Cafés in opstand
PhD ceremony: | Mr W. (Willem) Bantema |
When: | June 09, 2016 |
Start: | 16:15 |
Supervisor: | prof. dr. M.L.M. (Marc) Hertogh |
Co-supervisor: | dr. H.A.M. Weyers |
Where: | Academy building RUG |
Faculty: | Law |

Resistance of catering industry to smoking ban not based on principle
Pub owners are not opposing the smoking ban on principle, as is often assumed, but for a number of different reasons. Although a small group was opposed to the ban on principle and from the start, most pub owners initially respected the smoking ban. Opposition to the ban grew only when it turned out that enforcement was limited and the legislation inconsistent. This led to unfair competition and resulted in an increasing number of pubs, in particular smaller ones, violating the ban. This is the conclusion reached by University of Groningen sociologist of law Willem Bantema in his PhD research. He argues for a clearer smoking policy, for instance with respect to designated smoking areas in pubs. A case brought by Clean Air Netherlands about this will be heard later this year.
Read on: press release