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Research Groningen Institute of Archaeology GIA centennial: 2020


Gia centennial logo
2020 will be devoted to celebrating the 100th anniversary of the GIA. Various activities, lectures and meetings will take place to not let the anniversary pass unnoticed. New activities are regularly added to the program. You can stay informed by indicating that you want to receive notifications about new activities.

Upcoming activities

NB. Dates, time, locations and activitities may be subject to change.

Date and time
Throughout the year

From January onwards a total of 100 photos will be released over the year to bring to light the history of 100 years of GIA. What are the highlights? Which top finds and important excavations were there? What does 100 years of GIA consist of? The photos can be seen on the photohistory page. This page will be updated regurlary.

New photos will be released each month.

March 17, 2020 -January 3, 2021 = POSTPONED DUE TO CORONAVIRUS MEASURES

DIG IT ALL reveals the groundbreaking technology of modern archeology. In honour of the centennial of the Groningen Institute of Archaeology we offer a glimpse behind the scenes of this fascinating research area. Archaeologists have a clever way of using digital technologies, such as virtual reality, 3D reconstructions and drone images. This approach offers innovative opportunities of digging into the past.

The exhibition lets you experience what it is like being at an archaeological dig: through VR you can immerse yourself in tombs in ancient Italy and Greece; 3D-reconstructions bring the discovered objects, such as pottery items, to life; shipwrecks in the Dutch polders are discovered by digital analysis of small differences in height in the landscape. The archaeology of plants and animals in the Netherlands are mapped by digital reference collections. Closer to home, we take a look at the liberation of the city of Groningen after World War II and show the war-time finds in our own city on an interactive map.

Visit the website of the University Museum for practical information. THE EXHIBTION OPENING IS POSTPONED.

ArchSci2020 conference 'On the edge, new directions in Circumpolar Archaeology' (organised by the Arctic Centre)


The ArchSci2020 Project has been training a new generation of researchers to apply the latest scientific methods to important archaeological questions that span Northern Europe and the Circumpolar World. The conference gives these PhDs the opportunity to present their latest results to a large international audience. Six keynote speakers and other leading specialists to take part in the four thematic sessions have also been invited. Besides the GIA centennial, the conference also marks the 50th anniversary of the Arctic Centre. you can find the full programma here.

The conference has a limited amount of avalaible space. You can register on the ArschSci2020 website.

No (e)scape?’ Relational Aegean Bronze Age early scholar conference


The third installment of the no(e)scape-conference series returns to discuss relational archaeology in the Aegean Bronze Age. While on the one hand the aim is to address the structuring structures of culture (e.g. the habitus as formulated by Bourdieu),on the other hand its rejection, manipulation and change will also be explored. This conference series, with previous successful editions held in Heidelberg in 2018 and Poznán in 2019, provides a platform specifically for early career scholars to discuss their research. Therefore, Master and PhD-students who work on the Aegean Bronze Age are invited to send in proposals covering a wide range of topics, but nevertheless touching on these relational aspects of societies.

Registration is needed to attend the conference. You can register on the Scapecon website.

Alumni day (organised by Archeolumni)
To be announced
More information soon.
Yesse festival - Friday
To be announced
On Friday evening GIA staff members will celebrate the collaboration on the Yesse excavation together with the residents and landowners of Essen by enjoying a medieval buffet meal together.
Yesse festival - Saturday
To be announced

On Saturday the GIA will host an Open Day for everyone who is interested in monasteries, the Middle Ages, and/or archaeology. There will be stalls with medieval food, crafts, music, and games. Additionally, it is possible to join the excavation by digging or by joining a tour of the excavation. Our botanical, micromorphological, and zoological specialists will set up a field laboratory with reference collections and microscopes.

Reconstructing a mesolithic hut (organised by WEAG)
To be announced

Over the course of one week the WEAG will reconstruct a Mesolithic hut at the Hunebedcentrum in Borger. During construction, primary school classes from the region can come to the Hunebedcentrum on different days to learn about life in the Stone Age. In addition, WEAG will let them build their own hut (on a miniature scale). The practical lessons provide an engaging opportunity for children to learn and experience a taste of Mesolithic ways of life. Other visitors welcome too.

The hut will be reconstructed at the Hunebedcentrum in Borger.

Summer feast
To be announced

A festive summer weekend away at the Hunebedcentrum in Borger for all GIA staff & students. The full programme will remain a surprise for a little while longer.

Flint workshop (organised by WEAG)
To be announced

Flint workshop in collaboration with the Hunebedcentrum and flint specialist, Roel Meijer. The workshop will be offered for free to employees and students of the GIA and other interested parties.

Burning the hut (organised by WEAG)
To be announced

This is the final phase of the hut reconstruction project by WEAG. After properly documenting everything in the hut and placing "tracers" on important parts of the construction, the hut will be set on fire.

This will be an event at the Hunebedcentrum in Borger.

Release centennial Paleo-aktueel
To be announced

For the Paleo-Aktueel 2020 edition a theme is planned for the first time: ‘Archaeology Today’ (‘Archeologie Anno Nu’). The social relevance of archaeology is central here. We ask staff, students, and people working in archaeology (at companies, municipalities, provinces, museums, and other heritagesectors) to reflect on their own experiences in this regard and to give us advice: how can the GIA strengthen the relevance of archaeology in education and research?

The Paleo-aktueel is available on the GIA-day (see below)

Gia-day XL (closing feast)
To be announced

The GIA day will be extra-large this year and will be a day in which we combine lectures with a book market and a business fair (with various museums and governmental & commercial parties from the region). This way, employers and students can get to know each other better for internships and work opportunities. At the GIA day, all visitors will receive a booklet with the historical pictures which have been collected over the year. At the end of the day a grand party will be given to officially end the centennial year and festivities.

Past activities

Activity Date and time Description
Lustrum seminar - prof Annelou van Gijn - 'The life history of a house: An experimental approach' (organised by WEAG) February 11, 16:00-17:30

In this lecture prof Annelou van Gijn (Leiden University) will present the results of the building process of a Late Neolithic house plan, the burning process of the house and the excavation.

Free entry. Location: Poststraat 6, Groningen.
Language: English.

Practical course in Archaeology
(organised by AWN, Bachur and GIA)
8, 15, 22, 29 Jan & 5, 12 Feb

Over the course of 6 evenings, a number of archaeological topics will be discussed with a practical focus, emphasizing the ability to recognize and identify archaeological remains in the field. It is a great opportunity for volunteers to learn skills that make them more employable for archaeological projects such as surveys and excavations.

Centennial New Year's Breakfast (GIA staff) January 21 A New Year's breakfast for GIA employees to start the anniversary year in a festive way. Fresh bread, nice refreshments and good company.
GIA Research Day 2019 December 13 GIA Research Day 2019 - official start of the GIA Centennial.
Last modified:25 November 2024 1.33 p.m.
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