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Neural correlates of vicarious reward processing and peer victimization experiences in late childhood

A New School, a Fresh Start? Change and Stability in Peer Relationships and Academic Performance in the Transition from Primary to Secondary School

Angry or Neutral, It Does Not Matter to Me: Implicit Processing of Facial Emotions Is Not Related to Peer Victimization Experiences

Are there negative cycles of peer victimization and rejection sensitivity?: Testing ri-CLPMs in two longitudinal samples of young adolescents

A Systematic Review on Primary School Teachers’ Characteristics and Behaviors in Identifying, Preventing, and Reducing Bullying

De rol van boa’s in handhaving en leefbaarheid binnen het publieke domein

Examining the Link Between Implementation Fidelity, Quality, and Effectiveness of Teacher-Delivered Anti-Bullying Interventions in a Randomized Controlled Trial

Experiences of fatherhood in prison: A thematic analysis of differences between fathers in a family approach programme and a comparison group

Generatie NU. Waarom de kracht van jongeren serieus genomen moet worden

Growing Up Successfully – The Influence Of Peers On Self-Regulatory Abilities In Emerging Adulthood


Pesten in het onderwijs: Antipestprogramma’s en de eerste antipestkliniek van Nederland.

Podcast: Knitting networks - 76.René Veenstra

Pesten doen we samen

Echte mean girls

‘Investering in anti-pestprogramma op scholen is effectief’

Kabinet kent ruim € 142 miljoen voor wetenschappelijk toponderzoek toe

Te vaak laten antipestprogramma’s scholen aan hun lot over

Cloud Life ontwikkelt Anti-pesten oplossing in Microsoft Teams

Week tegen pesten: 'Populaire kinderen zijn nog altijd de sporters'