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About us FEB Education Student Support Desk Frequently asked questions (Prospective) International Students / FEB Practical Matters

Books and syllabi

  • How do I order my books?

    The easiest way is to order them at the EBF, theEconomics and Business Faculty Association. Other ways to buy your books are in a webshop or in the bookstore near the faculty buildings.

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  • I did not order my books from the faculty association EBF. Where can I buy my books?

    You can buy your books on,, at Selexyz bookstore (on campus) or sometimes second-hand from fellow students. Make sure you've got your books on time, if necessary make copies of the parts that you need immediately when you do not yet have the book. Also make sure you've got the right edition, there are sometimes crucial differences between current and older editions. In case of doubt about the right edition, please contact the lecturer of the course.

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  • How do I find out which books I need?

    The course information on Ocasys includes the required books.

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