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About us Faculty of Law International programmes LLB programme 2025-2026 Testimonials

Farah El Masri

Farah El Masri
Farah El Masri

The reason I decided to study at the University of Groningen is because its law faculty is one of the best in the Netherlands. What I most like about the LLB programme is the very interesting and challenging curriculum and the small size classes that allow for debate and interaction between students. In addition, many of the professors are truly inspiring when it comes to their professional and academic experiences. The LLB programme consists mainly of international students, which gave me the opportunity to meet people from all over the world and learn about their cultures; that was a great experience for me. Next to studying there are many activities that can be pursued including all kinds of sports in addition to social, cultural and professional events. My experience at the University of Groningen was very valuable which is why I intend to apply for an LLM programme here as well.

Farah El Masri, Germany/Jordan

Last modified:04 December 2017 10.04 a.m.