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Research Heymans Institute Traffic and Environmental Psychology (Verkeerspsychologie, Omgevingspsychologie)

PhD Theses

PhD theses completed (from 1996 onwards) and theses in progress at the University of Groningen. If available a link to a pdf version is provided

In progress

P. (Pinar) Toptas

Supervisors: A.B.M Furmaier, D. De Waard, T. Dekkers

B. (Bastiaan) Sporrel

Supervisors: D. De Waard, A. Stuiver

M. (Michelle) Lohmeyer

Supervisors: E.M. Steg, D. de Waard, A.B. Unal, J. Veldstra

A. (Angèle) Picco

Supervisors: D. de Waard, J.C.F. de Winter, A. Stuiver

J.J.M. (Jorick) Post

Supervisors: E.M. Steg, D. de Waard, A.B. Unal, J. Veldstra


J.L. (Bart) Jelijs Cycling with low vision

Supervisors: D. de Waard, K.A. Brookhuis, J.Heutink, B. Melis-Dankert

J. (Jeremy) Dillmann Keeping the driver in the loop while driving with conditional automation. A perception-action theory perspective

Supervisors: D. de Waard, J.R. den Hartigh, R.F.A. Cox, C. Kurpiers


F. (Frank) Westerhuis Advancing the Age of Cycling

Supervisors: D. de Waard, K.A. Brookhuis, A.B.M Fürmaier

I. (Ilse) Harms Information along familiar routes. On what we perceive and how this affects our behaviour

Supervisors: D. de Waard, K.A. Brookhuis


C. (Carola) Engbers (U Twente) Keep cycling - how technology can support safe and comfortable cycling for older adults

Supervisors: J.S. Rietman, D. de Waard, R Dubbeldam


C . (Christina) Cordes Driving slow motorised vehicles with visual impairment: An exploration of driving safety

Supervisors: W.H. Brouwer, K.A. Brookhuis, J.H.C. Heutink, B.J.M. Melis-Dankers

D. (Dafne) Piersma Fitness to drive of older drivers with cognitive impairments

Supervisors: W.H. Brouwer, O.M. Tucha, D. de Waard, A.B.M. Fürmaier


A. (Arjan) Stuiver Using cardiovascular measures for adaptive automation

Supervisors: K.A. Brookhuis, L.J.M. Mulder, D. de Waard

M. (Mandy) Dotzauer Longer-term effects of ADAS use on driving performance of healthy older drivers and drivers diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease

Supervisors: W.H. Brouwer, D. de Waard, S.R. Caljouw


J.L. (Janet) Veldstra When the party is over...: Investigating the effects of alcohol, THC and MDMA on simulator driving performance

Supervisors: K.A. Brookhuis, D. de Waard

M. (Martijn) Keizer The role of normative considerations as predictors of pro-environmental behavior

Supervisors: E.M. Steg, M. van Zomeren

C. (Chris) Dijksterhuis - Monitoring driver’s mental workload for user adaptive aid.
Supervisors: K.A. Brookhuis, D. de Waard, L.J.M. Mulder


E. (Ellen) Van der Werff - Growing environmental self-identity

Supervisors: E.M. Steg, K. Keizer

A.B. (Berfu) Ünal - Please don't stop the music

Supervisors: E.M. Steg, K. Epstude

E.B. (Ebru) Dogan Driving feedback: psychological factors influencing the effectiveness of feedback

Supervisors: E.M. Steg and P. Delhomme (INRETS)


M. (Matthijs) Dicke Psychological Aspects of Travel Information Presentation

Supervisors: K.A. Brookhuis

B. (Ben) Lewis Evans - Testing Models of Driver Behaviour

Supervisors: K.A. Brookhuis and D. de Waard

M.D. (Marjolein) Van der Zwaag Music Directs your Mood

Supervisors: K.A. Brookhuis, D. de Waard, L.J.M. Mulder, J. Westerink (Philips)

R. (Roos) Pals Zoo-ming in on Restoration: Physical features and restorativeness of environments.

Supervisors: K.I. van der Zee, F. W. Siero and E.M. Steg


J.W. (Jan Willem) Bolderdijk - Buying people : the persuasive power of money

Supervisor: E.M. Steg


K.E. (Kees) Keizer - The spreading of disorder

Supervisors: S. Lindenberg and E.M. Steg

G. (Geertje) Schuitema - Priceless policies. Factors influencing the acceptability of transport pricing policies

Supervisor: E.M. Steg


E.S. (Ellen) Wilschut - The impact of in-vehicle information systems on simulated driving performance. Effects of age, timing and display characteristics

Supervisors: K.A. Brookhuis, M. Falkenstein


J.I.M. (Judith) De Groot - Mean or green? Value orientations, morality and prosocial behaviour

Supervisors: J.A. Rothengatter, E.M. Steg


W. (Wokje) Abrahamse - Energy conservation through behavioral change: examining the effectiveness of a tailor-made approach

Supervisors: C.A.J. Vlek, J.A. Rothengatter, E.M. Steg


J. (Jolieke) Mesken- de Groot- Determinants and consequences of driver's emotions

Supervisor: J.A. Rothengatter


F. (Fokie) Cnossen. Adaptive strategies and goal management in car drivers.

Supervisors: T.F. Meijman, J.A. Rothengatter


M. (Monique) Van der Hulst, M. (1999). Adaptive control of safety margins in driving.

Supervisors: J.A. Rothengatter, T.F. Meijman, J. Godthelp

H.D. (Henk) Spittje. De invloed van tele-/thuiswerk op het activiteitenpatroon en het verplaatsingsgedrag.

Supervisors: J.A. Rothengatter, J.E. Ellemers


J.D. (Jinke) Van der Laan. Acceptance of automatic violation-registration systems.

Supervisors: J.A. Rothengatter, A.S.R. Manstead


A.J. (Ton) Rooijers. Rijsnelheden en attitudes jegens overschrijving van de limiet van verschillende groepen weggebruikers

Supervisor: J.A. Rothengatter

M. (Maaike) Jessurun. Driving through a road environment: effects on visual perception, state of activation and subjective appraisal

Supervisors: J.A. Rothengatter, K.A. Brookhuis


M.J. (Maria a.k.a. Marja) Kuiken - Instructional support to drivers.

Supervisors: J.A. Rothengatter, J.A. Groeger

D. (Dick) De Waard. The measurement of drivers' mental workload.

Supervisors: J.A. Rothengatter, T.F. Meijman, K.A. Brookhuis.

A. (Adriaan) Heino - Risk taking in car driving; perceptions, individual differences and effects of safety incentives

Supervisors: C.A.J. Vlek, G.J.S. Wilde, H.H. van der Molen

E.M. (Linda) Steg - Gedragsverandering ter vermindering van het autogebruik : theoretische analyse en empirische studie over probleembesef, verminderingsbereidheid en beoordeling van beleidsmaatregelen

Supervisor: C.A.J. Vlek

W. (Wim) Van Winsum. From adaptive control to adaptive driver behaviour.

Supervisors: J.A. Rothengatter, J. Godthelp, W.H. Brouwer.

Last modified:27 November 2024 2.05 p.m.
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