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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons G. (Goda) Perlaviciute, Prof


Understanding the human dimensions of a sustainable energy transition

The influence of values on evaluations of energy alternatives

An integrated framework for encouraging pro-environmental behaviour: The role of values, situational factors and goals

Contextual and psychological factors shaping evaluations and acceptability of energy alternatives: Integrated review and research agenda

The Significance of Hedonic Values for Environmentally Relevant Attitudes, Preferences, and Actions

Citizen assemblies should involve citizens as experts on their own values

Energy citizenship as people's perceived (collective) rights and responsibilities in a just and sustainable energy transition - scale development and validation

From believing in climate change to adapting to climate change: The role of risk perception and efficacy beliefs

Public opinion about solar radiation management: A cross-cultural study in 20 countries around the world

Trusting the minister or trusting the mayor? Perceived competence and integrity of central and local Dutch institutions governing energy matters

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Ethicists will now have a lab as well

Gedragsverandering onmisbaar voor CO2-neutraal Nederland

Scientific expert in the Dutch elections political debate on energy and climate

Draagvlak voor grote PV-projecten? Communicatie, transparantie en betrekken zijn essentieel

Engaging the public in climate policymaking

Protesten tegen windmolens: meer dan egoïstische bezwaren

Interview Human

'Benadruk wat er wél goed gaat'

Windmolens en waarden: hoe trekken we de hedonist over de streep

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