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Studievoorschotmiddelen symposium: Enhancing Education - Discover what's possible 11 juni 2019

08 mei 2019

Op 11 juni 2019 organiseert CIT-Educational Support and Innovation vanuit het programma Studievoorschotmiddelen 2018-2019 het mini-symposium Enhancing Education - Discover what's possible voor docenten, onderwijscoördinatoren, programmamanagers en onderwijsondersteuners van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

Wanneer: 12.30 - 17.00 uur
Waar: Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5

Naast een keynote van prof. dr. Perry den Brok (Professor of Education and Learning Sciences, Wageningen University), vinden er die middag verschillende break-out sessies plaats waarin onderwijsinnovaties worden gepresenteerd die ook gemakkelijk in andere onderwijssituaties kunnen worden toegepast.

foto: Michel de Groot
foto: Michel de Groot

Programma (voertaal Engels)

  • 12.30 - 13.00 Inloop met koffie en thee (Bruynszaal)
  • 13.00 - 13.45 Keynote* met prof. dr. Perry den Brok, Professor of Education and Learning Sciences, Wageningen University (Heymanszaal)
  • 13.45 - 14.30 Break-out sessies
    - SOWISO (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
    - Traintool (Faculty of Medical Sciences)
    - Interdisciplinary minor: Healthy Years
  • 14.30 - 15.00 Pauze
  • 15.00 - 15.45 Break-out sessies
    - Career opportunities (Faculty of Economics and Business)
    Short Answer Method (Faculty of Behavioral Sciences)
    Perusall (Faculty of Arts)
  • 15.45 - 16.30 Afsluiting: panel discussie; hoe moeten studenten betrokken worden bij onderwijsinnovatie?
  • 16.30 - 17.00 Borrel

Wij nodigen u van harte uit hierbij aanwezig te zijn. Indien u geinteresseerd bent in het bijwonen van dit symposium, meldt u zich dan voor 7 juni aan.

Bij vragen kunt u contact opnemen met Irene Douwes-van Ark ( of Vincent de Boer (

* Course innovations at the university: innovative education or educated innovations?

Many teachers, university support staff and managements are involved in innovations in university education, especially at the course level. Different strategies have been implemented by universities to stimulate innovation in education, such as innovation funds, design communities, qualifications in education, and so on. But who is involved in these (course) innovations (and who is not)? What type of innovations are they aiming at? How are these innovations being implemented? And with what effect? In his lecture, based on his inaugural lecture, Perry den Brok will start with mapping a few trends and developments in higher education that drive educational innovations. After this, he will share findings of a series of studies on educational innovations at the engineering universities in the Netherlands. These findings have resulted in a framework that both teachers and policy makers can use to strengthen their innovation projects, and that lead to some recommendations for stimulating and conducting educational (course) innovation. He will end with some examples of how educational innovation is being stimulated by the 4TU Centre of Engineering Education, of which he is chair.

Laatst gewijzigd:23 februari 2024 12:50
View this page in: English

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