Review

What are barriers and facilitators in sustaining lean management in healthcare? A qualitative literature review

Lean leadership: Towards continuous improvement capability in healthcare

De ziekenhuisarts: eerste praktijkervaringen

How improving access times had unforeseen consequences: a case study in a Dutch hospital

Effectevaluatie ziekenhuisarts pilot - traject II: Eindrapportage

Interplaying mechanisms in the implementation of Dementia Care Mapping for delivering Person-centered Care to older adults in nursing home settings.

Does lean cure variability in health care?


Preventie Overleg Groningen officieel van start

'Opschalen capaciteit is weg uit crisis', en drie andere misverstanden over de IC