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Research GBB Molecular Systems Biology

Open positions

We are always looking for PhD students and postdocs with either a biological, computational or engineering background. If you are interested in a position in our group, please contact us as soon as possible (ideally at least 6 month before you would like to start), as sometimes we might first need to secure funding for the position (which sometimes might take a bit of time).

Outstanding, highly motivated candidates seeking a position as PhD student or postdoc, should send their application to Matthias Heinemann.

The application should include:  

  1. information about grades and other measures of success
  2. two letters of recommendation
  3. information about personal interests and potential topics of mutual interest (see our research and publications).

For information about living in Groningen, please refer to this page.

Last modified:10 October 2012 11.36 a.m.