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Explaining teachers’ behavioural intentions towards differentiated instruction for inclusion: using the theory of planned behavior and the self-determination theory

How do they see themselves?: The self-concept of students with intellectual or behavioural disabilities in special education

Samenwerken aan inclusief onderwijs

Seeing myself through the eyes of my peers: Explaining the self-concept of students with and without special educational needs through acceptance and friendship

The attitudes of teaching staff in specialized education towards inclusion and integration

The Relationship Between Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Intrinsic Motivation: The Role of Individual Differences and Special Educational Needs

Adolescents’ attitudes towards otherness: the development of an assessment instrument

Changes in need-supportive teaching over the course of one school year: differences between students with special educational needs and typically developing students

De invloed van leerling- en schoolkenmerken op de de prestaties en ontwikkeling van leerlingen met extra ondersteuningsbehoefte in het (voortgezet) speciaal onderwijs

Differentiation and students with special educational needs: teachers’ intentions and classroom interactions

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