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Multinationals leaving the UK. Could their ex-employees provide a silver lining

Datum:20 maart 2019
Multinationals leaving the UK. Could their ex-employees provide a silver lining
Multinationals leaving the UK. Could their ex-employees provide a silver lining

Several multinational companies (MNCs) have announced plans to reduce their activities in the United Kingdom. The uncertainties associated with Brexit are a common reason. These strategic decisions often imply the closure of subsidiaries and have immediate consequences for UK workers currently employed by these companies. Local communities and regions suffer as well. What do we know about the chances of displaced MNC-employees finding new jobs in local enterprises? Do they have specific skills from which these local enterprises could benefit? And if so, what concerted actions are needed to deploy these to make cities and regions more resilient to the detrimental effects of Brexit?

This post was previously published in the Feblog:

Want to know more? Don’t hesitate to contact the author of this post: Pedro de Faria / or Bart Los / b.los

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