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Research The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG) News

YARN ARTS fest: call for presentations/demos/posters

20 March 2018

Dear colleague,

On Monday June 18 from 13:00 to 18:00 (last hour: drinks only), the
Young ARts Network (YARN) will be organizing the ARTS Fest in the
Marie-Lokezaal and the Weber Foyer. Please block this day in your

calendar! With this event we would like to showcase and demonstrate
- both to our colleagues in this faculty, but also to a general public, and
media - the incredibly interesting, inspiring and diverse research which
is conducted at our faculty.

What are we looking for?

To make this event a success, we are looking for *you*, at least if
you are motivated to give a short (5 minute) presentation about your
research which is accessible to a general audience. The event will not
only consist of presentations, but in parallel we aim to have several
demonstrations (if possible) and or/poster presentations where the
audience may interact with the individual researchers. For example, if
you study historical books or artifacts, you might bring one of these
(if possible) to illustrate the work you are doing. If you conduct
experimental work, you may demonstrate the experimental techniques you
use to collect your data (e.g., online applications, physical
measurements such as EEG). If you have a movie about your research,
you may show this, etc. Or if your research does not lend itself to a
demonstration, you can make a poster which allows you to illustrate
your research.

When should you participate?

* You would like to cooperate with researchers from other disciplines
* You would like to showcase or present your research in a fun way
* You would like to cooperate with non-university partners and attract their attention
* You like to present your research to a general audience (we will help you in your preparation, if you like)
* You would like to get some media attention for your research (press will be invited)
* ...

Who can present?

There is a relatively limited number of presentation spots, so we may
not be able to select all presentations. In our selection, we will
prefer presentations which also have an associated demonstration or
poster, and we'll try to select presentations in such a way that the
breadth of research in our faculty is presented. Presentations may be
given in Dutch or English.

How can you apply?

If you're interested in presenting please say in a few sentences what
you'd like to present and what the demo/poster will be about (if
applicable) via the following form: If you're
not interested in presenting, please also let us know via the form if
you're planning to attend (we hope so!).

With kind regards,
The Young ARts Network

Last modified:18 April 2018 2.31 p.m.

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