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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. ir. C. (Chris) Smit

Research interests

Research themes

I work on species interactions and consequences for the dynamics, biodiversity and spatial organization of natural communities. I typically use large-scale field studies in ecosystems where (large) herbivores play an important role (including temperate savannas, wood pastures, semi-arid steppes, temperate lowland forests, salt marshes, and riverine floodplains). I am much interested in facilitation, i.e. positive interactions between species, and how these interactions are shaped by the interplay of various (a)biotic factors. Furthermore, I work on how predators (including returning wolves, or invasive feral cats) as well as humans, directly or indirectly, affect prey behaviour, with potential cascading impacts on ecosystems (e.g. ecology of fear). I aim to contribute to the advancement of fundamental ecological concepts with relevance for conservation (e.g. rewilding). 


Teaching activities

I am coordinator of the following courses:

- Research Skills Ecology & Evolution 2 (BSc, first year; formerly known as Flora and Fauna)

- Conservation Ecology Practices (MSc, Ecology & Conservation track)


I am involved in the following courses:

- Ecological Interactions (BSc)

- Research Project Ecology & Evolution (BSc)

- BSc thesis

- MSc colloquium

- MSc essay

- MSc research project


Supervised MSc students (research projects):

- Charlie Turlier (2023)

- Charel Jager (2023)

- Fanny Spikman (2023)

- Farah Kootstra (2023)

- Pieter Otten (2022)

- Hilbert de Groot (2022)

- Walter di Nicola (2022)

- Heleen Jansen (2021)

- Annemarie van Olst (2021)

- Jurre Terpstra (2021)

- Patrick Baan (2021)

- Marije Jousma (2020)

- Josefien Tankink (2020)

- Krissie van den Heuvel (2020)

- James Skinkis (2020)

- Jagua Lamfers (2020)

- Esther Swankhuizen (2020)

- Bernhard Budin (2020)

- Joe Churchill (2019)

- Evert Lambers (2019)

- Sterre Koops (2018)

- Sanne Moedt (2018)

- Annabet Galema (2018)

- Christina Lijclama a Nije (2018)

- Franck Luicxk (2018)

- Koen Brouwer (2017)

- Jelle Wichers (2017)

- Maarten Doornbos (2016)

- Puck Oomen (2016)

- Sanne Moedt (2016)

- Erik van Haeringen (2016)

- Marjanne Havinga (2016)

- Wypkelien van Gasteren (2015)

- Jildou Schotanus (2015)

- Martijn van der Ende (2015)

- Moniek Gommers (2015)

- Mark Eerkens (2015)

- Kasper Eising (2014)

- Aron te Winkel (2014)

- Kaylee van Dijk (2014)

- Nieck Kromkamp (2014)  

- Jurjen Maris (2013)

- Rutger Steever (2013)

- Myra Boers (2012)

- Marycha Franken (2012)

- Marinka van Puijenbroek (2012)

- Annelies van Ginkel (2012)

- Rogier van de Blaak (2012)

- Tjitse op de Hoek (2012)

- Hidde Zemel (2011)

- Else Langbroek (2011)

- Judith Westveer (2011)

- Liesbeth Versteegde (2010)


Lees meer


Applied ecology of fear: A meta-analysis on the potential of facilitating human-wildlife coexistence through nonlethal tools

Beweiding kan aantal plantensoorten op kwelder verhogen

Free-ranging cattle and the return of the wolf: Behavioral responses and implications for conservation management

How nitrogen deposition hampers common juniper regeneration in heathlands

Large-scale facilitative effects for a single nurse shrub: Impact of the rainfall gradient, plant community and distribution across a geographical barrier

Small mustelids in peril: Investigating detection, abundance and ecology in the Netherlands

Snow cover-related camouflage mismatch increases detection by predators

Vegetation dynamics following three decades of trophic rewilding in the mesic grasslands of Oostvaardersplassen

Akkeren op de kwelder

Climatic niche convergence through space and time for a potential archaeophyte (Acacia caven) in South America

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Liekuut | Haal de ecoloog uit de ivoren toren

Wie is er bang voor de boze wolf?

Hoe ver moet je gaan om weidevogels te beschermen tegen de huiskat? 'Onze mindset moet veranderen'

Vijf aanvragen gehonoreerd voor onderzoek naar de Waddenzee

Wetenschappers aan kabinet: natuur is geen luxe-dingetje, stem vóór de natuurherstelwet

'Wolf verandert leven op het platteland in Noord-Nederland' | podcast Juichen of Jagen

Hoe gevaarlijk is de wolf voor de mens? En 6 andere vragen over de wolf beantwoord

Lief en schattig? Katten zijn verantwoordelijk voor het uitsterven van 60 diersoorten in de wereld

Minister: predatie door katten speelt rol bij teruggang weidevogels

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