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About us Faculty of Law International programmes LLM programmes 2025-2026 Testimonials

Marília Monteiro Silva

Marília Monteiro Silva (Photo: C.Brennan)
Marília Monteiro Silva (Photo: C.Brennan)

I chose to study the LLM in International Human Rights Law at the University of Groningen because, besides being an over century-old university with an excellent reputation, it is one of the top universities in Europe to study Law, and the programme offers exactly what I was looking for to pave the path for my career. The Faculty of law has some very renowned professors in the field of international law, whose classes there is much to be learned from. The lecturers are always very approachable, and this makes it comfortable for students to discuss issues in their classes or in the lecturers' office.

At first I thought I would not like living in Groningen because of its small size; but now, it is exactly what makes me like it so much! The city is simply stunning and charming, has everything you need, you can basically go everywhere by bike within a few minutes, and you have always a lot to do in terms of culture and leisure! It’s a dream city, I would say.

The experience of studying in Groningen has given me not only good professional tools to follow my career as a Human Rights lawyer, but has also taught me a lot on how to be a better individual, how to respect cultural differences, and how to be stronger in overcoming obstacles in life.

Marília Monteiro Silva , Brazil, LLM in International Human Rights Law graduate


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Last modified:17 April 2024 4.18 p.m.