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About us Faculty of Law International programmes LLB programme 2025-2026 Testimonials


Here you can find testimonials of several current and former LLB students who participated in the International and European Law programme in Groningen. There are also testimonials from students about their exchange studies abroad which are required in the 3rd year of the LLB programme. Please read through them to gain some insight into what it is like to be a student at the Faculty of Law, including going on exchange to another country, and why they chose our LLB programme.

Do you have a question about the LLB programme? Contact the Faculty of Law directly through our information request form .

Testimonials about the LLB programme:

Alexandra Bryson, Ireland
Alexandra Ivan, Romania
Ivy Adusei, Ghana
Michaela Stavridou, Cyprus
Natasha, United Kingdom
Patrik Pursch , Czech Republic
Xhorxhia Peno, Albania

Experiences studying abroad:

Anna Kovács, Went on exchange to Wellington, New Zealand
Devora Velinov, Went on exchange to Copenhagen, Denmark
Vannesha Mae, Went on exchange to Seoul, South Korea

Last modified:22 June 2023 09.58 a.m.