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Science LinX About Science LinX Collaborations Living Knowledge

Living Knowledge

The International Science Shop Network

Science LinX, through its Science Shop, is an active and founding member of Living Knowledge, the international Science Shop network.

Established in the year 2000, the Living Knowledge Network is composed of persons active in -or supportive of- Science Shops and Community Based Research. Living Knowledge aims to foster public engagement with, and participation in, all levels of the research and innovation process. The network focuses on Exchange, Networking and Building Partnerships, e.g. through joint projects, summer schools, newsletters, websites and bi-annual conferences.

Living Knowledge facilitates cooperation with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to generate research ideas, questions and agendas. Members such as Science Shops perform research in response to these questions, either with dedicated staff or with the assistance of others, notably higher education students. The goal is to co-create research to find solutions and therefore make a positive impact on real world problems.

The network promotes community focused cooperation between civil society and those involved in teaching, research and innovation, particularly in higher education. This process of engaging with society aims to strengthen both the research process and its outcomes for all partners, and thus contribute to research excellence and innovation outcomes that reflect civil society’s views & needs.

Last modified:14 July 2020 09.44 a.m.