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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. H. (Harriëtte) Riese
University Medical Center Groningen

dr. H. (Harriëtte) Riese

Universitair hoofddocent (UHD)

Expertise. I am an expert in ambulatory psychological and physiological monitoring with a research interest in regulation mechanisms associated with common mental disorders and the clinical implementation of innovations obtained from my scientific research.

General. The iLab group (, of which I am the director, facilitates a wide range of clinical research. In this position, I am currently most challenged by using the experience sampling method (ESM) as an add-on tool in mental health care. With ESM, patients can monitor their daily affect, activities and social contexts multiple times a day. In many medical disciplines, patients are asked to monitor themselves, for example, their daily blood pressure or glucose levels. Also, in psychiatry diagnosis and treatment could be improved when patients monitor their daily symptoms, stressful experiences, social context and activities. I initiated the Therap-i RCT study to test the added value of ESM to psychological care in patients diagnosed with complex depression disorders ( I am PI of a project where we integrate personalized ESM and feedback in regular mental health care (PErsonalized Treatment Real-time Assessment, PETRA; Among others, I am co-initiator and PI of the Psychiatric assessment Revisited: Social, Psychophysiological and Environmental Characterization of a Transdiagnostic cohort (PRoSPECT) study, in which we aim to predict which interventions are most effective for which psychiatric patients. I am co-initiator and PI of a PETRA upscaling and evaluation project named Het Roer Om.

I coordinated Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA, e.g. ESM, actigraphy, cardiac autonomic nervous system) data acquisition for projects such as my PhD research project on female nurses, the Netherlands Twin Register (, the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety EMA sub-study (NESDA,, and the TRANSitions In Depression study (TRANS-ID, In my epidemiological work, I use data from large longitudinal cohort studies such as Lifelines (, TRAILS (, and NESDA. I have set-up psychophysiological laboratories for stress-reactivity experiments in the Groningen Twin Register (GTR) and the TRAILS study.

Academic positions and projects as PI

2022 - present: Co-initiator and PI of the ‘Het Roer Om’ study; a PETRA upscaling and evaluation study. Collaboration between mental health care institute GGZ-Drenthe and UCP/UMCG

2020 – present: Associate professor (with ius promovendi), UCP/UMCG

2011 – present: Director of iLab, UCP/UMCG

2020 – present: Co-initiator and PI of the PRoSPECTs study, UCP/UMCG

2018 – present: Co-initiator and PI of the PETRA study, UCP/UMCG

2016 – present: Co-founding board member Belgian-Dutch Network for ESM research

2016 – present: Board member Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety study

2016 – present: Co-PI TRANS-ID study

2015 – present: Co-initiator and PI Therap-i study

2013 – present: Co-initiator and co-PI NESDA-Ambulatory Assessment sub-study

2003 – 2020: Senior researcher, UCP/UMCG

2007 – 2012: Senior researcher, dept. of Genetic Epidemiology, UMCG

2011: Visiting Scientist, I was a visiting scientist at the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland, Department of Public Health, Helsinki, for collaboration with prof. dr. Kaprio.

2004–2006: Visiting Scientist, I was a visiting scientist at the Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Research Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK, for collaboration with prof. dr. Rijsdijk

2000 – 2003: Postdoc, dept. of Biological Psychology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

1995 – 2000: PhD student, dept. of Biological Psychology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. PhD thesis: Job strain and cardiovascular risk in female nurses

1988 – 1994: Graduate student, Experimental Psychology (major), Neuro-biopsychology (minor), University of Groningen. Msc thesis: Mental fatigue after very severe closed head injury: sustained performance, mental effort, and distress at two levels of workload in a driving simulator.

Laatst gewijzigd:21 september 2023 16:28