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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M.A.G. (Marjolein) van Offenbeek


The influence of electronic health record use on collaboration among medical specialties

New Rules of Engagement: How Adaptation To Online Media Changes Older Adults' Social Connectedness

De ziekenhuisarts: eerste praktijkervaringen

Verkenning van de mogelijke inzet van DCM Thuis voor mantelzorgers: Rapportage onderzoek in opdracht van Stichting Watten in mijn hoofd

Shaping a buyer’s software selection process through tendering legislation

Stakeholders' enactment of competing logics in IT governance: polarization, compromise or synthesis?

Implementation fidelity trajectories of a health promotion program in multidisciplinary settings: Managing tensions in rehabilitation care

The ethics of using generative AI for qualitative data analysis

Understanding variation in subunit adoption of electronic health records: facilitating and constraining configurations of critical dependencies

When workarounds aggravate misfits in the use of electronic health record systems

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Effecten van telewerken