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HTSM topsectorproject Ultra-most of Prof. dr. Pei granted

02 april 2022

The TKI-HTSM research project Fundamentals in ultrafast and ultra-smooth micro-milling of steels with high power ultrashort pulse laser (Ultra-most) of prof dr Yutao Pei and industrial partners Philips Personal Care and Lightmotif has been awarded 350k€ for a post-doc project. The project aims understanding the fundamentals in ultrafast and ultra-smooth micro-milling of steel components with ultrashort pulse (USP) laser in order to provide in-depth knowledge for industrial applications in smart and precise manufacturing processes. To achieve this goal, the physical mechanisms behind the formation of microscale structures and surface smoothening in USP laser ablation and induced phase transformations in steels should be clearly identified. It will be only achievable through in-depth characterization of the interaction between USP laser and materials surface. The role of surface tension and flowability of the melt layer and its relation to the formation of limiting problems during laser micro-milling of steels will be scrutinized. Systematic investigation of the process parameters is necessary to optimize the process considering some novel ideas such as utilization of pulse burst with high frequency to achieve ablation-cooled material removal. Close collaboration with industrial partners will boost industrial applications and valorization of the results and fundamental knowledge developed in this project.

Laatst gewijzigd:11 april 2022 09:25

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