We make landscape knowledge available to you on the Landschappen van Noord-Nederland' and ‘Leestekens van het Landschap' websites. On these websites you will find structured information about the history of the Northern Netherlands landscapes and about landscape elements throughout the Netherlands.
Creating databases and websites in the field of landscape and cultural history is an expertise that we can develop for you on request.
Landschappen van Noord-Nederland
'Landschappen van Noord-Nederland' contains the landscape history, special historical themes and current affairs about the 30 sub-landscapes of the Northern Netherlands.

Landscape history of the landscapes of the Northern Netherlands
A selection of historical maps of all these landscapes can be found on a map viewer. This was developed with the support of the SNS-REAAL fund. It is also an interactive site where you can upload your own toponyms, photos and stories about the landscape. You are welcome to add more information to the website.
The site can be found under
Leestekens van het Landschap
'Leestekens van het Landschap' provides information about landscape elements in the Netherlands. It was funded by the Prince Bernhard Cultuurfonds through an anonymous gift.

Information about landscape elements
On this website you can search the landscape elements by name, photo and a number of filter criteria. The list of landscape elements is not complete and we invite you to complete the list. The website was developed with the help of LandschappenNL and the de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed.
Follow this link to go to the website:
Last modified: | 06 January 2023 3.15 p.m. |