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Faculty of Law welcomes guests from Research Centre for Law and Economics of China University of Political Science and Law

30 July 2015

On the 24th of July 2015 a delegation of the Research Centre for Law and Economics (RCLE) of our partner university in Beijing (China University of Political Science and Law) visited the Faculty of Law. RCLE is spear heading Law and Economics research in China and is the only institution in the country that is allowed to grant doctorates in Law and Economics. It celebrated its 10th Anniversary earlier this year with a big international conference where Stefan Weishaar from our Law and Economics department was invited.

The delegation was headed by Professor Xi Tao, a highly distinguished scholar and Director of RCLE. He and the other delegates were warmly welcomed by Professor Jan Jans, the vice dean of the Faculty, and members of the Law and Economics department. On both sides the parties were pleased about the long standing, active and productive research collaboration that gave rise to several joint conferences and book publications relating inter alia to comparing the European and Chinese experiences in various fields such as: market integration, regulatory reform and competition policy.

Prof. Xi Tao (l) and prof. Jan Jans
Prof. Xi Tao (l) and prof. Jan Jans

This article was published by the Faculty of Law.

Last modified:19 January 2024 09.19 a.m.

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