prof. dr. M.H. (Maaike) Nauta

Current projects
Images of future social rejection; Flash forward imagery in the maintenance of youth with social anxiety disorder (Marjolein Thunnissen, Peter de Jong, Marisol Voncken, Marleen Rijkeboer, Ron Rapee, Accare, PPO, a.o.)
StayFine: preventing relapse of anxiety and mood disorders in young people using monitoring and a personalised app-based intervention (Bas Kooiman, Suzanne Robberegt, Nineke Wilts, Yvonne Stikkelbroek, Claudi Bockting, a.o., ZonMw, Accare, GGZ OostBrabant)
Individual patient data meta analyses on treatment ingredients and personal characteristics (Bas Kooiman, Lizel Bertie, Jennifer Hudson, and many others, Black dog Institute Australia, ZonMw, Accare)
One session treatment for children with specifc phobia: Imagery in children with specific phobia (Hannah Meckling, Marieke van der Meer, a.o., Accare, KIBA, University of Leiden (Anke Klein, Annelieke Hagen), UvA Minds, Bochum University
Imagery in children with OCD (Marjolein Thunnissen, a.o., Accare)
Intensive treatment for youth with persistent anxiety or OCD (Lidewij Wolters, Rianne, Hornstra, Colin Ganzevoort, a.o., Accare, VCVGZ)
Virtual reality in youth with anxiety disorders (Marieke van der Meer, Rianne Hornstra, Sarah Scheveneels (Leuven), Katharina Meyerbroker (UU), Accare)
Boggarts and incantations: Understanding and applying (re)imagining to anxiety-related problems (using virtual reality). (Hannah Meckling, Ineke Wessel, Wiljo van Hout, Accare, PPO research fund)
Internet-based CBT for students with anxiety problems in Indonesia (Ardian Praptomajati, Theo Bouman, University of Gadja Mada)
COMET-Y for referred youth with low self-esteem (Rianne Hornstra, Elise Bennik, a.o., Accare)
Project "blended" internet-based treatment for youth with anxiety disorders
CBT in Ukraine, in collaboration with Oleh Romanchuk, Ukranian Catholic University, Lviv Ukraine
Past projects
Social skills training for children with autism spectrum disorder (Vera Dekker, Annelies de Bildt, Pieter Hoekstra a.o., ZonMw, Accare)
Imagery in depression (Christien Slofstra, Claudi Bockting, Emily Holmes, a.o.)
Yoga for young woman with MDD (Nina Vollbehr, Brian Ostafin, Peter de Jong, and many others, ZonMw, Lentis)
Anger in children with anxiety disorders: child temperament and parental responding in the striking comorbidity of internalising and externalizing symptoms (Leonie Kreuze, Peter de Jong, a.o. -TRAILS)
Optimizing exposure-based treatment of anxiety disorders in youth (Rachel de Jong, Miriam Lommen, Rachel de Jong- ZonMw, National consortium Anxiety and Mood disorders in youth)
Last modified: | 09 February 2024 10.12 a.m. |