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Young researchers’ vlog: Dorina Buda on tourism in dangerous countries

17 July 2017
Photo by Elmer Spaargaren
Photo by Elmer Spaargaren

Four members of the Young Academy Groningen of the University of Groningen have created vlogs together with regional newspaper Dagblad van het Noorden. In these videos, they discuss their research and its social relevance in a comprehensible and entertaining manner. In the third vlog in the weekly series, Dorina Buda talks about ‘dark tourism’.

Dorina Buda

Dorinda Buda was Assistant Professor in Tourism Studies at the University of Groningen between 2013 and 2017. In June of this year, she started a new job as Professor in Tourism Studies at Leeds Beckett University. One of her research areas is ‘dark tourism’: tourism involving travel to war zones, hot spots and historic places where sinister events have taken place. She focuses not only on what drives people to make these trips (curiosity, thrill-seeking), but also on the emotional after-effects. As she explains in the UG video magazine Unifocus, Buda hopes that her research will raise the profile of research into tourism as a full-fledged research field in the Netherlands.

Young Academy Groningen

Buda is one of the founders of the Young Academy Groningen (YAG). Young Academy Groningen is a group of young talented academics from the University of Groningen. Its members come from a variety of disciplines, in order to stimulate interdisciplinary research. In addition, they aim to enthuse and inform a broad audience about science.

A new vlog is published every week on the website of the regional newspaper Dagblad van het Noorden. Previous vlogs featured videos made by Merel Keijzer and Diederik Roest. Next week’s vlog by Michel Vols will be the last in the series.

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Last modified:10 June 2022 11.20 a.m.
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