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Society/business Science Shops Language, Culture and Communication Projecten

Non Fiction Photos

We, a group of students from the University of Groningen, have formed a NonFiction Photo (NFP) Research and Development team. Our task was to figure out a way to bring business and profit during their calm period between January till June. The rest of the year, NFP focuses on their Photo Festival, their most prominent and profitable event, with a large portion of their audience consisting of schools.

Fistly, we analysed NFP as a company and conducted a complete desk analysis of their operations. We found an opening we could research on - The lessons on loction that NFP offers to secondary shcools - and created our research question of 'how can NFP improve B2B relationships with schools outside of the festival?' Based on that, we conducted market research and a competitor analysis, specifically of the photography market and a few other cultural and creative disciplines. We also research the new Dutch citizenship education policy to understand the ways in which NFP's products work in accordance with this.

Next, we created ae methodology of semi-structured interviews with NFP employees and school teachers to gain more qualitative data on the product, and the relationships between two parties. The results of the interviews highlighted the ways in whisch a close B2B relationship bewtween the secondary schools and NFP would allow for mutual benefits and optimum growth. The experience gave us valuable insight into the professional world and allowed us to work together as a team within a real organisation. Our research contains an overview of all our findings on the current functions of the company, our qualitative research into NFP\ s drive, their competitors and their current B2B relationships with schools via intervies, as well as the final advice on how to improve on their exixting projects.

NFP has already integrated into the education market and offered services to schools during and outside the festival, though it is still a fairly new project. This is why we decided to conduct research on their possibilities to build a durable business to business (B2B) relationship with schools.

Last modified:07 February 2023 09.56 a.m.