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Onderzoek ESRIG - Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen Centre for Isotope Research - CIO Research Publicaties

Archief publicaties -1960

De Vries, Hl., 1946. The construction of counter tubes. Physica 11, 433-440.

De Vries, Hl. and Barendsen, G.W., 1952. A new technique for the measurement of age by radiocarbon. Physica, 18, 652.

De Vries, Hl. and Barendsen, G.W., 1953, Radiocarbon dating by a proportional counter filled with carbon dioxide. Physica 19, 987-1003.

De Vries, HL. and Barendsen, G.W., 1954. Measurements of age by the carbon-14 technique. Nature 174, 1138.

De Vries, Hl., 19... Toepassing van isotopen in de geologie.

De Vries, Hl., 1955. Purification of CO2 for use in a proportional counter for 14C measurements. Applied Scientific Research B5, 387-400.

De Vries, Hl. and Straka, H., 1956. Eine Radiokarbondatierung zum Alter der Eifelmaare. Die Naturwissenschaften 43, 13.

De Vries, Hl., 1956. Cosmic radiation during the solar flare of February 23rd and its effect on 14C measurements. Physica 22, 357.

De Vries, Hl., 1956. Physique nucléaire et mesure de l'âge d'échantillons organiques à l'aide du carbone radioactif. La Suisse Horlogère.

De Vries, Hl., 1956. The contribution of neutrons to the background of counters used for 14C age measurements. Nuclear Physics 1, 477-479.

De Vries, Hl., 1956. Toepassing van radioactieve koolstof in archaeologie en geologie. Universiteit en Hogeschool 2, 126-131.

De Vries, Hl., 1957. Further analysis of the neutron component of the background of counters used for 14C age measurements. Nuclear Physics 3, 65-68.

De Vries, Hl., 1957. Contribution of radiocarbon dating and measurement of paleotemperatures to pleistocene correlations. Geologie en Mijnbouw 19, 303-304.

De Vries, Hl., 1957. Ouderdomsbepaling met 14C voor archaeologie en geologie. Natuurkundige Voordrachten 35, 79-88.

De Vries, Hl., 1957. Toepassing en meting van de natuurlijke radioactiviteit van koolstof. Nederl. T. Natuurk. 23, 277-292.

De Vries, Hl., 1957. The removal of radon from CO2  for use in 14C measurements. Applied Scientific Research B6, 461-470.

Blanc, A.C., De Vries, Hl. and Follieri, M., 1957. A first C14 date for the Würm I chronology on the Italian coast. Quaternaria 4, 1-11.

De Vries, Hl., Barendsen, G.W. and Waterbolk, H.T., 1958. Groningen radiocarbon dates II. Science 127, 129-137.

De Vries, Hl., 1958. Variation in concentration of radiocarbon with time and location on earth. Proc. Koninkl. Nederl. Akad. Wetenschappen B61, 1-9.

De Vries, Hl., 1958. Toepassingen van radioactieve koolstof. Proc. Koninkl. Nederl. Acad. Wetenschappen 67, 49-52.

De Vries, Hl., 1958. Radiocarbon dates for upper Eem and Würm-interstadial samples. Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart 9, 10-17.

Tauber, H. and De Vries, Hl., 1958. Radiocarbon measurements of Würm-interstadial samples from Jutland. Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart 9, 69-71.

De Vries, Hl., 1958. Atomic bomb effect: Variation of radiocarbon in plants, shells, and snails in the past 4 years. Science 128, 250-251.

Haring, A., De Vries, A.E. and De Vries, Hl., 1958. Radiocarbon dating up to 70.000 years by isotopic enrichment. Science 128, 472-473.

De Vries, Hl., 1958. Toepassingen en meting van de natuurlijke radioactiviteit van koolstof. Symposium over Radioisotopen - Antwerpen.

De Vries, Hl., 1958. Gases in glaciers. Science 127, 3309.

Münnich, K.O., Östlund, H.G. and De Vries, Hl., 1958. Carbon-14 activity during the past 5.000 years. Nature 128, 1432-1433.

De Vries, Hl. and Waterbolk, H.T. 1958. Groningen radiocarbon dates III. Science 128, 1550-1556.

De Vries, Hl., 1958. Die Chronologie der Würmvereisung. Bericht über den 5. Intern. Kongress für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, 840-842.

De Vries, Hl., 1959. Radiocarbon dating of the fossil soils at Ober Fellabrunn. Proc. Koninkl. Nederl. Akad. Wetenschappen B62, 84-91.

De Vries, Hl., 1959. Onderzoek van de laatste ijstijd met behulp van radioactieve koolstof. Academiedagen 31, 38-47.

De Vries, Hl., Stuiver, M. and Olsson, I., 1959. A proportional counter for low level counting with high efficiency. Nuclear Instruments and Methods 5, 111-114.

Felgenhauer, F., Fink, J. and De Vries, Hl., 1959. Studien zur absoluten und relativen Chronologie der fossielen Böden in Oesterreich - I. Oberfellabrun. Archaeologia Austriaca 25, 35-73.

De Vries, Hl. and Oakley, K.P., 1959. Radiocarbon dating of the Piltdown skull and jaw. Nature 184, 224-226.

Vértes, L. and De Vries, Hl., 1959. Radiokarbonbestimmung des Aurgnacien II aus der Istállóskoër Höhle. Különlenyomat az Archaeologiai Értestö 2, 195.

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