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Cigarette smoking prolongs inflammation associated with influenza infection and delays its clearance in mice

Effects of lysine deacetylase inhibitor treatment on LPS responses of alveolar-like macrophages

Inhalable Textile Microplastic Fibers Impair Airway Epithelial Differentiation

Microplastic and plastic pollution: impact on respiratory disease and health

Neuroplasticity and neuroimmune interactions in fatal asthma

Osteoprotegerin is an Early Marker of the Fibrotic Process and of Antifibrotic Treatment Responses in Ex Vivo Lung Fibrosis

The lung extracellular matrix protein landscape in severe early-onset and moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Three dimensional fibrotic extracellular matrix directs microenvironment fiber remodeling by fibroblasts

TNF signaling mediates lipopolysaccharide-induced lung epithelial progenitor cell responses in mouse lung organoids

Collagen type I alters the proteomic signature of macrophages in a collagen morphology-dependent manner



Een gezonde planeet is een gezonde mens

Explainer: Dressed to kill? The hidden dangers of synthetic clothing

Jakten på plasten i våra kroppar

Microplásticos: un problema cada vez más grande para la salud humana

Microplastics are a big problem, a new film warns

Una nueva película en SXSW advierte sobre el daño potencial de los microplásticos

A New Film at SXSW Warns of the Potential Harm of Microplastics

Microplastics Are Everywhere. A New Film at SXSW Warns of the Potential Harm to Humans.

Microplastics Are a Big Problem, a New Film Warns