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Career preparation and collaboration

UG Career Services provides student services in the area of career orientation, employability skills and future career preparation. Below, you find opportunities to collaborate with FSE on career-related activities for our students..

The online platform RUGConnect allows companies to gain access to a large group of highly educated students. As a company or organization you can offer vacancies or internships via RUGConnect yourself without the intervention of Career Services. You are in control of how your vacancies look, can edit text, adjust the deadline or remove the vacancy once it has been filled.

Post a job or internship vacancy
Vacancies that are being submitted must meet the following requirements:

  • They are academically relevant to the students
  • They have a maximum required work experience of one year.

Offer an internship
Internship projects are part of many Master programmes at the FSE. Please refer to this overview for more information about the length and type of different internship projects at the Faculty. Students have to find an internship project themselves, and are allowed to list it on their diploma as long as a project fits the requirements of the academic programme. Similar to job vacancies, you can post an internship position yourself via RUGConnect.

Students can also choose to complete extracurricular internships, outside of the study programme. However, because this tends to lead to study delay, most students will apply for internship projects that fit the requirements of their academic programme. To receive an optimum number of applications, we therefore advise to take a look at the internship requirements stipulated in this overview and adjust the internship project(s) you advertise accordingly. If you have questions about the requirements, or wish to get in contact with the study programmes directly, please refer to the project coordinators in the overview.

Participate in the Career Day and Beta Business Days
Every year, the FSE Career Day and the Beta Business Days are organized to prepare students for their future career. The FSE Career Day focuses on informing students about job possibilities and to enhance the career skills of students by means of workshops. Also, the FSE Career Day provides a first acquaintance for students with companies and organizations, via an information market. The Beta Business Days are organized annually in February or March, by a foundation of students who study at the FSE. The Beta Business Days offer a platform where students and companies can connect and where students can apply on the spot for the vacancies companies offer. Companies are welcome to (re)present themselves at these events and connect with students. In case you are interested in participating, please leave your contact information via this online form.

Give a guest lecture or presentation
The FSE aims to connect academic education with the trends and activities in industry. Therefore, we invite CEOs, engineers, corporate scientists and other interested parties with a job in science and engineering to give a presentation or guest lecture as part of our courses. If you are interested in helping our education in this way, or wish to discuss a different way to make a contribution to education, please contact one of our academic study programmes.

FSE study associations
If you wish to collaborate on a specific Science and Engineering expertise or topic outside of the study curriculum (i.e. extracurricular), please contact the respective study association(s) directly.

Last modified:11 September 2024 11.25 a.m.