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Corporate AcademyOnderdeel van Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Corporate Academy
Corporate Academy

Introduction to Teaching

Introduction to Teaching gives PhD students a first insight into the teaching profession. The aim of this training is to guide PhD students through the process of turning their own research topic into an educational session.

Target group

PhD students without any teaching activities


October/November 2024
Session 1: Wednesday October 23th, 2024 (9.30-12.30)
Session 2: Wednesday November 20th, 2024 (9.30-12.30)
Session 3: Wednesday November 27th, 2024 (9.30-12.30)

The first and third session are taking place with the whole group and trainer. The second moment is when you will meet up with your smaller group, without the trainer being present.

May/June 2025
Session 1: Tuesday May 27th, 2025 (9.30-12.30)
Session 2: Tuesday June 17th, 2025 (9.30-12.30)
Session 3: Tuesday June 24th, 2025 (9.30-12.30)

The first and third session are taking place with the whole group and trainer. The second moment is when you will meet up with your smaller group, without the trainer being present.

Study load

14 hours (0.5 ECTS)

Completion of assignments is required for successful completion of the training. There are preparatory assignments and one final assignment after the second workshop. Please note that it is obligatory to attend all three sessions.

Course fee

300 EUR (as of September 1st, 2024)

Number of participants

Max. 24


You will be awarded a certificate at the end of this course.

Entry knowledge

English language skills at a sufficient level to present and participate in discussions with peers.

Contact info

For more information: contact the PhD courses team via esiphdcourses

If there are no spots available or the dates don't fit your calendar, please fill out the form via the link below and we will inform you about new runs of this course.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the training, PhD students will have created a 20 to 45-minute interactive workshop (or lecture) based on their own research topic, which may be used within an educational context. The aim of the training is to:

  1. Gain insight into what teaching entails, by means of the Teaching Cycle.

  2. Identify the target audience and tailoring content to the audience.

  3. Analysing challenges during teaching activities.

  4. Identify points of further (professional) development within the context of teaching.

Course conditions

  • 100% attendance is mandatory;
  • If you cancel the course within ten days before the start of the course, we will charge you 50% of the costs. In case of a no-show (without cancellation), we will charge the full amount (100%).
Laatst gewijzigd:05 augustus 2024 16:55
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